Gaddi, Taddeo (c.1300-66) Assets (97 in total)

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St. Francis before the Pope and Cardinals (tempera on panel)
St. Francis before the Pope and Cardinals (tempera on panel)

AII80596: St. Francis before the Pope and Cardinals (tempera on panel), Gaddi, Taddeo (c.1300-66) / Bridgeman Images

The Trial by Fire, St. Francis offers to walk through fire, to convert the Sultan of Egypt in 1219, (oil on panel)
The Trial by Fire, St. Francis offers to walk through fire, to convert the Sultan of Egypt in 1219, (oil on panel)

XIR244998: The Trial by Fire, St. Francis offers to walk through fire, to convert the Sultan of Egypt in 1219, (oil on panel), Gaddi, Taddeo (c.1300-66) / Bridgeman Images

The annonciation to the shepherds, from the cycle of the life of the Virgin (fresco, 1332-1338)
The annonciation to the shepherds, from the cycle of the life of the Virgin (fresco, 1332-1338)

LRI4572301: The annonciation to the shepherds, from the cycle of the life of the Virgin (fresco, 1332-1338), Gaddi, Taddeo (c.1300-66) / Bridgeman Images

The Tree of Life and The Last Supper, 1360 (fresco) (for detail see 85021)
The Tree of Life and The Last Supper, 1360 (fresco) (for detail see 85021)

BEN85020: The Tree of Life and The Last Supper, 1360 (fresco) (for detail see 85021), Gaddi, Taddeo (c.1300-66) / Bridgeman Images

The Tree of Life and The Last Supper, 1360 (fresco) (detail of 85020)
The Tree of Life and The Last Supper, 1360 (fresco) (detail of 85020)

BEN85021: The Tree of Life and The Last Supper, 1360 (fresco) (detail of 85020), Gaddi, Taddeo (c.1300-66) / Bridgeman Images

St. Francis Receiving the Stigmata (tempera on panel)
St. Francis Receiving the Stigmata (tempera on panel)

AII80589: St. Francis Receiving the Stigmata (tempera on panel), Gaddi, Taddeo (c.1300-66) / Bridgeman Images

St. Eloi in the Silversmith's Workshop
St. Eloi in the Silversmith's Workshop

ZIN47052: St. Eloi in the Silversmith's Workshop, Gaddi, Taddeo (c.1300-66) / Bridgeman Images

History of Saint Francis of Assisi: Pope Innocent III confirming the Franciscan rule in 1210. Detail. 14th century (fresco)
History of Saint Francis of Assisi: Pope Innocent III confirming the Franciscan rule in 1210. Detail. 14th century (fresco)

LRI4623367: History of Saint Francis of Assisi: Pope Innocent III confirming the Franciscan rule in 1210. Detail. 14th century (fresco), Gaddi, Taddeo (c.1300-66) / Bridgeman Images

The Last Supper (tempera on panel)
The Last Supper (tempera on panel)

AII80583: The Last Supper (tempera on panel), Gaddi, Taddeo (c.1300-66) / Bridgeman Images

Madonna del Parto (fresco)
Madonna del Parto (fresco)

XBP394521: Madonna del Parto (fresco), Gaddi, Taddeo (c.1300-66) / Bridgeman Images

St. Francis preparing the Christmas Crib at Grecchio (tempera on panel)
St. Francis preparing the Christmas Crib at Grecchio (tempera on panel)

BAL25404: St. Francis preparing the Christmas Crib at Grecchio (tempera on panel), Gaddi, Taddeo (c.1300-66) / Bridgeman Images

St. Francis before the Bishop (tempera on panel)
St. Francis before the Bishop (tempera on panel)

AII80588: St. Francis before the Bishop (tempera on panel), Gaddi, Taddeo (c.1300-66) / Bridgeman Images

The Stigmatisation of St. Francis, c.1325-1330 (tempera on panel)
The Stigmatisation of St. Francis, c.1325-1330 (tempera on panel)

FOG126728: The Stigmatisation of St. Francis, c.1325-1330 (tempera on panel), Gaddi, Taddeo (c.1300-66) / Bridgeman Images

