PCT4272643: Carcassonne, the Aude River and the two cities: the Medievale Cite and the Lower Town. Carcassonne, the two towns. Engraving by Joseph Pennell (1857-1926) illustrating the HEINEMANN 1900 edition of Henry James's story “A little tour in Fance”, translated into French under the titles “” Voyage en France”” and “Un petit tour en Languedoc” for the southern part. Gusman/Leemage, Pennell, Joseph (1858-1926) / Bridgeman Images
PCT4274871: Hotel d'Assezat, Toulouse, in the 19th century. Engraving after a watercolour by Joseph Pennell illustrating Henry James's book “A little tour in France””. French translations: “” Voyage en France”” (ed. Robert Laffont) and “” Un petit tour en Languedoc”” (ed. Pimientos). This engraving is from the American edition Houghton Mifflin & Co 1900., Pennell, Joseph (1858-1926) / Bridgeman Images