Galland, Andre (1886-1965) Assets (79 in total)

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Women's Football, from 'Le Petit Journal', 18th November 1923 (colour litho)
Women's Football, from 'Le Petit Journal', 18th November 1923 (colour litho)

CHT205780: Women's Football, from 'Le Petit Journal', 18th November 1923 (colour litho), Galland, Andre (1886-1965) / Bridgeman Images

The French flag hoisted at Fachoda during the Marchand Mission, 12th July 1898, 1931 colour litho)
The French flag hoisted at Fachoda during the Marchand Mission, 12th July 1898, 1931 colour litho)

CHT206372: The French flag hoisted at Fachoda during the Marchand Mission, 12th July 1898, 1931 colour litho), Galland, Andre (1886-1965) / Bridgeman Images

A women's football team at the Paris championship. Illustration from “” Le petit journal”” from 18/11/1923 Collection privee -
A women's football team at the Paris championship. Illustration from “” Le petit journal”” from 18/11/1923 Collection privee -

XEE4188951: A women's football team at the Paris championship. Illustration from “” Le petit journal”” from 18/11/1923 Collection privee -, Galland, Andre (1886-1965) / Bridgeman Images

Propaganda poster of government of Vichy for the French Legion of Combatants, c.1940 (colour litho)
Propaganda poster of government of Vichy for the French Legion of Combatants, c.1940 (colour litho)

TAD1760301: Propaganda poster of government of Vichy for the French Legion of Combatants, c.1940 (colour litho), Galland, Andre (1886-1965) / Bridgeman Images

Football feminin. Woman soccer.
Football feminin. Woman soccer.

CCI5674681: Football feminin. Woman soccer., Galland, Andre (1886-1965) / Bridgeman Images

Women's Demonstration in Egypt: Women in Cairo support the Egyptian nationalist movement and fight against the sovereignty of England in Egypt, 1922. Engraving in “” Le Petite Journal illustrious””, on the 8/01/1922. Private collection.
Women's Demonstration in Egypt: Women in Cairo support the Egyptian nationalist movement and fight against the sovereignty of England in Egypt, 1922. Engraving in “” Le Petite Journal illustrious””, on the 8/01/1922. Private collection.

XEE4186735: Women's Demonstration in Egypt: Women in Cairo support the Egyptian nationalist movement and fight against the sovereignty of England in Egypt, 1922. Engraving in “” Le Petite Journal illustrious””, on the 8/01/1922. Private collection., Galland, Andre (1886-1965) / Bridgeman Images

1921 Blood Transfusion. An unconscious woman receiving a blood transfusion directly from a doctor who injects her with his blood
1921 Blood Transfusion. An unconscious woman receiving a blood transfusion directly from a doctor who injects her with his blood

EVB2936387: 1921 Blood Transfusion. An unconscious woman receiving a blood transfusion directly from a doctor who injects her with his blood, Galland, Andre (1886-1965) / Bridgeman Images

Satirical drawing by Galland
Satirical drawing by Galland

TAD2087757: Satirical drawing by Galland, Galland, Andre (1886-1965) / Bridgeman Images

Cover of
Cover of

LSE4111029: Cover of "Le petit journal illustré", Mme Marie Curie (1867 - 1934) in her laboratory. 17/7/1921., Galland, Andre (1886-1965) / Bridgeman Images

Advertising for French wines “” Health, gaiety, hope”” - by A. Galland, 1937
Advertising for French wines “” Health, gaiety, hope”” - by A. Galland, 1937

LSE4096313: Advertising for French wines “” Health, gaiety, hope”” - by A. Galland, 1937, Galland, Andre (1886-1965) / Bridgeman Images

Evacuation of Sebastopol, from Le Petit Journal, 28/11/1920 (lithograph)
Evacuation of Sebastopol, from Le Petit Journal, 28/11/1920 (lithograph)

CCI5674584: Evacuation of Sebastopol, from Le Petit Journal, 28/11/1920 (lithograph), Galland, Andre (1886-1965) / Bridgeman Images

In the colonies, the Communists worked to stab France. National Republicans' Propaganda Centre. France 1928. 79,5x59cm by Andre Galland
In the colonies, the Communists worked to stab France. National Republicans' Propaganda Centre. France 1928. 79,5x59cm by Andre Galland

AJJ1776680: In the colonies, the Communists worked to stab France. National Republicans' Propaganda Centre. France 1928. 79,5x59cm by Andre Galland, Galland, Andre (1886-1965) / Bridgeman Images

Fooball feminin: Cover of the Petity Journal Illustre, November 18, 1923. The inner text exalts the virtues of sport for women.
Fooball feminin: Cover of the Petity Journal Illustre, November 18, 1923. The inner text exalts the virtues of sport for women.

