Gros, Baron Antoine Jean (1771-1835) Assets (72 in total)

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Napoleon I (1769-1821) on the Bridge of Arcole, 19th century (oil on canvas)
Napoleon I (1769-1821) on the Bridge of Arcole, 19th century (oil on canvas)

BOO37533: Napoleon I (1769-1821) on the Bridge of Arcole, 19th century (oil on canvas), Gros, Baron Antoine Jean (1771-1835) / Bridgeman Images

Campaign (Expedition) of Egypt (1798-1801), 1798 (oil on canvas)
Campaign (Expedition) of Egypt (1798-1801), 1798 (oil on canvas)

JLJ4651529: Campaign (Expedition) of Egypt (1798-1801), 1798 (oil on canvas), Gros, Baron Antoine Jean (1771-1835) / Bridgeman Images

Napoleon on the Battle Field of Eylau, 9th February 1807, 1808 (oil on canvas)
Napoleon on the Battle Field of Eylau, 9th February 1807, 1808 (oil on canvas)

XIR18910: Napoleon on the Battle Field of Eylau, 9th February 1807, 1808 (oil on canvas), Gros, Baron Antoine Jean (1771-1835) / Bridgeman Images

General Bonaparte (1769-1821) on the Bridge at Arcole, 17th November 1796 (oil on canvas)
General Bonaparte (1769-1821) on the Bridge at Arcole, 17th November 1796 (oil on canvas)

XIR70894: General Bonaparte (1769-1821) on the Bridge at Arcole, 17th November 1796 (oil on canvas), Gros, Baron Antoine Jean (1771-1835) / Bridgeman Images

The Battle of the Pyramids, 21st July 1798 (oil on canvas)
The Battle of the Pyramids, 21st July 1798 (oil on canvas)

XIR58316: The Battle of the Pyramids, 21st July 1798 (oil on canvas), Gros, Baron Antoine Jean (1771-1835) / Bridgeman Images

Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) First Consul, 1802 (oil on canvas)
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) First Consul, 1802 (oil on canvas)

XIR18492: Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) First Consul, 1802 (oil on canvas), Gros, Baron Antoine Jean (1771-1835) / Bridgeman Images

Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) First Consul, Reviewing his Troops after the Battle of Marengo, 1802-03 (oil on canvas)
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) First Consul, Reviewing his Troops after the Battle of Marengo, 1802-03 (oil on canvas)

XIR165521: Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) First Consul, Reviewing his Troops after the Battle of Marengo, 1802-03 (oil on canvas), Gros, Baron Antoine Jean (1771-1835) / Bridgeman Images

Equestrian Portrait of Joachim Murat (1767-1815) 1812 (oil on canvas)
Equestrian Portrait of Joachim Murat (1767-1815) 1812 (oil on canvas)

XIR155918: Equestrian Portrait of Joachim Murat (1767-1815) 1812 (oil on canvas), Gros, Baron Antoine Jean (1771-1835) / Bridgeman Images

Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) visiting the plague stricken of Jaffa, 11th March 1799, 1804 (oil on canvas)
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) visiting the plague stricken of Jaffa, 11th March 1799, 1804 (oil on canvas)

XIR17307: Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) visiting the plague stricken of Jaffa, 11th March 1799, 1804 (oil on canvas), Gros, Baron Antoine Jean (1771-1835) / Bridgeman Images

Josephine Tasher de la Pagerie (1763-1814) Empress of the French, gazing at a bust of her son Eugene de Beauharnais (1781-1824) at Malmaison, 1808 (oil on canvas)
Josephine Tasher de la Pagerie (1763-1814) Empress of the French, gazing at a bust of her son Eugene de Beauharnais (1781-1824) at Malmaison, 1808 (oil on canvas)

XIR121298: Josephine Tasher de la Pagerie (1763-1814) Empress of the French, gazing at a bust of her son Eugene de Beauharnais (1781-1824) at Malmaison, 1808 (oil on canvas), Gros, Baron Antoine Jean (1771-1835) / Bridgeman Images

Meeting between Napoleon I (1769-1821) and Francis II (1768-1835) after the Battle of Austerlitz, 4th December 1805 (oil on canvas)
Meeting between Napoleon I (1769-1821) and Francis II (1768-1835) after the Battle of Austerlitz, 4th December 1805 (oil on canvas)

XIR206468: Meeting between Napoleon I (1769-1821) and Francis II (1768-1835) after the Battle of Austerlitz, 4th December 1805 (oil on canvas), Gros, Baron Antoine Jean (1771-1835) / Bridgeman Images

