Reproduction of a Poster Advertising Excursions to Normandy and Brittany with the Western Railway Company, 1896 (litho), Meunier, Georges (1869-1942) / Bridgeman Images
Poster advertising the Chemin de Fer de l'Ouest excursions to Normandy, Brittany, Jersey and Mont St. Michel, 1896 (colour litho), Meunier, Georges (1869-1942) / Bridgeman Images
The Apotheosis of the Poet, a homage to Victor Hugo (1802-85) for the celebration of the centenary of his birth, 1902 (colour litho), Meunier, Georges (1869-1942) / Bridgeman Images
The catechism (priest and children in the garden) by Georges Meunier, Musee du Luxembourg - in “” Le petit Journal”” of June 5, 1898., Meunier, Georges (1869-1942) / Bridgeman Images
Illustration by Georges Meunier (1869-1934) in Le Rire, 18/07/08 - Sport, Love, Fashion, Men's Fashion, Tennis, Meunier, Georges (1869-1942) / Bridgeman Images
Illustration of Georges Meunier (1869-1934) in “” Fantasio”””, 01/04/15 - Time brings victory - War of 14 -18, Victory - Time (Allegory of), Victory (allegory) - Allegorie, Meunier, Georges (1869-1942) / Bridgeman Images
La Baionnette, Satirique en Colours, 1915_8_19: Germany Prussia, Espionage, Maubeuge Illustration by Georges Meunier (1869-1934), Meunier, Georges (1869-1942) / Bridgeman Images
Lifestyle. Job rolling paper for cigarette. Poster by Georges Meunier, France, c.1895 (poster), Meunier, Georges (1869-1942) / Bridgeman Images
Poster for the shows at Trianon concert in the garden of Parisian cabaret Elysee Montmartre, c.1900 (colour litho), Meunier, Georges (1869-1942) / Bridgeman Images