Lingelbach, Johannes (1622-74)

Creator details

Lingelbach, Johannes (1622-74)

Assets (39 in total)

The Sack of Rome in 1527 (oil on canvas)
Carnival in Rome, c.1650-51
Self Portrait of the Artist Playing a Violin
A Street Scene with a Capriccio of Roman Buildings (oil on canvas)
Village Scene with Peasants Merrymaking (oil on canvas)
Venice Carnival (Carnival In Venice), 17th century (oil on canvas)
Battle Scene, c.1651-52 (oil on panel)
A Party of Falconers outside the Gates of a Chateau (oil on canvas)
Rest after the Chase (panel)
Travellers asking the way from a Group of Farm Workers (oil on canvas)
A Capriccio of a Mediterranean Port (oil on canvas)
An Alehouse Door (oil on canvas)

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