Galland, Andre (1886-1965) Assets (79 in total)

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Evacuation of Sebastopol, from Le Petit Journal, 28/11/1920 (lithograph)
Evacuation of Sebastopol, from Le Petit Journal, 28/11/1920 (lithograph)

CCI5674585: Evacuation of Sebastopol, from Le Petit Journal, 28/11/1920 (lithograph), Galland, Andre (1886-1965) / Bridgeman Images

Cover of Cyrano, 27/04/34 (engraving)
Cover of Cyrano, 27/04/34 (engraving)

ICA4849401: Cover of Cyrano, 27/04/34 (engraving), Galland, Andre (1886-1965) / Bridgeman Images

Cover of the book “Les coloniaux francais illustres”” by Marcel Souzy (Editions B. Arnaud 1940), illustration by Andre Galland (1886-1965) - France d'outre mer, colonization, colonialism, colony, colonies, tricolor flag -
Cover of the book “Les coloniaux francais illustres”” by Marcel Souzy (Editions B. Arnaud 1940), illustration by Andre Galland (1886-1965) - France d'outre mer, colonization, colonialism, colony, colonies, tricolor flag -

PCT4716252: Cover of the book “Les coloniaux francais illustres”” by Marcel Souzy (Editions B. Arnaud 1940), illustration by Andre Galland (1886-1965) - France d'outre mer, colonization, colonialism, colony, colonies, tricolor flag -, Galland, Andre (1886-1965) / Bridgeman Images

Front cover illustration of 'John Strobbins, le detective cambrioleur', 1916, Collection d'aventures, publications Offenstadt, Paris (colour litho)
Front cover illustration of 'John Strobbins, le detective cambrioleur', 1916, Collection d'aventures, publications Offenstadt, Paris (colour litho)

LSR346566: Front cover illustration of 'John Strobbins, le detective cambrioleur', 1916, Collection d'aventures, publications Offenstadt, Paris (colour litho), Galland, Andre (1886-1965) / Bridgeman Images

Propaganda policy poster of the national union for the French legislative elections of 1902, 20th century (engraving)
Propaganda policy poster of the national union for the French legislative elections of 1902, 20th century (engraving)

JLJ4675847: Propaganda policy poster of the national union for the French legislative elections of 1902, 20th century (engraving), Galland, Andre (1886-1965) / Bridgeman Images

Anatole France, cover illustration of 'Le Petit Journal', 19th October 1924 (colour litho)
Anatole France, cover illustration of 'Le Petit Journal', 19th October 1924 (colour litho)

CHT341968: Anatole France, cover illustration of 'Le Petit Journal', 19th October 1924 (colour litho), Galland, Andre (1886-1965) / Bridgeman Images

Poster advertising the National Lottery (colour litho)
Poster advertising the National Lottery (colour litho)

PER360384: Poster advertising the National Lottery (colour litho), Galland, Andre (1886-1965) / Bridgeman Images

A train driver injured when he leaned out of the locomotive by another train, heroically continued his work despite suffering. Illustration by Andre Galland (1886-1965) from Le petit journal illustrious”” of 18/09/1921. Private Collection
A train driver injured when he leaned out of the locomotive by another train, heroically continued his work despite suffering. Illustration by Andre Galland (1886-1965) from Le petit journal illustrious”” of 18/09/1921. Private Collection

XEE4189796: A train driver injured when he leaned out of the locomotive by another train, heroically continued his work despite suffering. Illustration by Andre Galland (1886-1965) from Le petit journal illustrious”” of 18/09/1921. Private Collection, Galland, Andre (1886-1965) / Bridgeman Images

Official visit of the Belgian King Albert I (1875-1934) to Spain where he meets King Alfonso XIII (1886-1941) at Madrid Station. Illustration by Andre Galland (1886-1965) from “” Le petit journal””” of 13/02/1921. Private Collection
Official visit of the Belgian King Albert I (1875-1934) to Spain where he meets King Alfonso XIII (1886-1941) at Madrid Station. Illustration by Andre Galland (1886-1965) from “” Le petit journal””” of 13/02/1921. Private Collection

