The Trial by Fire, St. Francis offers to walk through fire, to convert the Sultan of Egypt in 1219, (oil on panel), Gaddi, Taddeo (c.1300-66) / Bridgeman Images
The annonciation to the shepherds, from the cycle of the life of the Virgin (fresco, 1332-1338), Gaddi, Taddeo (c.1300-66) / Bridgeman Images
History of Saint Francis of Assisi: Pope Innocent III confirming the Franciscan rule in 1210. Detail. 14th century (fresco), Gaddi, Taddeo (c.1300-66) / Bridgeman Images
The Presentation of the Virgin, detail from Stories of Virgin, by Taddeo Gaddi (ca 1300-1366), 1328-1338 (fresco), Gaddi, Taddeo (c.1300-66) / Bridgeman Images
The Tree of the Cross (L'albero della croce), by Taddeo Gaddi, 1350 - 1366, 14th Century, fresco, Gaddi, Taddeo (c.1300-66) / Bridgeman Images
Receiving the Stigmata of St. Francis (Le stimmate di San Francesco), by Taddeo Gaddi, 1335 - 1340, 14th Century, fresco, Gaddi, Taddeo (c.1300-66) / Bridgeman Images
Dinner at the Pharisee's house (Cena in casa del Fariseo), by Taddeo Gaddi, 1335 - 1340, 14th Century, fresco, Gaddi, Taddeo (c.1300-66) / Bridgeman Images
An angel instructs a priest to bring food to St. Benedict (Un angelo ordina a un sacerdote di portare il cibo a San Benedetto), by Taddeo Gaddi, 1335 - 1340, 14th Century, fresco, Gaddi, Taddeo (c.1300-66) / Bridgeman Images
History of Saint Francois of Assisi: Innocenzo III (Innocentius) (1198-1216) confirms the Franciscan rule in 1210, 1335-1340 (tempera on wood), Gaddi, Taddeo (c.1300-66) / Bridgeman Images
Saint Ludovic of Toulouse Serves Soup Kitchen (San Ludovico serve la mensa ai poveri), by Taddeo Gaddi, 1333 - 1350, 14th Century, fresco, Gaddi, Taddeo (c.1300-66) / Bridgeman Images
The Tree of the Cross (L'Albero della Croce), by Taddeo Gaddi, 1335 - 1340, 14th Century, fresco, Gaddi, Taddeo (c.1300-66) / Bridgeman Images
Madonna and Child Enthroned with SS. Mary Magdalene, Catherine of Alexandria and angels, 1355 (tempera on panel), Gaddi, Taddeo (c.1300-66) / Bridgeman Images