Hortense Eugenie de Beauharnais (1783-1837), Queen of Holland, with her son Charles Louis Napoleon Bonaparte (1808-73), the future Napoleon III (oil on canvas)
Hortense Eugenie de Beauharnais (1783-1837), Queen of Holland, with her son Charles Louis Napoleon Bonaparte (1808-73), the future Napoleon III (oil on canvas)

CHT199622: Hortense Eugenie de Beauharnais (1783-1837), Queen of Holland, with her son Charles Louis Napoleon Bonaparte (1808-73), the future Napoleon III (oil on canvas), Gros, Baron Antoine Jean (1771-1835) / Bridgeman Images

Murat Defeating the Turkish Army at Aboukir on 25 July 1799, c.1805 (oil on canvas mounted on board)
Murat Defeating the Turkish Army at Aboukir on 25 July 1799, c.1805 (oil on canvas mounted on board)

DTR140330: Murat Defeating the Turkish Army at Aboukir on 25 July 1799, c.1805 (oil on canvas mounted on board), Gros, Baron Antoine Jean (1771-1835) / Bridgeman Images

The Battle of Aboukir, 25th July 1799
The Battle of Aboukir, 25th July 1799

XIR20123: The Battle of Aboukir, 25th July 1799, Gros, Baron Antoine Jean (1771-1835) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait en pied de Napoleon Bonaparte en Premier Consul, 1802 (oil on canvas)
Portrait en pied de Napoleon Bonaparte en Premier Consul, 1802 (oil on canvas)

JLJ4568979: Portrait en pied de Napoleon Bonaparte en Premier Consul, 1802 (oil on canvas), Gros, Baron Antoine Jean (1771-1835) / Bridgeman Images

Christine Boyer (1776-1800) (oil on canvas)
Christine Boyer (1776-1800) (oil on canvas)

XIR83589: Christine Boyer (1776-1800) (oil on canvas), Gros, Baron Antoine Jean (1771-1835) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of General Francois Fournier-Sarvoleze (1773-1827) 1812 (oil on canvas)
Portrait of General Francois Fournier-Sarvoleze (1773-1827) 1812 (oil on canvas)

XIR165514: Portrait of General Francois Fournier-Sarvoleze (1773-1827) 1812 (oil on canvas), Gros, Baron Antoine Jean (1771-1835) / Bridgeman Images

An Arabian Horse (oil on canvas)
An Arabian Horse (oil on canvas)

XIR231798: An Arabian Horse (oil on canvas), Gros, Baron Antoine Jean (1771-1835) / Bridgeman Images

Self Portrait (oil on canvas)
Self Portrait (oil on canvas)

XIR178931: Self Portrait (oil on canvas), Gros, Baron Antoine Jean (1771-1835) / Bridgeman Images

Clovis and Clothilde; Clovis I, king of the Franks (466-511) and his wife Clothilde (St Clothilde) (475-545), who converted him to the Catholic faith.
Clovis and Clothilde; Clovis I, king of the Franks (466-511) and his wife Clothilde (St Clothilde) (475-545), who converted him to the Catholic faith.

LSE4335154: Clovis and Clothilde; Clovis I, king of the Franks (466-511) and his wife Clothilde (St Clothilde) (475-545), who converted him to the Catholic faith., Gros, Baron Antoine Jean (1771-1835) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Louis-Eugene d'Etchegoyen, a Cavalry Officer, 1810 (oil on canvas)
Portrait of Louis-Eugene d'Etchegoyen, a Cavalry Officer, 1810 (oil on canvas)

TFJ225937: Portrait of Louis-Eugene d'Etchegoyen, a Cavalry Officer, 1810 (oil on canvas), Gros, Baron Antoine Jean (1771-1835) / Bridgeman Images

Horse of Joachim Murat, c. 1832 (oil on canvas)
Horse of Joachim Murat, c. 1832 (oil on canvas)

XIR370269: Horse of Joachim Murat, c. 1832 (oil on canvas), Gros, Baron Antoine Jean (1771-1835) / Bridgeman Images

Glory of St. Genevieve, study for the cupola of the Pantheon, c.1812 (oil on canvas)
Glory of St. Genevieve, study for the cupola of the Pantheon, c.1812 (oil on canvas)

XIR158227: Glory of St. Genevieve, study for the cupola of the Pantheon, c.1812 (oil on canvas), Gros, Baron Antoine Jean (1771-1835) / Bridgeman Images

