Roman Assets (1555 in total)

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General view of lower Cyrene (photo)
General view of lower Cyrene (photo)

FFQ221738: General view of lower Cyrene (photo), Roman / Bridgeman Images

View of the propylaea or monumental gateway, 1st-2nd century (photo)
View of the propylaea or monumental gateway, 1st-2nd century (photo)

XIR226184: View of the propylaea or monumental gateway, 1st-2nd century (photo), Roman / Bridgeman Images

Wild boar, probably from Gaul, 1st-2nd century AD (bronze) (see also 270502)
Wild boar, probably from Gaul, 1st-2nd century AD (bronze) (see also 270502)

HSC270503: Wild boar, probably from Gaul, 1st-2nd century AD (bronze) (see also 270502), Roman / Bridgeman Images

Fragment of relief applique, 2nd-3rd century AD (bone)
Fragment of relief applique, 2nd-3rd century AD (bone)

HSC257663: Fragment of relief applique, 2nd-3rd century AD (bone), Roman / Bridgeman Images

Head of a Child (bronze) (see 254056)
Head of a Child (bronze) (see 254056)

BAT254055: Head of a Child (bronze) (see 254056), Roman / Bridgeman Images

Allegory of the River Nile (marble) (detail of 264717)
Allegory of the River Nile (marble) (detail of 264717)

FAF264716: Allegory of the River Nile (marble) (detail of 264717), Roman / Bridgeman Images

Detail of the hand of the Athena Farnese
Detail of the hand of the Athena Farnese

FAF3563749: Detail of the hand of the Athena Farnese, Roman / Bridgeman Images

Statues of Dancers. Exhibited from a surburban villa of Herculaneum
Statues of Dancers. Exhibited from a surburban villa of Herculaneum

FAF3559489: Statues of Dancers. Exhibited from a surburban villa of Herculaneum, Roman / Bridgeman Images

Mosaic with a scene of fighting gladiators, detail of a gladiator clad in armor
Mosaic with a scene of fighting gladiators, detail of a gladiator clad in armor

FAF3564915: Mosaic with a scene of fighting gladiators, detail of a gladiator clad in armor, Roman / Bridgeman Images

Mosaic with a scene of fighting gladiators, detail of a gladiator clad in armor
Mosaic with a scene of fighting gladiators, detail of a gladiator clad in armor

FAF3564917: Mosaic with a scene of fighting gladiators, detail of a gladiator clad in armor, Roman / Bridgeman Images

Mosaic with a scene of fighting gladiators, detail of a gladiator clad in armor
Mosaic with a scene of fighting gladiators, detail of a gladiator clad in armor

FAF3564918: Mosaic with a scene of fighting gladiators, detail of a gladiator clad in armor, Roman / Bridgeman Images

Orpheus surrounded by animals (detail)
Orpheus surrounded by animals (detail)

FAF3573995: Orpheus surrounded by animals (detail), Roman / Bridgeman Images

The Seasons (detail), polychrome mosaic
The Seasons (detail), polychrome mosaic

FAF3573996: The Seasons (detail), polychrome mosaic, Roman / Bridgeman Images

Statue of Aphrodite, 1st or 2nd century A.D. (marble)
Statue of Aphrodite, 1st or 2nd century A.D. (marble)

XOS3526092: Statue of Aphrodite, 1st or 2nd century A.D. (marble), Roman / Bridgeman Images

Statue of Aphrodite, 1st or 2nd century A.D. (marble)
Statue of Aphrodite, 1st or 2nd century A.D. (marble)

XOS3526094: Statue of Aphrodite, 1st or 2nd century A.D. (marble), Roman / Bridgeman Images

Statue of Ceres
Statue of Ceres

MOR3707090: Statue of Ceres, Roman / Bridgeman Images

Head of Hermes wearing a pileus (Pentelic marble)
Head of Hermes wearing a pileus (Pentelic marble)

SBL3930121: Head of Hermes wearing a pileus (Pentelic marble), Roman / Bridgeman Images

Roman sarcophagus depicting a Circus Race, detail (marble)
Roman sarcophagus depicting a Circus Race, detail (marble)

TRK3745644: Roman sarcophagus depicting a Circus Race, detail (marble), Roman / Bridgeman Images

Roman charioteer, c.2nd-3rd century AD (mosaic)
Roman charioteer, c.2nd-3rd century AD (mosaic)

BYD3857327: Roman charioteer, c.2nd-3rd century AD (mosaic), Roman / Bridgeman Images

Statue of one of the four triumphal quadriga horses of San Marco (bronze)
Statue of one of the four triumphal quadriga horses of San Marco (bronze)

BYD3857367: Statue of one of the four triumphal quadriga horses of San Marco (bronze), Roman / Bridgeman Images

Statue of one of the four triumphal quadriga horses of San Marco (bronze)
Statue of one of the four triumphal quadriga horses of San Marco (bronze)

BYD3857368: Statue of one of the four triumphal quadriga horses of San Marco (bronze), Roman / Bridgeman Images

Rome: Appian Way (or via appia antica)
Rome: Appian Way (or via appia antica)