XEE4189321: Official visit of the Belgian King Albert I (1875-1934) to Spain where he meets King Alfonso XIII (1886-1941) at Madrid Station. Illustration by Andre Galland (1886-1965) from “” Le petit journal””” of 13/02/1921. Private Collection, Galland, Andre (1886-1965) / Bridgeman Images

Race between Paris and Nice (Paris-Nice) of Tourisms vehicles (motorcycles, cars, sidecars). Illustration by Andre Galland (1886-1965) from “” Le petit journal””” of 20/02/1921. Private Collection
Race between Paris and Nice (Paris-Nice) of Tourisms vehicles (motorcycles, cars, sidecars). Illustration by Andre Galland (1886-1965) from “” Le petit journal””” of 20/02/1921. Private Collection

XEE4189327: Race between Paris and Nice (Paris-Nice) of Tourisms vehicles (motorcycles, cars, sidecars). Illustration by Andre Galland (1886-1965) from “” Le petit journal””” of 20/02/1921. Private Collection, Galland, Andre (1886-1965) / Bridgeman Images

The new police prefet of Paris, controlling the weight of coal bags books to consumers to avoid scams, Illustration by Andre Galland (1886-1965) taken from “” Le petit journal illustrious””” of 11/12/1921. Private Collection
The new police prefet of Paris, controlling the weight of coal bags books to consumers to avoid scams, Illustration by Andre Galland (1886-1965) taken from “” Le petit journal illustrious””” of 11/12/1921. Private Collection

XEE4189572: The new police prefet of Paris, controlling the weight of coal bags books to consumers to avoid scams, Illustration by Andre Galland (1886-1965) taken from “” Le petit journal illustrious””” of 11/12/1921. Private Collection, Galland, Andre (1886-1965) / Bridgeman Images

A farmer, without water, uses cider from his production to quench a fire. Illustration by Andre Galland (1886-1965) from “” Le petit journal illustrious””” of 28/08/1921. Private Collection
A farmer, without water, uses cider from his production to quench a fire. Illustration by Andre Galland (1886-1965) from “” Le petit journal illustrious””” of 28/08/1921. Private Collection

XEE4189781: A farmer, without water, uses cider from his production to quench a fire. Illustration by Andre Galland (1886-1965) from “” Le petit journal illustrious””” of 28/08/1921. Private Collection, Galland, Andre (1886-1965) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Charles Infroit (1874-1920) radiologist at the Salpetriere hospital and inventor of a device known as a depth comppas allowing to spot projectiles in the body of wounds Cover by Andre Galland (1886-1965) taken from “” Le petit journal illustrious””” of 12/12/1920. Private Collection
Portrait of Charles Infroit (1874-1920) radiologist at the Salpetriere hospital and inventor of a device known as a depth comppas allowing to spot projectiles in the body of wounds Cover by Andre Galland (1886-1965) taken from “” Le petit journal illustrious””” of 12/12/1920. Private Collection

XEE4188084: Portrait of Charles Infroit (1874-1920) radiologist at the Salpetriere hospital and inventor of a device known as a depth comppas allowing to spot projectiles in the body of wounds Cover by Andre Galland (1886-1965) taken from “” Le petit journal illustrious””” of 12/12/1920. Private Collection, Galland, Andre (1886-1965) / Bridgeman Images

Hommes politiques a l'Assemblee nationale. Deputies at the Parliament, Paris.
Hommes politiques a l'Assemblee nationale. Deputies at the Parliament, Paris.

CCI5674539: Hommes politiques a l'Assemblee nationale. Deputies at the Parliament, Paris., Galland, Andre (1886-1965) / Bridgeman Images

Tremblement de terre au Chili. Earthquake in Chile.
Tremblement de terre au Chili. Earthquake in Chile.

