Meunier, Georges (1869-1942)

Creator details

Meunier, Georges (1869-1942)

Assets (78 in total)

Advertisement for the Paris-Royan railway line, c.1908 (colour litho)
Reproduction of a Poster Advertising Excursions to Normandy and Brittany with the Western Railway Company, 1896 (litho)
Poster “Bullier”” for the prom - pub of the late 19th century
Poster advertising the Chemin de Fer de l'Ouest excursions to Normandy, Brittany, Jersey and Mont St. Michel, 1896 (colour litho)
The Apotheosis of the Poet, a homage to Victor Hugo (1802-85) for the celebration of the centenary of his birth, 1902 (colour litho)
Illustration for Le Rire (colour litho)
Reproduction of a Poster Advertising the 'Trianon-Concert', 1895 (litho)
Poster advertising 'Lox', Kina-Loxa, Coca, Kola Aperitif, 1895 (colour litho)
The catechism (priest and children in the garden) by Georges Meunier, Musee du Luxembourg - in “” Le petit Journal”” of June 5, 1898.
Illustration for Le Rire (colour litho)
Illustration for Le Rire (colour litho)
Illustration for Le Rire (colour litho)

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