PCT4268935: Fooball feminin: Cover of the Petity Journal Illustre, November 18, 1923. The inner text exalts the virtues of sport for women., Galland, Andre (1886-1965) / Bridgeman Images

Various facts: an acrobatic burglar escapes from the roofs by jumping from one house to another on Rue Brisemiche in Paris. Illustration by Andre Galland (1886-1965) from “” Le petit journal””” of 13/03/1921. Private Collection
Various facts: an acrobatic burglar escapes from the roofs by jumping from one house to another on Rue Brisemiche in Paris. Illustration by Andre Galland (1886-1965) from “” Le petit journal””” of 13/03/1921. Private Collection

XEE4189363: Various facts: an acrobatic burglar escapes from the roofs by jumping from one house to another on Rue Brisemiche in Paris. Illustration by Andre Galland (1886-1965) from “” Le petit journal””” of 13/03/1921. Private Collection, Galland, Andre (1886-1965) / Bridgeman Images

Aviation: Five competitors fought for the Deutsch Cup at Villesauvage aerodrome, which was won by French Lasne. Illustration by Andre Galland (1886-1965) from “Le petit journal illustrious”” of 09/10/1921. Private Collection
Aviation: Five competitors fought for the Deutsch Cup at Villesauvage aerodrome, which was won by French Lasne. Illustration by Andre Galland (1886-1965) from “Le petit journal illustrious”” of 09/10/1921. Private Collection

XEE4189485: Aviation: Five competitors fought for the Deutsch Cup at Villesauvage aerodrome, which was won by French Lasne. Illustration by Andre Galland (1886-1965) from “Le petit journal illustrious”” of 09/10/1921. Private Collection, Galland, Andre (1886-1965) / Bridgeman Images

Head of Government Aristide Briand with Deputies and Ministers Leon Daudet, Louis Barthou, Charles Dumont, Abbe Lemire, Joseph Paul-Boncour (Paul Boncour), Leon Berard, Louis Loucheur, Laurent Bonnevay, Yves le Trocquer. Illustration by Andre Galland (1886-1965) from “” Le petit journal””” of 21/01/1921. Private Collection
Head of Government Aristide Briand with Deputies and Ministers Leon Daudet, Louis Barthou, Charles Dumont, Abbe Lemire, Joseph Paul-Boncour (Paul Boncour), Leon Berard, Louis Loucheur, Laurent Bonnevay, Yves le Trocquer. Illustration by Andre Galland (1886-1965) from “” Le petit journal””” of 21/01/1921. Private Collection

XEE4189285: Head of Government Aristide Briand with Deputies and Ministers Leon Daudet, Louis Barthou, Charles Dumont, Abbe Lemire, Joseph Paul-Boncour (Paul Boncour), Leon Berard, Louis Loucheur, Laurent Bonnevay, Yves le Trocquer. Illustration by Andre Galland (1886-1965) from “” Le petit journal””” of 21/01/1921. Private Collection, Galland, Andre (1886-1965) / Bridgeman Images

Ball (gala) of the opera: the defile of Saint Cyrians (Saint Cyrians) (Saint Cyr school) in Napoleonic period costume. Illustration by Andre Galland (1886-1965) from “” Le petit journal””” of 27/02/1921. Private Collection
Ball (gala) of the opera: the defile of Saint Cyrians (Saint Cyrians) (Saint Cyr school) in Napoleonic period costume. Illustration by Andre Galland (1886-1965) from “” Le petit journal””” of 27/02/1921. Private Collection

XEE4189346: Ball (gala) of the opera: the defile of Saint Cyrians (Saint Cyrians) (Saint Cyr school) in Napoleonic period costume. Illustration by Andre Galland (1886-1965) from “” Le petit journal””” of 27/02/1921. Private Collection, Galland, Andre (1886-1965) / Bridgeman Images

