Max, Gabriel (1840-1915)

Creator details

Max, Gabriel (1840-1915)

Assets (12 in total)

The scholars, 19th century (painting)
The Nun in the Cloister Garden, 1869 (oil on canvas)
The Seeress of Prevorst in High Sleep, 1892 (oil on canvas)
Christian Martyr on the Cross, St Julia, 1867 (oil on canvas)
Faust and Margaret in the garden (engraving)
Ancestors of Man, Pithecanthropus Alalus (litho)
Huon kills Scharlot (engraving)
An Orphan Child (engraving)
Front cover of 'Le Surréalisme', même 3, 1957 (colour litho)
Light (oil on canvas)
Talitha Cumi (engraving)
Scene from Shakespeare's The Winter's Tale (litho)

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