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JLJ5942796: Art Rome Bust of Ptolemma of Mauritania (10 BC - 40 AD) (marble), Roman / Bridgeman Images
ID: JLJ5942796
Art Rome Bust of Ptolemma of Mauritania (10 BC - 40 AD) (marble)
JLJ5942806: Art Greece Aphrodite of the Genitrix type, 1st century AD (terracotta), Roman / Bridgeman Images
ID: JLJ5942806
Art Greece Aphrodite of the Genitrix type, 1st century AD (terracotta)
JLJ5942808: Art Rome Imperial Couple in March and Venus, 120-140 AD (marble), Roman / Bridgeman Images
ID: JLJ5942808
Art Rome Imperial Couple in March and Venus, 120-140 AD (marble)
SZT3020201: Bust of Trajan Decius (b/w photo), Roman / Bridgeman Images
ID: SZT3020201
Bust of Trajan Decius (b/w photo)
SZT3020203: Bust of Gallienus (b/w photo), Roman / Bridgeman Images
ID: SZT3020203
Bust of Gallienus (b/w photo)
SBL3042791: Atena Parthenos, Ludovisi collection (pentelic marble), Roman / Bridgeman Images
ID: SBL3042791
Atena Parthenos, Ludovisi collection (pentelic marble)
SBL3042793: Nymph, Ludovisi collection (marble), Roman / Bridgeman Images
ID: SBL3042793
Nymph, Ludovisi collection (marble)
SBL3042795: Maenad (marble), Roman / Bridgeman Images
ID: SBL3042795
Maenad (marble)
SBL3042817: Apollo Kitharoidos, Ludovisi collection (marble), Roman / Bridgeman Images
ID: SBL3042817
Apollo Kitharoidos, Ludovisi collection (marble)
SBL3042843: Torso of a satyr, urn and funerary altar, Boncompagni Ludovisi collection (marble), Roman / Bridgeman Images
ID: SBL3042843
Torso of a satyr, urn and funerary altar, Boncompagni Ludovisi collection (marble)
SBL3042846: Statue of seated warrior, Boncompagni Ludovisi collection (pentelic marble with head of Paros marble), Roman / Bridgeman Images
ID: SBL3042846
Statue of seated warrior, Boncompagni Ludovisi collection (pentelic marble with head of Paros marble)
SBL3042848: Group of the boy with a goose, Boncompagni Ludovisi collection (luni marble), Roman / Bridgeman Images
ID: SBL3042848
Group of the boy with a goose, Boncompagni Ludovisi collection (luni marble)
SBL3042635: Athena, Ludovisi collection (marble), Roman / Bridgeman Images
ID: SBL3042635
Athena, Ludovisi collection (marble)
SBL3042664: Sarcophagus with scenes from the myth of Mars and Venus, Drago Albani collection (marble), Roman / Bridgeman Images
ID: SBL3042664
Sarcophagus with scenes from the myth of Mars and Venus, Drago Albani collection (marble)
SBL3042666: Relief with funerary banquet, Drago Albani collection (marble), Roman / Bridgeman Images
ID: SBL3042666
Relief with funerary banquet, Drago Albani collection (marble)
SBL3042668: Head of a little boy cosacrated to Isis (luna marble), Roman / Bridgeman Images
ID: SBL3042668
Head of a little boy cosacrated to Isis (luna marble)
SBL3042672: Torso of a satyr, Boncompagni Ludovisi collection (marble), Roman / Bridgeman Images
ID: SBL3042672
Torso of a satyr, Boncompagni Ludovisi collection (marble)
SBL3042675: Portrait of Igea (marble), Roman / Bridgeman Images
ID: SBL3042675
Portrait of Igea (marble)
SBL2561921: Statue of fighting Hercules, from the Horti Maecenatini (marble), Roman / Bridgeman Images
ID: SBL2561921
Statue of fighting Hercules, from the Horti Maecenatini (marble)
SBL2561924: Statue of Pan, Satiro della Valle, after a Hellenistic original (marble), Roman / Bridgeman Images
ID: SBL2561924
Statue of Pan, Satiro della Valle, after a Hellenistic original (marble)
SBL2561931: Portrait of Homer, from a 200 BC Hellenistic original (marble), Roman / Bridgeman Images
ID: SBL2561931
Portrait of Homer, from a 200 BC Hellenistic original (marble)
SBL2561945: Apollo (marble), Roman / Bridgeman Images
ID: SBL2561945
Apollo (marble)
SBL2561952: Statue of wounded amazon, from an original by Phidias (marble), Roman / Bridgeman Images
ID: SBL2561952
Statue of wounded amazon, from an original by Phidias (marble)
SBL2561961: Statue of the Capitoline Venus, detail (marble), Roman / Bridgeman Images
ID: SBL2561961
Statue of the Capitoline Venus, detail (marble)
SBL2561962: Statue of the Capitoline Venus, detail (marble), Roman / Bridgeman Images
ID: SBL2561962
SBL2562010: Ephesian Artemis (marble), Roman / Bridgeman Images
ID: SBL2562010
Ephesian Artemis (marble)
SBL2562013: Female portrait featuring an imposing hairdressing typical of the Severian family between 200 and 210 AD (marble), Roman / Bridgeman Images
ID: SBL2562013
Female portrait featuring an imposing hairdressing typical of the Severian family between 200 and 210 AD (marble)
SBL2562035: Homer or Hesiod (marble), Roman / Bridgeman Images
ID: SBL2562035
Homer or Hesiod (marble)
SBL2562039: Portrait of Antisthenes (marble), Roman / Bridgeman Images
ID: SBL2562039
Portrait of Antisthenes (marble)
SBL2562042: Portrait of Plato (marble), Roman / Bridgeman Images
ID: SBL2562042
Portrait of Plato (marble)
SBL2562053: Statue of the Capitoline Gaul (marble), Roman / Bridgeman Images
ID: SBL2562053
Statue of the Capitoline Gaul (marble)
TRK2973128: Fountain statue of Eros Riding a Dolphin (marble), Roman / Bridgeman Images
ID: TRK2973128
Fountain statue of Eros Riding a Dolphin (marble)
TRK2973133: Bust of Dionysus, god of wine, Roman work after the Greek models of the mid-4th century BC (marble), Roman / Bridgeman Images
ID: TRK2973133
Bust of Dionysus, god of wine, Roman work after the Greek models of the mid-4th century BC (marble)
SBL3359291: Statuette of Latona with Artemis and Apollo (pentelic marble), Roman / Bridgeman Images
ID: SBL3359291
Statuette of Latona with Artemis and Apollo (pentelic marble)
SBL3359295: Portrait of Lucilla (marble), Roman / Bridgeman Images
ID: SBL3359295
Portrait of Lucilla (marble)
SBL3359300: Archaistic herm of Dionysus (marble), Roman / Bridgeman Images
ID: SBL3359300
Archaistic herm of Dionysus (marble)