Greek Assets (392 in total)

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Goat, 6th-5th century BC (bronze)
Goat, 6th-5th century BC (bronze)

HSC249039: Goat, 6th-5th century BC (bronze), Greek / Bridgeman Images

Cylindrical altar depicting the sacrifice of Alceste (marble)
Cylindrical altar depicting the sacrifice of Alceste (marble)

XIR251697: Cylindrical altar depicting the sacrifice of Alceste (marble), Greek / Bridgeman Images

Oil bottle (lekythos) in the form of Aphrodite, Attica, late Classical period (ceramic)
Oil bottle (lekythos) in the form of Aphrodite, Attica, late Classical period (ceramic)

BST261713: Oil bottle (lekythos) in the form of Aphrodite, Attica, late Classical period (ceramic), Greek / Bridgeman Images

Overview of Acropolis (photography)
Overview of Acropolis (photography)

LRI4688303: Overview of Acropolis (photography), Greek / Bridgeman Images

Dancers during the Karneia, detail (ceramic)
Dancers during the Karneia, detail (ceramic)

XZO349775: Dancers during the Karneia, detail (ceramic), Greek / Bridgeman Images

Minerva with an Owl, copy of a 6th century original (alabaster)
Minerva with an Owl, copy of a 6th century original (alabaster)

XIR201629: Minerva with an Owl, copy of a 6th century original (alabaster), Greek / Bridgeman Images

Female figure idol, Early Aegean, Cycladic, Bronze Age, c.2300-2000 BC, found in Cyclades, Greece (marble)
Female figure idol, Early Aegean, Cycladic, Bronze Age, c.2300-2000 BC, found in Cyclades, Greece (marble)

BST216012: Female figure idol, Early Aegean, Cycladic, Bronze Age, c.2300-2000 BC, found in Cyclades, Greece (marble), Greek / Bridgeman Images

Vase from Dimini (present Volos) 7th century BC (polychrome clay)
Vase from Dimini (present Volos) 7th century BC (polychrome clay)

REV116571: Vase from Dimini (present Volos) 7th century BC (polychrome clay), Greek / Bridgeman Images

Three Bacchantes, 336-30 BC (stone)
Three Bacchantes, 336-30 BC (stone)

XIR234429: Three Bacchantes, 336-30 BC (stone), Greek / Bridgeman Images

Corinthian black-figure alabastron with Typhon facing right, wearing a small cap and a short-sleeved chiton, with long hair and a beard, his sickle-shaped wings upraised, c.620-590 BC (ceramic)
Corinthian black-figure alabastron with Typhon facing right, wearing a small cap and a short-sleeved chiton, with long hair and a beard, his sickle-shaped wings upraised, c.620-590 BC (ceramic)

CH479158: Corinthian black-figure alabastron with Typhon facing right, wearing a small cap and a short-sleeved chiton, with long hair and a beard, his sickle-shaped wings upraised, c.620-590 BC (ceramic), Greek / Bridgeman Images

Ancient Greek architecture: View of the parthenon on the acropolis of Athenes, Greece. (photo)
Ancient Greek architecture: View of the parthenon on the acropolis of Athenes, Greece. (photo)

JLJ4656413: Ancient Greek architecture: View of the parthenon on the acropolis of Athenes, Greece. (photo), Greek / Bridgeman Images

A Runner (bronze)
A Runner (bronze)

XAL155407: A Runner (bronze), Greek / Bridgeman Images

Bust of Alexander III (356-323 BC) the Great (stone)
Bust of Alexander III (356-323 BC) the Great (stone)

XAL209507: Bust of Alexander III (356-323 BC) the Great (stone), Greek / Bridgeman Images

Panoramic view of the archaeological site with the theatre at the Temple of Apollo (photo)
Panoramic view of the archaeological site with the theatre at the Temple of Apollo (photo)

XIR245705: Panoramic view of the archaeological site with the theatre at the Temple of Apollo (photo), Greek / Bridgeman Images

Lion attacking a horse, Hellenistic Period (marble)
Lion attacking a horse, Hellenistic Period (marble)

SBL2561914: Lion attacking a horse, Hellenistic Period (marble), Greek / Bridgeman Images

Three fragments of unrelated papyrus mounted in a frame, 1st century BC – AD 3rd century
Three fragments of unrelated papyrus mounted in a frame, 1st century BC – AD 3rd century

LMG1113465: Three fragments of unrelated papyrus mounted in a frame, 1st century BC – AD 3rd century , Greek / Bridgeman Images

Grotesque head of a woman, 100 BC-100 AD (terracotta) (see also 213319)
Grotesque head of a woman, 100 BC-100 AD (terracotta) (see also 213319)

TFM63466: Grotesque head of a woman, 100 BC-100 AD (terracotta) (see also 213319), Greek / Bridgeman Images

Portrait head of a late Ptolemaic ruler, possibly Ptolemy IX, Hellenistic Period, late 2nd to early 1st century BC (marble & stucco)
Portrait head of a late Ptolemaic ruler, possibly Ptolemy IX, Hellenistic Period, late 2nd to early 1st century BC (marble & stucco)