CCI5674553: Tremblement de terre au Chili. Earthquake in Chile., Galland, Andre (1886-1965) / Bridgeman Images

Aristide Briand.
Aristide Briand.

CCI5674537: Aristide Briand., Galland, Andre (1886-1965) / Bridgeman Images

Match de Rugby. Rugby match (lithograph)
Match de Rugby. Rugby match (lithograph)

CCI5674571: Match de Rugby. Rugby match (lithograph), Galland, Andre (1886-1965) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Henriette Rosine Bernard dit Sarah Bernhardt (1844-1923) published at her death in
Portrait of Henriette Rosine Bernard dit Sarah Bernhardt (1844-1923) published at her death in

LSE4111403: Portrait of Henriette Rosine Bernard dit Sarah Bernhardt (1844-1923) published at her death in "le petit journal illustré", April 8, 1923., Galland, Andre (1886-1965) / Bridgeman Images

Heroism of a doctor who transfuses his own blood to save one of his patients. Illustration by Andre Galland (1886-1965) from “” Le petit journal””” of 06/02/1921. Private Collection
Heroism of a doctor who transfuses his own blood to save one of his patients. Illustration by Andre Galland (1886-1965) from “” Le petit journal””” of 06/02/1921. Private Collection

XEE4189308: Heroism of a doctor who transfuses his own blood to save one of his patients. Illustration by Andre Galland (1886-1965) from “” Le petit journal””” of 06/02/1921. Private Collection, Galland, Andre (1886-1965) / Bridgeman Images

Marechal Ferdinand Foch, traveling to the United States, kicks off a football match in his honor. Illustration by Andre Galland (1886-1965) from “Le petit journal illustrious”” of 27/11/1921. Private Collection
Marechal Ferdinand Foch, traveling to the United States, kicks off a football match in his honor. Illustration by Andre Galland (1886-1965) from “Le petit journal illustrious”” of 27/11/1921. Private Collection

XEE4189550: Marechal Ferdinand Foch, traveling to the United States, kicks off a football match in his honor. Illustration by Andre Galland (1886-1965) from “Le petit journal illustrious”” of 27/11/1921. Private Collection, Galland, Andre (1886-1965) / Bridgeman Images

Inuit (Eskimo or Eskimo) sealing in Lapland. Illustration by Andre Galland (1886-1965) from “” Le petit journal illustrious””” of 04/09/1921. Private Collection
Inuit (Eskimo or Eskimo) sealing in Lapland. Illustration by Andre Galland (1886-1965) from “” Le petit journal illustrious””” of 04/09/1921. Private Collection

XEE4189761: Inuit (Eskimo or Eskimo) sealing in Lapland. Illustration by Andre Galland (1886-1965) from “” Le petit journal illustrious””” of 04/09/1921. Private Collection, Galland, Andre (1886-1965) / Bridgeman Images

An attempt to attack General Gouraud, French High Commissioner in Syria and Cilicia, on the road from Damascus to Kumaitra, who saw the death of the interpret officer accompanying him. Illustration by Andre Galland (1886-1965) from “” Le petit journal illustrious””” of 10/07/1921. Private Collection
An attempt to attack General Gouraud, French High Commissioner in Syria and Cilicia, on the road from Damascus to Kumaitra, who saw the death of the interpret officer accompanying him. Illustration by Andre Galland (1886-1965) from “” Le petit journal illustrious””” of 10/07/1921. Private Collection

XEE4189768: An attempt to attack General Gouraud, French High Commissioner in Syria and Cilicia, on the road from Damascus to Kumaitra, who saw the death of the interpret officer accompanying him. Illustration by Andre Galland (1886-1965) from “” Le petit journal illustrious””” of 10/07/1921. Private Collection, Galland, Andre (1886-1965) / Bridgeman Images