Various facts: robbery of a car of the PLM (former railway company) in Marseille by bandits masks. Illustration by Andre Galland (1886-1965) from “” Le petit journal illustrious””” of 15/05/1921. Private Collection
Various facts: robbery of a car of the PLM (former railway company) in Marseille by bandits masks. Illustration by Andre Galland (1886-1965) from “” Le petit journal illustrious””” of 15/05/1921. Private Collection

XEE4189605: Various facts: robbery of a car of the PLM (former railway company) in Marseille by bandits masks. Illustration by Andre Galland (1886-1965) from “” Le petit journal illustrious””” of 15/05/1921. Private Collection, Galland, Andre (1886-1965) / Bridgeman Images

Advertising poster of the Maritime Messageries company of Levant-Extreme Orient, Australasia and Madagascar (poster)
Advertising poster of the Maritime Messageries company of Levant-Extreme Orient, Australasia and Madagascar (poster)

JEB4853066: Advertising poster of the Maritime Messageries company of Levant-Extreme Orient, Australasia and Madagascar (poster), Galland, Andre (1886-1965) / Bridgeman Images

Celebration of the Armistice of the First World War on 11 November and homage to the unknown soldier falls for the homeland, seen from the Pantheon in Paris with a tricolor flag. Cover of Andre Galland (1886-1965) from “” Le petit journal illustrious””” of 25/12/1920. Private Collection
Celebration of the Armistice of the First World War on 11 November and homage to the unknown soldier falls for the homeland, seen from the Pantheon in Paris with a tricolor flag. Cover of Andre Galland (1886-1965) from “” Le petit journal illustrious””” of 25/12/1920. Private Collection

XEE4188134: Celebration of the Armistice of the First World War on 11 November and homage to the unknown soldier falls for the homeland, seen from the Pantheon in Paris with a tricolor flag. Cover of Andre Galland (1886-1965) from “” Le petit journal illustrious””” of 25/12/1920. Private Collection, Galland, Andre (1886-1965) / Bridgeman Images

Aviation: the great aeronautical meeting at the Louis Bleriot aeropark in Buc (Yvelines) combining aircraft and aerostats. Cover of Andre Galland (1886-1965) from “Le petit journal illustrious”” of 17/10/1920. Private Collection
Aviation: the great aeronautical meeting at the Louis Bleriot aeropark in Buc (Yvelines) combining aircraft and aerostats. Cover of Andre Galland (1886-1965) from “Le petit journal illustrious”” of 17/10/1920. Private Collection

XEE4188154: Aviation: the great aeronautical meeting at the Louis Bleriot aeropark in Buc (Yvelines) combining aircraft and aerostats. Cover of Andre Galland (1886-1965) from “Le petit journal illustrious”” of 17/10/1920. Private Collection, Galland, Andre (1886-1965) / Bridgeman Images

Hydravion Caproni. Caproni hydroplane.
Hydravion Caproni. Caproni hydroplane.

CCI5674555: Hydravion Caproni. Caproni hydroplane., Galland, Andre (1886-1965) / Bridgeman Images

The Heroism of the Doctor, illustration from 'Le Petit Journal', c.1930 (colour litho)
The Heroism of the Doctor, illustration from 'Le Petit Journal', c.1930 (colour litho)

CHT168626: The Heroism of the Doctor, illustration from 'Le Petit Journal', c.1930 (colour litho), Galland, Andre (1886-1965) / Bridgeman Images

Cover of Cyrano, 27/04/34 (engraving)
Cover of Cyrano, 27/04/34 (engraving)

ICA4849401: Cover of Cyrano, 27/04/34 (engraving), Galland, Andre (1886-1965) / Bridgeman Images

Evacuation of Sebastopol, from Le Petit Journal, 28/11/1920 (lithograph)
Evacuation of Sebastopol, from Le Petit Journal, 28/11/1920 (lithograph)

CCI5674585: Evacuation of Sebastopol, from Le Petit Journal, 28/11/1920 (lithograph), Galland, Andre (1886-1965) / Bridgeman Images

Cover of the book “” The Doctor OX “” by Jules Verne circa 1934 - by Andre GALLAND 1886-1965
Cover of the book “” The Doctor OX “” by Jules Verne circa 1934 - by Andre GALLAND 1886-1965