BST711986: Portrait head of a late Ptolemaic ruler, possibly Ptolemy IX, Hellenistic Period, late 2nd to early 1st century BC (marble & stucco), Greek / Bridgeman Images

Statue of Artemis (marble)
Statue of Artemis (marble)

STF267815: Statue of Artemis (marble), Greek / Bridgeman Images

Silver Didrachma of Berenice II (silver) (see also 293751)
Silver Didrachma of Berenice II (silver) (see also 293751)

KSL288290: Silver Didrachma of Berenice II (silver) (see also 293751), Greek / Bridgeman Images

An alabastron, 5th-4th century BC (glass)
An alabastron, 5th-4th century BC (glass)

HSC241420: An alabastron, 5th-4th century BC (glass), Greek / Bridgeman Images

Bust of Homer, Hellenistic period (330-20 BC) (marble)
Bust of Homer, Hellenistic period (330-20 BC) (marble)

XIR382673: Bust of Homer, Hellenistic period (330-20 BC) (marble), Greek / Bridgeman Images

Tablet depicting Hercules carrying off the Delphic Tripod in front of Apollo (marble)
Tablet depicting Hercules carrying off the Delphic Tripod in front of Apollo (marble)

XIR158866: Tablet depicting Hercules carrying off the Delphic Tripod in front of Apollo (marble), Greek / Bridgeman Images

Antefix of a Gorgon's head, from Tarento, c.6th century BC (terracotta)
Antefix of a Gorgon's head, from Tarento, c.6th century BC (terracotta)

HSC270381: Antefix of a Gorgon's head, from Tarento, c.6th century BC (terracotta), Greek / Bridgeman Images

Panoramic view of the site with the tholos temple at the Sanctuary of Athena Pronaia (photo)
Panoramic view of the site with the tholos temple at the Sanctuary of Athena Pronaia (photo)

XIR245703: Panoramic view of the site with the tholos temple at the Sanctuary of Athena Pronaia (photo), Greek / Bridgeman Images

Starting blocks in the stadium (photo)
Starting blocks in the stadium (photo)

ANC225003: Starting blocks in the stadium (photo), Greek / Bridgeman Images

Attic black figure amphora depicting Theseus and the Minotaur, c.540-30 BC (earthenware)
Attic black figure amphora depicting Theseus and the Minotaur, c.540-30 BC (earthenware)

REV116570: Attic black figure amphora depicting Theseus and the Minotaur, c.540-30 BC (earthenware), Greek / Bridgeman Images

Twenty four coins (metal) (b/w photo)
Twenty four coins (metal) (b/w photo)

XIR239700: Twenty four coins (metal) (b/w photo), Greek / Bridgeman Images

View of the temple of Zeus (photography)
View of the temple of Zeus (photography)

LRI4638875: View of the temple of Zeus (photography), Greek / Bridgeman Images

Cycladic kandila, Grotta-Pelos Culture, 3000-2800 BC (marble)
Cycladic kandila, Grotta-Pelos Culture, 3000-2800 BC (marble)

HSC241421: Cycladic kandila, Grotta-Pelos Culture, 3000-2800 BC (marble), Greek / Bridgeman Images

Corinthian black-figure spherical aryballos depicting animals, Middle Corinthian Period (600-575 BC) (clay)
Corinthian black-figure spherical aryballos depicting animals, Middle Corinthian Period (600-575 BC) (clay)

BNK271966: Corinthian black-figure spherical aryballos depicting animals, Middle Corinthian Period (600-575 BC) (clay), Greek / Bridgeman Images

Mosaic floor with the head of Medusa, possibly from Asia Minor, Late Roman Period (3rd-4th century AD) (marble)
Mosaic floor with the head of Medusa, possibly from Asia Minor, Late Roman Period (3rd-4th century AD) (marble)

BNK271981: Mosaic floor with the head of Medusa, possibly from Asia Minor, Late Roman Period (3rd-4th century AD) (marble), Greek / Bridgeman Images

Tombstone with the figure of an eagle (limestone)
Tombstone with the figure of an eagle (limestone)

AAP168435: Tombstone with the figure of an eagle (limestone), Greek / Bridgeman Images

Phaedra and Hippolytus, Greek, 2nd-3rd century AD (mosaic)
Phaedra and Hippolytus, Greek, 2nd-3rd century AD (mosaic)

STF144626: Phaedra and Hippolytus, Greek, 2nd-3rd century AD (mosaic), Greek / Bridgeman Images

Ulysses and Calypso, from Tanagra (terracotta) (b/w photo)
Ulysses and Calypso, from Tanagra (terracotta) (b/w photo)

XIR197233: Ulysses and Calypso, from Tanagra (terracotta) (b/w photo), Greek / Bridgeman Images

'Sauce boat' or cup for libation, from Heraia in Arcadie, Early Helladic III Period (c.2200 BC) (gold)
'Sauce boat' or cup for libation, from Heraia in Arcadie, Early Helladic III Period (c.2200 BC) (gold)

REV346634: 'Sauce boat' or cup for libation, from Heraia in Arcadie, Early Helladic III Period (c.2200 BC) (gold), Greek / Bridgeman Images

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