A Capriccio of a Mediterranean Port with Bernini's Triton Fountain, and a Capriccio of the Palais du Louvre, 1651 (oil on canvas), Lingelbach, Johannes (1622-74) / Bridgeman Images
Charles II stopping at the Estate of Wema on the Rotte on his Journey from Rotterdam to The Hague, 25 May 1660 (oil on canvas), Lingelbach, Johannes (1622-74) / Bridgeman Images
A Mediterranean port with an elegant couple and travellers resting by the quay (oil on canvas), Lingelbach, Johannes (1622-74) / Bridgeman Images
The Gulf of Naples (Il golfo di Napoli), by Johannes Lingelbach, 17th century (oil on canvas) 90 x 115 cm, Lingelbach, Johannes (1622-74) / Bridgeman Images
A Mediterranean Seaport with the Monument of Grand-Duke Ferdanindo I of Tuscany at Leghorn, (oil on canvas), Lingelbach, Johannes (1622-74) / Bridgeman Images
Capriccio View of Rome with a Market by Bernini's Four Rivers Fountain, Santa Trinita dei Monti, St. Francesca Romana and the Arch of Titus beyond, Lingelbach, Johannes (1622-74) / Bridgeman Images