Gaddi, Taddeo (c.1300-66)

Creator details

Gaddi, Taddeo (c.1300-66)

Assets (97 in total)

St. Francis before the Pope and Cardinals (tempera on panel)
The Trial by Fire, St. Francis offers to walk through fire, to convert the Sultan of Egypt in 1219, (oil on panel)
The annonciation to the shepherds, from the cycle of the life of the Virgin (fresco, 1332-1338)
The Tree of Life and The Last Supper, 1360 (fresco) (for detail see 85021)
The Tree of Life and The Last Supper, 1360 (fresco) (detail of 85020)
St. Francis Receiving the Stigmata (tempera on panel)
St. Eloi in the Silversmith's Workshop
History of Saint Francis of Assisi: Pope Innocent III confirming the Franciscan rule in 1210. Detail. 14th century (fresco)
The Last Supper (tempera on panel)
Madonna del Parto (fresco)
St. Francis preparing the Christmas Crib at Grecchio (tempera on panel)
St. Francis before the Bishop (tempera on panel)

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