XEE4146488: Rome: Appian Way (or via appia antica), Roman / Bridgeman Images

Detail of a mosaic of Pompei: Battle of Issos between Alexander and Darius (4th century BC). - King Darius III Codoman (380-330 BC), desempare on his chariot - opus vermiculatum - Archeological Museum of Naples, Italy - Museo Archeologico Nazionale, Napoli, Italia - Photo Patrice Cartier -
Detail of a mosaic of Pompei: Battle of Issos between Alexander and Darius (4th century BC). - King Darius III Codoman (380-330 BC), desempare on his chariot - opus vermiculatum - Archeological Museum of Naples, Italy - Museo Archeologico Nazionale, Napoli, Italia - Photo Patrice Cartier -

PCT4293559: Detail of a mosaic of Pompei: Battle of Issos between Alexander and Darius (4th century BC). - King Darius III Codoman (380-330 BC), desempare on his chariot - opus vermiculatum - Archeological Museum of Naples, Italy - Museo Archeologico Nazionale, Napoli, Italia - Photo Patrice Cartier -, Roman / Bridgeman Images

Sileno ebbro: Drunk Silene rides on a donkey held by two servants. Mosaic from Pompei, house of Paquius Proculus or C. Cuspius Pansa - Archaeological Museum of Naples, Italy - Museo Archeologico Nazionale, Napoli, Italia - Photo Patrice Cartier -
Sileno ebbro: Drunk Silene rides on a donkey held by two servants. Mosaic from Pompei, house of Paquius Proculus or C. Cuspius Pansa - Archaeological Museum of Naples, Italy - Museo Archeologico Nazionale, Napoli, Italia - Photo Patrice Cartier -

PCT4293551: Sileno ebbro: Drunk Silene rides on a donkey held by two servants. Mosaic from Pompei, house of Paquius Proculus or C. Cuspius Pansa - Archaeological Museum of Naples, Italy - Museo Archeologico Nazionale, Napoli, Italia - Photo Patrice Cartier -, Roman / Bridgeman Images

Head of the Goddess Junon - White marble sculpture, Roman period, Banasa (Morocco) - Musee d'Archeologie de Rabat, Morocco
Head of the Goddess Junon - White marble sculpture, Roman period, Banasa (Morocco) - Musee d'Archeologie de Rabat, Morocco

LSE4317795: Head of the Goddess Junon - White marble sculpture, Roman period, Banasa (Morocco) - Musee d'Archeologie de Rabat, Morocco, Roman / Bridgeman Images

Come to the mirror. Bronze sculpture, Lebanon, Roman era. Musee de La Castre, Cannes.
Come to the mirror. Bronze sculpture, Lebanon, Roman era. Musee de La Castre, Cannes.

LSE4313911: Come to the mirror. Bronze sculpture, Lebanon, Roman era. Musee de La Castre, Cannes., Roman / Bridgeman Images


MES6333777: Mosaic, Roman / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of the Emperor Claudius Gothicus or Aurelian
Portrait of the Emperor Claudius Gothicus or Aurelian

GRL5973835: Portrait of the Emperor Claudius Gothicus or Aurelian, Roman / Bridgeman Images

The House of Dionysus, one of the Roman domus of Ortaglia: detail of the mosaic floor representing Dionysus and the panther (mosaic)
The House of Dionysus, one of the Roman domus of Ortaglia: detail of the mosaic floor representing Dionysus and the panther (mosaic)

GRL5973839: The House of Dionysus, one of the Roman domus of Ortaglia: detail of the mosaic floor representing Dionysus and the panther (mosaic), Roman / Bridgeman Images

One of the Roman domus of Ortaglia: detail of the mosaic floor of the Viridarium (mosaic)
One of the Roman domus of Ortaglia: detail of the mosaic floor of the Viridarium (mosaic)

GRL5973841: One of the Roman domus of Ortaglia: detail of the mosaic floor of the Viridarium (mosaic), Roman / Bridgeman Images

Roman Art: bust of Pyrrhus 1st (319-272 BC) (marble)
Roman Art: bust of Pyrrhus 1st (319-272 BC) (marble)

IBE5385655: Roman Art: bust of Pyrrhus 1st (319-272 BC) (marble), Roman / Bridgeman Images

Sword, late second or very early third century (iron)
Sword, late second or very early third century (iron)

TW5865121: Sword, late second or very early third century (iron), Roman / Bridgeman Images

Low relief representing the sacrifice of Mithra (a young man slaughtering a bull). Musei Capitolini, Rome.
Low relief representing the sacrifice of Mithra (a young man slaughtering a bull). Musei Capitolini, Rome.

GIA4811959: Low relief representing the sacrifice of Mithra (a young man slaughtering a bull). Musei Capitolini, Rome., Roman / Bridgeman Images

Gallic warrior under the Roman Empire (dressed in Roman style), Lapidaire Museum, Avignon.
Gallic warrior under the Roman Empire (dressed in Roman style), Lapidaire Museum, Avignon.

GIA4812342: Gallic warrior under the Roman Empire (dressed in Roman style), Lapidaire Museum, Avignon., Roman / Bridgeman Images

Galloping horse (Bronze sculpture after a Greek original from the 4th century BC)
Galloping horse (Bronze sculpture after a Greek original from the 4th century BC)

LRI4624744: Galloping horse (Bronze sculpture after a Greek original from the 4th century BC), Roman / Bridgeman Images

Polypheme blind: Head of Ulysses, 1st century BC or AD (marble)
Polypheme blind: Head of Ulysses, 1st century BC or AD (marble)

LRI4657874: Polypheme blind: Head of Ulysses, 1st century BC or AD (marble), Roman / Bridgeman Images

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