Greek Assets (392 in total)

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Bust of Eratosthenes (270-194 BC) (stone)
Bust of Eratosthenes (270-194 BC) (stone)

ANC154153: Bust of Eratosthenes (270-194 BC) (stone), Greek / Bridgeman Images

Athenian red-figure kylix depicting Aegeus, King of Athens, consulting the Delphic Oracle (pottery)
Athenian red-figure kylix depicting Aegeus, King of Athens, consulting the Delphic Oracle (pottery)

XTD68847: Athenian red-figure kylix depicting Aegeus, King of Athens, consulting the Delphic Oracle (pottery), Greek / Bridgeman Images

Bust of Plato (c.428-c.348 BC) (marble)
Bust of Plato (c.428-c.348 BC) (marble)

XIR157905: Bust of Plato (c.428-c.348 BC) (marble), Greek / Bridgeman Images

Bust of Plato (stone) (b/w photo)
Bust of Plato (stone) (b/w photo)

FAF184002: Bust of Plato (stone) (b/w photo), Greek / Bridgeman Images

Bust of Aeschylus, 5th century BC (stone)
Bust of Aeschylus, 5th century BC (stone)

XIR158204: Bust of Aeschylus, 5th century BC (stone), Greek / Bridgeman Images

Bust of Miltiades, 480-336 BC (marble)
Bust of Miltiades, 480-336 BC (marble)

XIR208621: Bust of Miltiades, 480-336 BC (marble), Greek / Bridgeman Images

Bust of Epicurus (341-270 BC) (stone)
Bust of Epicurus (341-270 BC) (stone)

XIR181029: Bust of Epicurus (341-270 BC) (stone), Greek / Bridgeman Images

Bust of Hesiod (stone)
Bust of Hesiod (stone)

XIR228297: Bust of Hesiod (stone), Greek / Bridgeman Images

Attic red figure kylix depicting Dionysus and the Maenads, by the painter Makron, c.490-80 BC (ceramic)
Attic red figure kylix depicting Dionysus and the Maenads, by the painter Makron, c.490-80 BC (ceramic)

REV116819: Attic red figure kylix depicting Dionysus and the Maenads, by the painter Makron, c.490-80 BC (ceramic), Greek / Bridgeman Images

Bust of Homer, Hellenistic period (330-20 BC ) (marble)
Bust of Homer, Hellenistic period (330-20 BC ) (marble)

XIR168199: Bust of Homer, Hellenistic period (330-20 BC ) (marble), Greek / Bridgeman Images

Jugurtha (160-100 BC) King of Numidia (metal) (b/w photo) (detail of 239700)
Jugurtha (160-100 BC) King of Numidia (metal) (b/w photo) (detail of 239700)

XIR239701: Jugurtha (160-100 BC) King of Numidia (metal) (b/w photo) (detail of 239700), Greek / Bridgeman Images

Red-figure cup depicting Athena, Theseus and the Minotaur (pottery)
Red-figure cup depicting Athena, Theseus and the Minotaur (pottery)

XJL186911: Red-figure cup depicting Athena, Theseus and the Minotaur (pottery), Greek / Bridgeman Images

Bust of Antiochus III (223-187 BC) replica of an original from 3rd century BC (marble)
Bust of Antiochus III (223-187 BC) replica of an original from 3rd century BC (marble)

XIR16521: Bust of Antiochus III (223-187 BC) replica of an original from 3rd century BC (marble), Greek / Bridgeman Images

Bust of Socrates (469-399 BC) (marble) (see also 85228)
Bust of Socrates (469-399 BC) (marble) (see also 85228)

XAL158821: Bust of Socrates (469-399 BC) (marble) (see also 85228), Greek / Bridgeman Images

Bust of Zeno of Citium (c.335-c.264 BC) (stone)
Bust of Zeno of Citium (c.335-c.264 BC) (stone)

XIR184000: Bust of Zeno of Citium (c.335-c.264 BC) (stone), Greek / Bridgeman Images

Greek Art: marble bust of the Greek historian Plutarch (43-120 AD) - Delphi, National Archaeological Museum - Head of Plutarch (c.43-120 AD) - Marble sculpture - Archaeological Museum, Delphi, Greece
Greek Art: marble bust of the Greek historian Plutarch (43-120 AD) - Delphi, National Archaeological Museum - Head of Plutarch (c.43-120 AD) - Marble sculpture - Archaeological Museum, Delphi, Greece

LRI4626042: Greek Art: marble bust of the Greek historian Plutarch (43-120 AD) - Delphi, National Archaeological Museum - Head of Plutarch (c.43-120 AD) - Marble sculpture - Archaeological Museum, Delphi, Greece, Greek / Bridgeman Images

The Birth of Dionysus, Proto-Apulian red-figure krater, late 5th century BC - early 4th century BC (ceramic) (detail of 153339)
The Birth of Dionysus, Proto-Apulian red-figure krater, late 5th century BC - early 4th century BC (ceramic) (detail of 153339)

BEN209265: The Birth of Dionysus, Proto-Apulian red-figure krater, late 5th century BC - early 4th century BC (ceramic) (detail of 153339), Greek / Bridgeman Images

Head of Alexander the Great, found at Pergamon (marble)
Head of Alexander the Great, found at Pergamon (marble)

LEE60424: Head of Alexander the Great, found at Pergamon (marble), Greek / Bridgeman Images

The Venus of Arles (marble) (see also 31855)
The Venus of Arles (marble) (see also 31855)

XIR154098: The Venus of Arles (marble) (see also 31855), Greek / Bridgeman Images

Mantikos 'Apollo', Boiotia, Greece, Geometric Period, c.700-675 BC (bronze)
Mantikos 'Apollo', Boiotia, Greece, Geometric Period, c.700-675 BC (bronze)