XEE4158331: Cover of the book “” The Doctor OX “” by Jules Verne circa 1934 - by Andre GALLAND 1886-1965, Galland, Andre (1886-1965) / Bridgeman Images

Civil War in Russia (1917-1920): “” The defeat on November 7 of the troops of the White Arm of General Piotr Vrangel and the definitive victory of the Red Arm of the Bolsheviks (Bolsheviks) and Lenin (Lenin) led to the evacuation by boat of the inhabitants of Sebastopol in Crimea to Constantinople”” Cover by Andre Galland (1886-1965) taken from “” The famous little newspaper”” of 25/11/1920. Private Collection
Civil War in Russia (1917-1920): “” The defeat on November 7 of the troops of the White Arm of General Piotr Vrangel and the definitive victory of the Red Arm of the Bolsheviks (Bolsheviks) and Lenin (Lenin) led to the evacuation by boat of the inhabitants of Sebastopol in Crimea to Constantinople”” Cover by Andre Galland (1886-1965) taken from “” The famous little newspaper”” of 25/11/1920. Private Collection

XEE4188108: Civil War in Russia (1917-1920): “” The defeat on November 7 of the troops of the White Arm of General Piotr Vrangel and the definitive victory of the Red Arm of the Bolsheviks (Bolsheviks) and Lenin (Lenin) led to the evacuation by boat of the inhabitants of Sebastopol in Crimea to Constantinople”” Cover by Andre Galland (1886-1965) taken from “” The famous little newspaper”” of 25/11/1920. Private Collection, Galland, Andre (1886-1965) / Bridgeman Images

The calendar of the New Year under the sign of peace, work and prosperity, a researcher and a worker are represented. Illustration by Andre Galland (1886-1965) from “” Le petit journal””” of 02/01/1921. Private Collection
The calendar of the New Year under the sign of peace, work and prosperity, a researcher and a worker are represented. Illustration by Andre Galland (1886-1965) from “” Le petit journal””” of 02/01/1921. Private Collection

XEE4189261: The calendar of the New Year under the sign of peace, work and prosperity, a researcher and a worker are represented. Illustration by Andre Galland (1886-1965) from “” Le petit journal””” of 02/01/1921. Private Collection, Galland, Andre (1886-1965) / Bridgeman Images

Various facts: a gas explosion destroyed a Parisian bar in the Saint Lazare (Saint-Lazare) district causing numerous casualties. Illustration by Andre Galland (1886-1965) from “” Le petit journal illustrious””” of 11/09/1921. Private Collection
Various facts: a gas explosion destroyed a Parisian bar in the Saint Lazare (Saint-Lazare) district causing numerous casualties. Illustration by Andre Galland (1886-1965) from “” Le petit journal illustrious””” of 11/09/1921. Private Collection

XEE4189787: Various facts: a gas explosion destroyed a Parisian bar in the Saint Lazare (Saint-Lazare) district causing numerous casualties. Illustration by Andre Galland (1886-1965) from “” Le petit journal illustrious””” of 11/09/1921. Private Collection, Galland, Andre (1886-1965) / Bridgeman Images

After the war: the interallied conference in Paris on 26 January bringing together the various representatives of the European powers (Count Sforza, Aristide Briand, Lloyd George, Paul Doumer, Marechal Ferdinand Foch, Marechal Wilson, Lord Curzon Baron Ishil Jaspar) to discuss Germany's debt and its disarming. Illustration by Andre Galland (1886-1965) from “” Le petit journal””” from 30/01/1921. Private Collection
After the war: the interallied conference in Paris on 26 January bringing together the various representatives of the European powers (Count Sforza, Aristide Briand, Lloyd George, Paul Doumer, Marechal Ferdinand Foch, Marechal Wilson, Lord Curzon Baron Ishil Jaspar) to discuss Germany's debt and its disarming. Illustration by Andre Galland (1886-1965) from “” Le petit journal””” from 30/01/1921. Private Collection

