Mayan Assets (636 in total)

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Vase from Calakmul, Early Classic period (ceramic)
Vase from Calakmul, Early Classic period (ceramic)

JPC310051: Vase from Calakmul, Early Classic period (ceramic), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Necklace, from Topoxte, Peten, Guatemala, Late Classic Period (shell)
Necklace, from Topoxte, Peten, Guatemala, Late Classic Period (shell)

JPC238271: Necklace, from Topoxte, Peten, Guatemala, Late Classic Period (shell), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Polychrome two-part effigy vessel, perhaps an incense burner, from a tomb under an Early Classic Maya building at Tikal (pottery)
Polychrome two-part effigy vessel, perhaps an incense burner, from a tomb under an Early Classic Maya building at Tikal (pottery)

XBP351820: Polychrome two-part effigy vessel, perhaps an incense burner, from a tomb under an Early Classic Maya building at Tikal (pottery), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Anthropomorphic censer, from Guatemala, Classic Period, 250-600 (terracotta)
Anthropomorphic censer, from Guatemala, Classic Period, 250-600 (terracotta)

XIR204522: Anthropomorphic censer, from Guatemala, Classic Period, 250-600 (terracotta), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Statue of Chac-Mool, 10th-12th century, Mayan post-classical period under Tolteken (carved stone)
Statue of Chac-Mool, 10th-12th century, Mayan post-classical period under Tolteken (carved stone)

STF271558: Statue of Chac-Mool, 10th-12th century, Mayan post-classical period under Tolteken (carved stone), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Sun god from the Temple of the Cross (terracotta)
Sun god from the Temple of the Cross (terracotta)

STF272036: Sun god from the Temple of the Cross (terracotta), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Bowl, Mexico, c.600-900 (ceramic & paint)
Bowl, Mexico, c.600-900 (ceramic & paint)

LWE410583: Bowl, Mexico, c.600-900 (ceramic & paint), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Side view of a mosaic mask, from Palenque, Chiapas (jade)
Side view of a mosaic mask, from Palenque, Chiapas (jade)

XBP351819: Side view of a mosaic mask, from Palenque, Chiapas (jade), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Bas relief of a warrior (stone)
Bas relief of a warrior (stone)

XIR186920: Bas relief of a warrior (stone), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Carved Lintel, from back of the temple of the Masks, Late Classic Period (600-900 AD) (stone)
Carved Lintel, from back of the temple of the Masks, Late Classic Period (600-900 AD) (stone)

JPC252600: Carved Lintel, from back of the temple of the Masks, Late Classic Period (600-900 AD) (stone), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Toniatuh, the Sun God, from the Temple of the Cross, Palenque, Maya Classic Period, 5th-10th century (terracotta)
Toniatuh, the Sun God, from the Temple of the Cross, Palenque, Maya Classic Period, 5th-10th century (terracotta)

XIR197274: Toniatuh, the Sun God, from the Temple of the Cross, Palenque, Maya Classic Period, 5th-10th century (terracotta), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Low relief of a ball game player, the ball, and the glyphs giving a description, late Classic Period (700-900 AD) (stone)
Low relief of a ball game player, the ball, and the glyphs giving a description, late Classic Period (700-900 AD) (stone)

JPC452459: Low relief of a ball game player, the ball, and the glyphs giving a description, late Classic Period (700-900 AD) (stone), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Throne 1 from Piedras Negras, Usamacinta, Guatemala, Late Classic Period (600-900) (stone)
Throne 1 from Piedras Negras, Usamacinta, Guatemala, Late Classic Period (600-900) (stone)

JPC310161: Throne 1 from Piedras Negras, Usamacinta, Guatemala, Late Classic Period (600-900) (stone), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Eccentric flint placed in dedication down the Hieroglyphic Stairway, Copan, Late Classic Period (600-900) (flint)
Eccentric flint placed in dedication down the Hieroglyphic Stairway, Copan, Late Classic Period (600-900) (flint)

JPC310168: Eccentric flint placed in dedication down the Hieroglyphic Stairway, Copan, Late Classic Period (600-900) (flint), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Copan Stela 6 (photo)
Copan Stela 6 (photo)

JPC310178: Copan Stela 6 (photo), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Stela C, west side, Copan, Late Classic Period, 780 AD (stone)
Stela C, west side, Copan, Late Classic Period, 780 AD (stone)

JPC310184: Stela C, west side, Copan, Late Classic Period, 780 AD (stone), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Jar depicting a man dancing with a snake, found in a tomb at Altar de Sacrificios, Classic Maya (pottery) (see also 351822)
Jar depicting a man dancing with a snake, found in a tomb at Altar de Sacrificios, Classic Maya (pottery) (see also 351822)