BST196436: Mantikos 'Apollo', Boiotia, Greece, Geometric Period, c.700-675 BC (bronze), Greek / Bridgeman Images

Atalanta, 3rd-2nd century BC (marble), female athlete in Greek mythology
Atalanta, 3rd-2nd century BC (marble), female athlete in Greek mythology

XIR158662: Atalanta, 3rd-2nd century BC (marble), female athlete in Greek mythology, Greek / Bridgeman Images

Ms Grec 2144 fol.10v Hippocrates (c.460-377 BC) (vellum)
Ms Grec 2144 fol.10v Hippocrates (c.460-377 BC) (vellum)

XTD82547: Ms Grec 2144 fol.10v Hippocrates (c.460-377 BC) (vellum), Greek / Bridgeman Images

Seated boxer (bronze)
Seated boxer (bronze)

XIR224995: Seated boxer (bronze), Greek / Bridgeman Images

Statue of Zeus (bronze)
Statue of Zeus (bronze)

CND158841: Statue of Zeus (bronze), Greek / Bridgeman Images

Laocoon, prior to 20th century restoration, with extended arm (marble) (b/w photo)
Laocoon, prior to 20th century restoration, with extended arm (marble) (b/w photo)

FAF217181: Laocoon, prior to 20th century restoration, with extended arm (marble) (b/w photo), Greek / Bridgeman Images

Double herm of Herodotus and Thucydides (see also 156806 & 326173) (marble) (b/w photo)
Double herm of Herodotus and Thucydides (see also 156806 & 326173) (marble) (b/w photo)

FAF326172: Double herm of Herodotus and Thucydides (see also 156806 & 326173) (marble) (b/w photo), Greek / Bridgeman Images

Auriga directing a cuadriga, detail of a Black-figure Kylix (ceramic)
Auriga directing a cuadriga, detail of a Black-figure Kylix (ceramic)

AIS291837: Auriga directing a cuadriga, detail of a Black-figure Kylix (ceramic), Greek / Bridgeman Images

Red-figure dish depicting an old man and a young man drinking (ceramic)
Red-figure dish depicting an old man and a young man drinking (ceramic)

STF250880: Red-figure dish depicting an old man and a young man drinking (ceramic), Greek / Bridgeman Images

Relief of the Dioscuri, from Sparta, Greece, 600-550 BC (marble)
Relief of the Dioscuri, from Sparta, Greece, 600-550 BC (marble)

GVY3475890: Relief of the Dioscuri, from Sparta, Greece, 600-550 BC (marble), Greek / Bridgeman Images

Sarcophagus depicting Priam begging Achilles for the body of his son Hector (marble)
Sarcophagus depicting Priam begging Achilles for the body of his son Hector (marble)

ANC213831: Sarcophagus depicting Priam begging Achilles for the body of his son Hector (marble), Greek / Bridgeman Images

Bust of Greek politician Pericles (495 BC - 429 BC), old copy of Cressile 440-430. Rome, Musei Vaticani, n. 525
Bust of Greek politician Pericles (495 BC - 429 BC), old copy of Cressile 440-430. Rome, Musei Vaticani, n. 525

LRI4635044: Bust of Greek politician Pericles (495 BC - 429 BC), old copy of Cressile 440-430. Rome, Musei Vaticani, n. 525, Greek / Bridgeman Images

Double herm of Herodotus and Thucydides, detail of Thucydides (see also 156806 & 326172) (marble) (b/w photo)
Double herm of Herodotus and Thucydides, detail of Thucydides (see also 156806 & 326172) (marble) (b/w photo)

FAF326173: Double herm of Herodotus and Thucydides, detail of Thucydides (see also 156806 & 326172) (marble) (b/w photo), Greek / Bridgeman Images

Head of a Woman, fragment of a statue from Keros, Early Cycladic II Period, c.2700-2400 BC (marble)
Head of a Woman, fragment of a statue from Keros, Early Cycladic II Period, c.2700-2400 BC (marble)

XIR156165: Head of a Woman, fragment of a statue from Keros, Early Cycladic II Period, c.2700-2400 BC (marble), Greek / Bridgeman Images

Bust of Zeno of Citium (c.335-c.264 BC) (stone) (b/w photo)
Bust of Zeno of Citium (c.335-c.264 BC) (stone) (b/w photo)

FAF215434: Bust of Zeno of Citium (c.335-c.264 BC) (stone) (b/w photo), Greek / Bridgeman Images

Bust of Themistocle (525-460 BC), Greek politician and strategy - Marble sculpture - Naples, National Museum of Archeology - Bust of Themistocle (c.524-459 BC), Athenian politician and general - Marble sculpture - National Museum of Archelogy, Naples, Italy
Bust of Themistocle (525-460 BC), Greek politician and strategy - Marble sculpture - Naples, National Museum of Archeology - Bust of Themistocle (c.524-459 BC), Athenian politician and general - Marble sculpture - National Museum of Archelogy, Naples, Italy

LRI4625561: Bust of Themistocle (525-460 BC), Greek politician and strategy - Marble sculpture - Naples, National Museum of Archeology - Bust of Themistocle (c.524-459 BC), Athenian politician and general - Marble sculpture - National Museum of Archelogy, Naples, Italy, Greek / Bridgeman Images

Attic red-figure krater depicting a fishmonger, from Lipari, 6th-5th century BC (ceramic) (b/w photo)
Attic red-figure krater depicting a fishmonger, from Lipari, 6th-5th century BC (ceramic) (b/w photo)

FAF184702: Attic red-figure krater depicting a fishmonger, from Lipari, 6th-5th century BC (ceramic) (b/w photo), Greek / Bridgeman Images

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