XEE4189297: After the war: the interallied conference in Paris on 26 January bringing together the various representatives of the European powers (Count Sforza, Aristide Briand, Lloyd George, Paul Doumer, Marechal Ferdinand Foch, Marechal Wilson, Lord Curzon Baron Ishil Jaspar) to discuss Germany's debt and its disarming. Illustration by Andre Galland (1886-1965) from “” Le petit journal””” from 30/01/1921. Private Collection, Galland, Andre (1886-1965) / Bridgeman Images

Railway disaster on the railway line between Perigueux and Brive causing many casualties. Illustration by Andre Galland (1886-1965) from “” Le petit journal illustrious””” of 29/05/1921. Private Collection
Railway disaster on the railway line between Perigueux and Brive causing many casualties. Illustration by Andre Galland (1886-1965) from “” Le petit journal illustrious””” of 29/05/1921. Private Collection

XEE4189627: Railway disaster on the railway line between Perigueux and Brive causing many casualties. Illustration by Andre Galland (1886-1965) from “” Le petit journal illustrious””” of 29/05/1921. Private Collection, Galland, Andre (1886-1965) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of the physicist Marie Curie (Maria Curie Sklodowska or Sklodovska) (1867-1934) in her laboratory examining a test tube. Illustration by Andre Galland (1886-1965) from “” Le petit journal illustrious””” of 17/07/1921. Private Collection
Portrait of the physicist Marie Curie (Maria Curie Sklodowska or Sklodovska) (1867-1934) in her laboratory examining a test tube. Illustration by Andre Galland (1886-1965) from “” Le petit journal illustrious””” of 17/07/1921. Private Collection

XEE4189699: Portrait of the physicist Marie Curie (Maria Curie Sklodowska or Sklodovska) (1867-1934) in her laboratory examining a test tube. Illustration by Andre Galland (1886-1965) from “” Le petit journal illustrious””” of 17/07/1921. Private Collection, Galland, Andre (1886-1965) / Bridgeman Images

An accident of a plane from the centre of Istres crashes on one of the peaks of the Alpilles, the pilot with two broken legs heroically tries to rescue the mechanic. Illustration by Andre Galland (1886-1965) from “” Le petit journal illustrious””” of 14/08/1921. Private Collection
An accident of a plane from the centre of Istres crashes on one of the peaks of the Alpilles, the pilot with two broken legs heroically tries to rescue the mechanic. Illustration by Andre Galland (1886-1965) from “” Le petit journal illustrious””” of 14/08/1921. Private Collection

XEE4189740: An accident of a plane from the centre of Istres crashes on one of the peaks of the Alpilles, the pilot with two broken legs heroically tries to rescue the mechanic. Illustration by Andre Galland (1886-1965) from “” Le petit journal illustrious””” of 14/08/1921. Private Collection, Galland, Andre (1886-1965) / Bridgeman Images

Rugby match between France and England, from “Le petit journal illustré” of 03/04/1920 (engraving)
Rugby match between France and England, from “Le petit journal illustré” of 03/04/1920 (engraving)

XEE4189391: Rugby match between France and England, from “Le petit journal illustré” of 03/04/1920 (engraving), Galland, Andre (1886-1965) / Bridgeman Images

A huge eagle is pushed back by a young Tyrolean shepherd when it comes down on a sheep. Illustration by Andre Galland (1886-1965) from “Le petit journal illustrious”” of 16/10/1921. Private Collection
A huge eagle is pushed back by a young Tyrolean shepherd when it comes down on a sheep. Illustration by Andre Galland (1886-1965) from “Le petit journal illustrious”” of 16/10/1921. Private Collection

XEE4189499: A huge eagle is pushed back by a young Tyrolean shepherd when it comes down on a sheep. Illustration by Andre Galland (1886-1965) from “Le petit journal illustrious”” of 16/10/1921. Private Collection, Galland, Andre (1886-1965) / Bridgeman Images

Council President Aristide Briand during his trip to the United States. Illustration by Andre Galland (1886-1965) from “” Le petit journal illustrious””” of 04/12/1921. Private Collection
Council President Aristide Briand during his trip to the United States. Illustration by Andre Galland (1886-1965) from “” Le petit journal illustrious””” of 04/12/1921. Private Collection

XEE4189559: Council President Aristide Briand during his trip to the United States. Illustration by Andre Galland (1886-1965) from “” Le petit journal illustrious””” of 04/12/1921. Private Collection, Galland, Andre (1886-1965) / Bridgeman Images

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