XEE4188084: Portrait of Charles Infroit (1874-1920) radiologist at the Salpetriere hospital and inventor of a device known as a depth comppas allowing to spot projectiles in the body of wounds Cover by Andre Galland (1886-1965) taken from “” Le petit journal illustrious””” of 12/12/1920. Private Collection, Galland, Andre (1886-1965) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4189768: An attempt to attack General Gouraud, French High Commissioner in Syria and Cilicia, on the road from Damascus to Kumaitra, who saw the death of the interpret officer accompanying him. Illustration by Andre Galland (1886-1965) from “” Le petit journal illustrious””” of 10/07/1921. Private Collection, Galland, Andre (1886-1965) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4189776: British General Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden Powell (Baden-Powell) (1857-1941), founder of the Scouts recut by the French boys scouts in a camp in the Oise. Illustration by Andre Galland (1886-1965) from “” Le petit journal illustrious””” of 28/08/1921. Private collection Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell (1857-1941), British General and founder of the Scout movement, visiting a Boy Scout camp in Oise, France. Illustration by Andre Galland (1886-1965), frontpage of French newspaper Le Petitère Journal Illustré. August 28, 1921. Private Collection., Galland, Andre (1886-1965) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4188101: Fatal accident at the American Motor Racing Championship: two drivers, Gaston Chevrolet and Eddie O'Donnel, died after their vehicles collided in Los Angeles, USA. Cover of Andre Galland (1886-1965) from “” Le petit journal illustrious””” of 05/12/1920. Private Collection, Galland, Andre (1886-1965) / Bridgeman Images
PCT4266463: Match de rugby France-Scotland, cover of the petit Journal Illustre, January 15, 1922, n°1621. Legend: “” The habit of big international meetings on sports grounds has passed into our customs. The France-Scotland rugby match is perhaps the most popular event. This year's match, fought in the rain and finished without victory, is also honorable for both teams. Sketch by nature of Andre Galland”., Galland, Andre (1886-1965) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4188141: Presentation of the Grand Competition to guess the amount of the national loan for the reconstruction of the country after the First War. Cover of Andre Galland (1886-1965) from “Le petit journal illustrious”” of 31/10/1920. Private Collection, Galland, Andre (1886-1965) / Bridgeman Images