XBP351823: Jar depicting a man dancing with a snake, found in a tomb at Altar de Sacrificios, Classic Maya (pottery) (see also 351822), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Figure of a warrior with a shield (earthenware)
Figure of a warrior with a shield (earthenware)

XBP343160: Figure of a warrior with a shield (earthenware), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Detail of the facade of the Temple of Masks, Mayan classical epoch (carved stone)
Detail of the facade of the Temple of Masks, Mayan classical epoch (carved stone)

STF277752: Detail of the facade of the Temple of Masks, Mayan classical epoch (carved stone), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Cylinder vase, Campeche, Mexico, Late Classic Period, 600-750 (earthenware)
Cylinder vase, Campeche, Mexico, Late Classic Period, 600-750 (earthenware)

BST5052475: Cylinder vase, Campeche, Mexico, Late Classic Period, 600-750 (earthenware), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Cylinder vase, Campeche, Mexico, Late Classic Period, 600-750 (earthenware)
Cylinder vase, Campeche, Mexico, Late Classic Period, 600-750 (earthenware)

BST5052477: Cylinder vase, Campeche, Mexico, Late Classic Period, 600-750 (earthenware), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Precolombian civilization: Mayan statue representing the god of maids (stone)
Precolombian civilization: Mayan statue representing the god of maids (stone)

JLJ4592811: Precolombian civilization: Mayan statue representing the god of maids (stone), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Standing noble with feather shield, 700-900 (earthenware with paint)
Standing noble with feather shield, 700-900 (earthenware with paint)

DMW753315: Standing noble with feather shield, 700-900 (earthenware with paint), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

King Pacal Stela 2/2 (stone) (back of 310202)
King Pacal Stela 2/2 (stone) (back of 310202)

JPC310203: King Pacal Stela 2/2 (stone) (back of 310202), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Skull with jade-encrusted teeth, 1990 (bone)
Skull with jade-encrusted teeth, 1990 (bone)

JPC348096: Skull with jade-encrusted teeth, 1990 (bone), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Ball player, Mayan classical period (terracotta)
Ball player, Mayan classical period (terracotta)

STF272070: Ball player, Mayan classical period (terracotta), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Stela C, west side, Copan, Late Classic Period, 780 AD (stone)
Stela C, west side, Copan, Late Classic Period, 780 AD (stone)

JPC310183: Stela C, west side, Copan, Late Classic Period, 780 AD (stone), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Funerary vessel found in a tomb of Balamku, Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico, Early Classic Period (300-600 AD) (terracotta)
Funerary vessel found in a tomb of Balamku, Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico, Early Classic Period (300-600 AD) (terracotta)

JPC252809: Funerary vessel found in a tomb of Balamku, Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico, Early Classic Period (300-600 AD) (terracotta), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Stela depicting a ball player, from Guatemala, Classic Period, 600-950 (stone)
Stela depicting a ball player, from Guatemala, Classic Period, 600-950 (stone)

XIR229331: Stela depicting a ball player, from Guatemala, Classic Period, 600-950 (stone), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

El Caracol (The Great Conch) (photo)
El Caracol (The Great Conch) (photo)

XIR226515: El Caracol (The Great Conch) (photo), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Pot, El Salvador (ceramic & paint)
Pot, El Salvador (ceramic & paint)

LWE410589: Pot, El Salvador (ceramic & paint), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Low relief showing the Capture of Bolon Yoop by Kan Bahlam II, from Temple XVII, Palenque, 695 AD (stone)
Low relief showing the Capture of Bolon Yoop by Kan Bahlam II, from Temple XVII, Palenque, 695 AD (stone)

JPC452457: Low relief showing the Capture of Bolon Yoop by Kan Bahlam II, from Temple XVII, Palenque, 695 AD (stone), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Seated bearded man, Late Classic period, c.600-900 (ceramic & paint)
Seated bearded man, Late Classic period, c.600-900 (ceramic & paint)

XDM1067952: Seated bearded man, Late Classic period, c.600-900 (ceramic & paint), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Cylindrical vessel with sacrificial scene, c.600–850 AD (ceramic and pigments)
Cylindrical vessel with sacrificial scene, c.600–850 AD (ceramic and pigments)

XDM1072126: Cylindrical vessel with sacrificial scene, c.600–850 AD (ceramic and pigments), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Ixil funerary urn with feline lid, Nebaj, Guatemala, Last Classic Period (900-1200) (polychrome earthenware) (see also 310160)
Ixil funerary urn with feline lid, Nebaj, Guatemala, Last Classic Period (900-1200) (polychrome earthenware) (see also 310160)

JPC238288: Ixil funerary urn with feline lid, Nebaj, Guatemala, Last Classic Period (900-1200) (polychrome earthenware) (see also 310160), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Statue of a sitting man, 650-1000 (terracotta)
Statue of a sitting man, 650-1000 (terracotta)

STF272054: Statue of a sitting man, 650-1000 (terracotta), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

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