PCT4264746: Coronation of Hugues Capet (941-996) in Noyon in 987. This coronation marked the beginning of the Capetians dynasty, kings of France who regained, in direct or indirect sucession, for 8 years. Engraving by Victor Adam (1801-1866) in the book “France in the Middle Ages” published by the Ardant brothers in the middle of the 19th century., Adam, Victor (1801-66) / Bridgeman Images
PCT4264783: Saint Eloi (v.588-660) goldsmithing and tresorier of the king of the Franks Dagobert 1st, then eveque of Noyon from 641 to his death. Engraving by Victor Adam (1801-1866) in the book “France in the Middle Ages” published by the Ardant brothers in the middle of the 19th century., Adam, Victor (1801-66) / Bridgeman Images
PCT4264683: Emperor Charlemagne, bearing the emblems of power, rides at the head of his troops soldiers in armor. Engraving by Victor Adam (1801-1866) in the book “France in the Middle Ages” published by the Ardant brothers in the middle of the 19th century., Adam, Victor (1801-66) / Bridgeman Images