The covered bridge over L'Ill in Strasbourg (Bas Rhin) in Alsace. Construction 1686, on the plans of Sebastien Le Prestre de Vauban (1633-1707). / Bridgeman Images
Fort Lagarde in Prats de Mollo (Languedoc Roussillon). Architect Sebastien Le Prestre de Vauban (1633-1707), realisation 1692. / Bridgeman Images
Fort Lagarde in Prats de Mollo (Languedoc Roussillon). Architect Sebastien Le Prestre de Vauban (1633-1707), realisation 1692. / Bridgeman Images
Eclipse totale de Lune et Voie lactee 06/2011 - Total lunar eclipse and Milky Way 06/2011 - Eclipse de Lune du 15 juin 2011 - Cocoteraie de Saint - Paul - Ile de la Reunion The total lunar eclipse with the Milky Way, on June 15 2011. Palm trees, Saint Paul - Reunion / Bridgeman Images
Eclipse de Lune 12/2011 - 2011.12.10 Total Lunar Eclipse - L'eclipse de Lune du 10 december 2011. Great Wall of China. Total Lunar Eclipse taken on the Great Wall, Gubeikou, Beijing, China on Dec. 10, 2011 / Bridgeman Images
Full Moon - Anaglyph - Full Moon - Anaglyph - The Moon in relief. 3D full Moon image made with two photographs taken in november 2006 and january 2007. Use 2 color glasses / Bridgeman Images