Adam, Victor (1801-66)

Creator details

Adam, Victor (1801-66)

Assets (70 in total)

The Arrival of Napoleon (1769-1821) at the Tuileries on 20th March 1815 (colour litho)
The Re-establishment of the Cult: A Te Deum at Notre-Dame de Paris, 18th April 1802 (litho)
The Mail Coach (litho)
Joust on the water, 'Local fetes around Paris', series, 1830, La Villette (colour litho)
Charles Martel (688-741) won the Arab troops in Poitiers in 732. Engraving by Victor Adam (1801-1866) in the book “France in the Middle Ages” published by the Ardant brothers in the middle of the 19th century.
The Stage Coach (colour litho)
Opening of the coffin of Napoleon on Island St. Helena, October 16, 1840
Alexander II (1818-81) Czar of Russia (colour litho)
The whale at the Museum of Natural History in Paris, c.1840 (litho) (b/w photo)
Portrait of Nicholas I Pavlovich (1796-1855) on horseback with his Army (engraving) (b/w photo)
The Siege and capture of Saragossa, 1809 (litho) (b/w photo)
The opening of the coffin of Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821), c.1840 (litho)

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