The Presentation of the Virgin, detail from Stories of Virgin, by Taddeo Gaddi (ca 1300-1366), 1328-1338 (fresco)
The Presentation of the Virgin, detail from Stories of Virgin, by Taddeo Gaddi (ca 1300-1366), 1328-1338 (fresco)

FAF408318: The Presentation of the Virgin, detail from Stories of Virgin, by Taddeo Gaddi (ca 1300-1366), 1328-1338 (fresco), Gaddi, Taddeo (c.1300-66) / Bridgeman Images

Niche with Paten, Pyx and Ampullae, 1327 - 1338 (fresco)
Niche with Paten, Pyx and Ampullae, 1327 - 1338 (fresco)

MEP859966: Niche with Paten, Pyx and Ampullae, 1327 - 1338 (fresco), Gaddi, Taddeo (c.1300-66) / Bridgeman Images

St. Eligius before King Clothar, c.1365 (oil on panel)
St. Eligius before King Clothar, c.1365 (oil on panel)

SCP38732: St. Eligius before King Clothar, c.1365 (oil on panel), Gaddi, Taddeo (c.1300-66) / Bridgeman Images

The Ponte Vecchio, built in 1345 (photo)
The Ponte Vecchio, built in 1345 (photo)

KW131027: The Ponte Vecchio, built in 1345 (photo), Gaddi, Taddeo (c.1300-66) / Bridgeman Images

The Transfiguration (tempera & gold leaf on panel)
The Transfiguration (tempera & gold leaf on panel)

BBC193353: The Transfiguration (tempera & gold leaf on panel), Gaddi, Taddeo (c.1300-66) / Bridgeman Images

The Tree of the Cross (L'albero della croce), by Taddeo Gaddi, 1350 - 1366, 14th Century, fresco
The Tree of the Cross (L'albero della croce), by Taddeo Gaddi, 1350 - 1366, 14th Century, fresco

ELC852969: The Tree of the Cross (L'albero della croce), by Taddeo Gaddi, 1350 - 1366, 14th Century, fresco, Gaddi, Taddeo (c.1300-66) / Bridgeman Images

Receiving the Stigmata of St. Francis (Le stimmate di San Francesco), by Taddeo Gaddi, 1335 - 1340, 14th Century, fresco
Receiving the Stigmata of St. Francis (Le stimmate di San Francesco), by Taddeo Gaddi, 1335 - 1340, 14th Century, fresco

ELC852929: Receiving the Stigmata of St. Francis (Le stimmate di San Francesco), by Taddeo Gaddi, 1335 - 1340, 14th Century, fresco, Gaddi, Taddeo (c.1300-66) / Bridgeman Images

Dinner at the Pharisee's house (Cena in casa del Fariseo), by Taddeo Gaddi, 1335 - 1340, 14th Century, fresco
Dinner at the Pharisee's house (Cena in casa del Fariseo), by Taddeo Gaddi, 1335 - 1340, 14th Century, fresco

ELC852930: Dinner at the Pharisee's house (Cena in casa del Fariseo), by Taddeo Gaddi, 1335 - 1340, 14th Century, fresco, Gaddi, Taddeo (c.1300-66) / Bridgeman Images

The Apparition of St. Francis in the Chariot of Fire (tempera on panel)
The Apparition of St. Francis in the Chariot of Fire (tempera on panel)

AII80592: The Apparition of St. Francis in the Chariot of Fire (tempera on panel), Gaddi, Taddeo (c.1300-66) / Bridgeman Images

St. Francis holding up the Lateran Church (tempera on panel)
St. Francis holding up the Lateran Church (tempera on panel)

AII80595: St. Francis holding up the Lateran Church (tempera on panel), Gaddi, Taddeo (c.1300-66) / Bridgeman Images

Triptych (tempera on gold ground panel)
Triptych (tempera on gold ground panel)

CH615951: Triptych (tempera on gold ground panel), Gaddi, Taddeo (c.1300-66) / Bridgeman Images

An angel instructs a priest to bring food to St. Benedict (Un angelo ordina a un sacerdote di portare il cibo a San Benedetto), by Taddeo Gaddi, 1335 - 1340, 14th Century, fresco
An angel instructs a priest to bring food to St. Benedict (Un angelo ordina a un sacerdote di portare il cibo a San Benedetto), by Taddeo Gaddi, 1335 - 1340, 14th Century, fresco

