DUV4212277: Les etudes sont penibles, couteuses mais les etudiants sont intrepides. Vignettes illustrees par JJ Granville . Gravure signee Caque dans la partie intitulee "Les animaux medecins" ecrit par Pierre Bernard in "Scenes de la vie privee et publique des animaux". Paris, J. Hetzel et Paulin, 1842. Etudes de moeurs contemporaines publiees sous la direction de P.-J. Stahl, Grandville (Jean Ignace Isidore Gerard) (1803-47) / Bridgeman Images
PCT4261554: Allegory of a young woman surrounded by 4 sighers, who compares herself to a planet around which four satellites gravitate, one of which will become her sun. Grandville engraving illustrating a chapter in Mery's book: “The Stars”, 1849., Grandville (Jean Ignace Isidore Gerard) (1803-47) / Bridgeman Images
PCT4260935: Cartoon: La Chambre des Deputes vue comme un Palais des Monpes - Engraving by Grandville, extracted from the book “” Private and public life of animals (Les animaux painted pa them memes)”, Hetzel edition 1867 p. 566 - Chapter entitled “Tablets of the Giraffe”, written by Charles Nodier. Extract from the text: “”... a multitude of business characters, tumultuous, noisy, who differed, at first glance, from the rest of Men only by a more characteristic ugliness... which I easily attributed to the habit of serious meditations and serious affairs. [...] They would jump, call their opponents with shouts and threatening gestures, or show them their teeth with scary faces... It was impossible for me to grasp a word in this immense hustle and I withdrew from tired war, horribly deafened by vociferations, squeaks, whistles, hoees, without being able to establish the appearance of a conjecture about the object and the results of the deliberations.”, Grandville (Jean Ignace Isidore Gerard) (1803-47) / Bridgeman Images