British General Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden Powell (Baden-Powell) (1857-1941), founder of the Scouts recut by the French boys scouts in a camp in the Oise. Illustration by Andre Galland (1886-1965) from “” Le petit journal illustrious””” of 28/08/1921. Private collection Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell (1857-1941), British General and founder of the Scout movement, visiting a Boy Scout camp in Oise, France. Illustration by Andre Galland (1886-1965), frontpage of French newspaper Le Petitère Journal Illustré. August 28, 1921. Private Collection.
British General Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden Powell (Baden-Powell) (1857-1941), founder of the Scouts recut by the French boys scouts in a camp in the Oise. Illustration by Andre Galland (1886-1965) from “” Le petit journal illustrious””” of 28/08/1921. Private collection Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell (1857-1941), British General and founder of the Scout movement, visiting a Boy Scout camp in Oise, France. Illustration by Andre Galland (1886-1965), frontpage of French newspaper Le Petitère Journal Illustré. August 28, 1921. Private Collection.

XEE4189776: British General Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden Powell (Baden-Powell) (1857-1941), founder of the Scouts recut by the French boys scouts in a camp in the Oise. Illustration by Andre Galland (1886-1965) from “” Le petit journal illustrious””” of 28/08/1921. Private collection Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell (1857-1941), British General and founder of the Scout movement, visiting a Boy Scout camp in Oise, France. Illustration by Andre Galland (1886-1965), frontpage of French newspaper Le Petitère Journal Illustré. August 28, 1921. Private Collection., Galland, Andre (1886-1965) / Bridgeman Images

Accident of a small plane for the transport of passengers on the Paris London line, he hit a house and ignited Cover by Andre Galland (1886-1965) taken from “” Le petit journal illustrious””” of 25/12/1920. Private Collection
Accident of a small plane for the transport of passengers on the Paris London line, he hit a house and ignited Cover by Andre Galland (1886-1965) taken from “” Le petit journal illustrious””” of 25/12/1920. Private Collection

XEE4188072: Accident of a small plane for the transport of passengers on the Paris London line, he hit a house and ignited Cover by Andre Galland (1886-1965) taken from “” Le petit journal illustrious””” of 25/12/1920. Private Collection, Galland, Andre (1886-1965) / Bridgeman Images

Fatal accident at the American Motor Racing Championship: two drivers, Gaston Chevrolet and Eddie O'Donnel, died after their vehicles collided in Los Angeles, USA. Cover of Andre Galland (1886-1965) from “” Le petit journal illustrious””” of 05/12/1920. Private Collection
Fatal accident at the American Motor Racing Championship: two drivers, Gaston Chevrolet and Eddie O'Donnel, died after their vehicles collided in Los Angeles, USA. Cover of Andre Galland (1886-1965) from “” Le petit journal illustrious””” of 05/12/1920. Private Collection

XEE4188101: Fatal accident at the American Motor Racing Championship: two drivers, Gaston Chevrolet and Eddie O'Donnel, died after their vehicles collided in Los Angeles, USA. Cover of Andre Galland (1886-1965) from “” Le petit journal illustrious””” of 05/12/1920. Private Collection, Galland, Andre (1886-1965) / Bridgeman Images

American elections: portrait of the new president of the United States Warren G. Harding (1865-1923). Cover of Andre Galland (1886-1965) from “” Le petit journal illustrious””” of 14/11/1920. Private Collection
American elections: portrait of the new president of the United States Warren G. Harding (1865-1923). Cover of Andre Galland (1886-1965) from “” Le petit journal illustrious””” of 14/11/1920. Private Collection

XEE4188127: American elections: portrait of the new president of the United States Warren G. Harding (1865-1923). Cover of Andre Galland (1886-1965) from “” Le petit journal illustrious””” of 14/11/1920. Private Collection, Galland, Andre (1886-1965) / Bridgeman Images

Match de rugby France-Scotland, cover of the petit Journal Illustre, January 15, 1922, n°1621. Legend: “” The habit of big international meetings on sports grounds has passed into our customs. The France-Scotland rugby match is perhaps the most popular event. This year's match, fought in the rain and finished without victory, is also honorable for both teams. Sketch by nature of Andre Galland”.
Match de rugby France-Scotland, cover of the petit Journal Illustre, January 15, 1922, n°1621. Legend: “” The habit of big international meetings on sports grounds has passed into our customs. The France-Scotland rugby match is perhaps the most popular event. This year's match, fought in the rain and finished without victory, is also honorable for both teams. Sketch by nature of Andre Galland”.

