Max, Gabriel (1840-1915) Assets (12 in total)

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The scholars, 19th century (painting)
The scholars, 19th century (painting)

FIA5405878: The scholars, 19th century (painting), Max, Gabriel (1840-1915) / Bridgeman Images

The Nun in the Cloister Garden, 1869 (oil on canvas)
The Nun in the Cloister Garden, 1869 (oil on canvas)

XKH141431: The Nun in the Cloister Garden, 1869 (oil on canvas), Max, Gabriel (1840-1915) / Bridgeman Images

The Seeress of Prevorst in High Sleep, 1892 (oil on canvas)
The Seeress of Prevorst in High Sleep, 1892 (oil on canvas)

XOS5614479: The Seeress of Prevorst in High Sleep, 1892 (oil on canvas), Max, Gabriel (1840-1915) / Bridgeman Images

Christian Martyr on the Cross, St Julia, 1867 (oil on canvas)
Christian Martyr on the Cross, St Julia, 1867 (oil on canvas)

BOO870244: Christian Martyr on the Cross, St Julia, 1867 (oil on canvas), Max, Gabriel (1840-1915) / Bridgeman Images

Faust and Margaret in the garden (engraving)
Faust and Margaret in the garden (engraving)

LLM2808128: Faust and Margaret in the garden (engraving), Max, Gabriel (1840-1915) / Bridgeman Images

Ancestors of Man, Pithecanthropus Alalus (litho)
Ancestors of Man, Pithecanthropus Alalus (litho)

LLM5198485: Ancestors of Man, Pithecanthropus Alalus (litho), Max, Gabriel (1840-1915) / Bridgeman Images

Huon kills Scharlot (engraving)
Huon kills Scharlot (engraving)

LLM2808028: Huon kills Scharlot (engraving), Max, Gabriel (1840-1915) / Bridgeman Images

An Orphan Child (engraving)
An Orphan Child (engraving)

LIP1105166: An Orphan Child (engraving), Max, Gabriel (1840-1915) / Bridgeman Images

Front cover of 'Le Surréalisme', même 3, 1957 (colour litho)
Front cover of 'Le Surréalisme', même 3, 1957 (colour litho)

OPL940284: Front cover of 'Le Surréalisme', même 3, 1957 (colour litho), Max, Gabriel (1840-1915) / Bridgeman Images

Light (oil on canvas)
Light (oil on canvas)

KEL260097: Light (oil on canvas), Max, Gabriel (1840-1915) / Bridgeman Images

Scene from Shakespeare's The Winter's Tale (litho)
Scene from Shakespeare's The Winter's Tale (litho)

LLM5996181: Scene from Shakespeare's The Winter's Tale (litho), Max, Gabriel (1840-1915) / Bridgeman Images

Talitha Cumi (engraving)
Talitha Cumi (engraving)

LLM2788345: Talitha Cumi (engraving), Max, Gabriel (1840-1915) / Bridgeman Images

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