ELC852928: An angel instructs a priest to bring food to St. Benedict (Un angelo ordina a un sacerdote di portare il cibo a San Benedetto), by Taddeo Gaddi, 1335 - 1340, 14th Century, fresco, Gaddi, Taddeo (c.1300-66) / Bridgeman Images

History of Saint Francois of Assisi: Innocenzo III (Innocentius) (1198-1216) confirms the Franciscan rule in 1210, 1335-1340 (tempera on wood)
History of Saint Francois of Assisi: Innocenzo III (Innocentius) (1198-1216) confirms the Franciscan rule in 1210, 1335-1340 (tempera on wood)

AII80591: History of Saint Francois of Assisi: Innocenzo III (Innocentius) (1198-1216) confirms the Franciscan rule in 1210, 1335-1340 (tempera on wood), Gaddi, Taddeo (c.1300-66) / Bridgeman Images

Apparition of St. Francis to his Followers (tempera on panel)
Apparition of St. Francis to his Followers (tempera on panel)

AII80594: Apparition of St. Francis to his Followers (tempera on panel), Gaddi, Taddeo (c.1300-66) / Bridgeman Images

The Death of St. Francis (tempera on panel)
The Death of St. Francis (tempera on panel)

AII80597: The Death of St. Francis (tempera on panel), Gaddi, Taddeo (c.1300-66) / Bridgeman Images

Saint Ludovic of Toulouse Serves Soup Kitchen (San Ludovico serve la mensa ai poveri), by Taddeo Gaddi, 1333 - 1350, 14th Century, fresco
Saint Ludovic of Toulouse Serves Soup Kitchen (San Ludovico serve la mensa ai poveri), by Taddeo Gaddi, 1333 - 1350, 14th Century, fresco

ELC852968: Saint Ludovic of Toulouse Serves Soup Kitchen (San Ludovico serve la mensa ai poveri), by Taddeo Gaddi, 1333 - 1350, 14th Century, fresco, Gaddi, Taddeo (c.1300-66) / Bridgeman Images

The Tree of the Cross (L'Albero della Croce), by Taddeo Gaddi, 1335 - 1340, 14th Century, fresco
The Tree of the Cross (L'Albero della Croce), by Taddeo Gaddi, 1335 - 1340, 14th Century, fresco

ELC852923: The Tree of the Cross (L'Albero della Croce), by Taddeo Gaddi, 1335 - 1340, 14th Century, fresco, Gaddi, Taddeo (c.1300-66) / Bridgeman Images

Madonna and Child Enthroned with SS. Mary Magdalene, Catherine of Alexandria and angels, 1355 (tempera on panel)
Madonna and Child Enthroned with SS. Mary Magdalene, Catherine of Alexandria and angels, 1355 (tempera on panel)

AII86855: Madonna and Child Enthroned with SS. Mary Magdalene, Catherine of Alexandria and angels, 1355 (tempera on panel), Gaddi, Taddeo (c.1300-66) / Bridgeman Images

Deposition of Christ from the Bardi Chapel
Deposition of Christ from the Bardi Chapel

BAT52645: Deposition of Christ from the Bardi Chapel, Gaddi, Taddeo (c.1300-66) / Bridgeman Images

The Ascension and the Annunciation, lunette (tempera on panel)
The Ascension and the Annunciation, lunette (tempera on panel)

AII80582: The Ascension and the Annunciation, lunette (tempera on panel), Gaddi, Taddeo (c.1300-66) / Bridgeman Images

Madonna and Child with Saints (tempera on panel)
Madonna and Child with Saints (tempera on panel)

AII80598: Madonna and Child with Saints (tempera on panel), Gaddi, Taddeo (c.1300-66) / Bridgeman Images

Madonna and Child (tempera on panel)
Madonna and Child (tempera on panel)

AII80600: Madonna and Child (tempera on panel), Gaddi, Taddeo (c.1300-66) / Bridgeman Images

View of the chapel decored with frescos, 13th-14th century (photography)
View of the chapel decored with frescos, 13th-14th century (photography)

LRI4587090: View of the chapel decored with frescos, 13th-14th century (photography), Gaddi, Taddeo (c.1300-66) / Bridgeman Images

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