PCT4266463: Match de rugby France-Scotland, cover of the petit Journal Illustre, January 15, 1922, n°1621. Legend: “” The habit of big international meetings on sports grounds has passed into our customs. The France-Scotland rugby match is perhaps the most popular event. This year's match, fought in the rain and finished without victory, is also honorable for both teams. Sketch by nature of Andre Galland”., Galland, Andre (1886-1965) / Bridgeman Images

Centre des programmes des republicans nationaux, by Andre Galland, France, ca. 1936
Centre des programmes des republicans nationaux, by Andre Galland, France, ca. 1936

AJJ1776935: Centre des programmes des republicans nationaux, by Andre Galland, France, ca. 1936, Galland, Andre (1886-1965) / Bridgeman Images

Charlie Chaplin in his attic room in London, c. 1928-1930 (illustration)
Charlie Chaplin in his attic room in London, c. 1928-1930 (illustration)

CCI1822345: Charlie Chaplin in his attic room in London, c. 1928-1930 (illustration), Galland, Andre (1886-1965) / Bridgeman Images

Transfusion sanguine. Blood transfusion.
Transfusion sanguine. Blood transfusion.

CCI5674401: Transfusion sanguine. Blood transfusion., Galland, Andre (1886-1965) / Bridgeman Images

The attack on the Paris-Marseille train, 1921 (illustration)
The attack on the Paris-Marseille train, 1921 (illustration)

CCI1851845: The attack on the Paris-Marseille train, 1921 (illustration), Galland, Andre (1886-1965) / Bridgeman Images

Normandy, bath time in Deauville
Normandy, bath time in Deauville

CCI1803788: Normandy, bath time in Deauville, Galland, Andre (1886-1965) / Bridgeman Images


CCI1834052: 00157785, Galland, Andre (1886-1965) / Bridgeman Images

French before voting, ponder these examples. National Republicans' Propaganda Centre. France 1936. 58x77cm by Andre Galland
French before voting, ponder these examples. National Republicans' Propaganda Centre. France 1936. 58x77cm by Andre Galland

AJJ1776670: French before voting, ponder these examples. National Republicans' Propaganda Centre. France 1936. 58x77cm by Andre Galland, Galland, Andre (1886-1965) / Bridgeman Images

Celebration of the First World War Armistice in England. Cover of Andre Galland (1886-1965) from “Le petit journal illustrious”” of 21/11/1920. Private Collection
Celebration of the First World War Armistice in England. Cover of Andre Galland (1886-1965) from “Le petit journal illustrious”” of 21/11/1920. Private Collection

XEE4188116: Celebration of the First World War Armistice in England. Cover of Andre Galland (1886-1965) from “Le petit journal illustrious”” of 21/11/1920. Private Collection, Galland, Andre (1886-1965) / Bridgeman Images

Presentation of the Grand Competition to guess the amount of the national loan for the reconstruction of the country after the First War. Cover of Andre Galland (1886-1965) from “Le petit journal illustrious”” of 31/10/1920. Private Collection
Presentation of the Grand Competition to guess the amount of the national loan for the reconstruction of the country after the First War. Cover of Andre Galland (1886-1965) from “Le petit journal illustrious”” of 31/10/1920. Private Collection

XEE4188141: Presentation of the Grand Competition to guess the amount of the national loan for the reconstruction of the country after the First War. Cover of Andre Galland (1886-1965) from “Le petit journal illustrious”” of 31/10/1920. Private Collection, Galland, Andre (1886-1965) / Bridgeman Images

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