Prince Boris Nikolaevich Yusupov (1794-1849) 1809 (oil)
Prince Boris Nikolaevich Yusupov (1794-1849) 1809 (oil)

BAL34649: Prince Boris Nikolaevich Yusupov (1794-1849) 1809 (oil), Gros, Baron Antoine Jean (1771-1835) / Bridgeman Images

The Battle of Nazareth, 8th April 1799, 1801 (oil on canvas)
The Battle of Nazareth, 8th April 1799, 1801 (oil on canvas)

XIR165517: The Battle of Nazareth, 8th April 1799, 1801 (oil on canvas), Gros, Baron Antoine Jean (1771-1835) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Marie-Therese-Charlotte de France (1778-1851) Duchesse d'Angouleme (oil on canvas)
Portrait of Marie-Therese-Charlotte de France (1778-1851) Duchesse d'Angouleme (oil on canvas)

XIR170494: Portrait of Marie-Therese-Charlotte de France (1778-1851) Duchesse d'Angouleme (oil on canvas), Gros, Baron Antoine Jean (1771-1835) / Bridgeman Images

Bonaparte on the Bridge of Arcole, 17th November 1796 (oil on canvas)
Bonaparte on the Bridge of Arcole, 17th November 1796 (oil on canvas)

XIR136450: Bonaparte on the Bridge of Arcole, 17th November 1796 (oil on canvas), Gros, Baron Antoine Jean (1771-1835) / Bridgeman Images

Napoleon (1769-1821) as First Consul, 1803 (oil on canvas)
Napoleon (1769-1821) as First Consul, 1803 (oil on canvas)

TFJ225922: Napoleon (1769-1821) as First Consul, 1803 (oil on canvas), Gros, Baron Antoine Jean (1771-1835) / Bridgeman Images

Equestrian Portrait of Jerome Bonaparte (1784-1860) 1808 (oil on canvas)
Equestrian Portrait of Jerome Bonaparte (1784-1860) 1808 (oil on canvas)

XIR172257: Equestrian Portrait of Jerome Bonaparte (1784-1860) 1808 (oil on canvas), Gros, Baron Antoine Jean (1771-1835) / Bridgeman Images

Napoleon I on the battlefield of Eylau on 9/02/1807. 1808 (oil on canvas)
Napoleon I on the battlefield of Eylau on 9/02/1807. 1808 (oil on canvas)

IBE5335882: Napoleon I on the battlefield of Eylau on 9/02/1807. 1808 (oil on canvas), Gros, Baron Antoine Jean (1771-1835) / Bridgeman Images

Claude Victor Perrin (1764--1841) known as Victor, Duc de Bellune (oil on canvas)
Claude Victor Perrin (1764--1841) known as Victor, Duc de Bellune (oil on canvas)

XIR201525: Claude Victor Perrin (1764--1841) known as Victor, Duc de Bellune (oil on canvas), Gros, Baron Antoine Jean (1771-1835) / Bridgeman Images

Hercules and Diomedes (oil on canvas)
Hercules and Diomedes (oil on canvas)

XIR26259: Hercules and Diomedes (oil on canvas), Gros, Baron Antoine Jean (1771-1835) / Bridgeman Images

Sappho and Leucade, also known as The Death of Sappho (oil on canvas) (b/w photo)
Sappho and Leucade, also known as The Death of Sappho (oil on canvas) (b/w photo)

XIR168376: Sappho and Leucade, also known as The Death of Sappho (oil on canvas) (b/w photo), Gros, Baron Antoine Jean (1771-1835) / Bridgeman Images

Geraud-Christophe-Michel Duroc (1772-1813) Duke of Frioul, 1806-08 (oil on canvas)
Geraud-Christophe-Michel Duroc (1772-1813) Duke of Frioul, 1806-08 (oil on canvas)

XIR191396: Geraud-Christophe-Michel Duroc (1772-1813) Duke of Frioul, 1806-08 (oil on canvas), Gros, Baron Antoine Jean (1771-1835) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Prince Eugene de Beauharnais (1781-1824) Aged Fifteen
Portrait of Prince Eugene de Beauharnais (1781-1824) Aged Fifteen

XIR183070: Portrait of Prince Eugene de Beauharnais (1781-1824) Aged Fifteen, Gros, Baron Antoine Jean (1771-1835) / Bridgeman Images

Prussia Campaign: 'Portrait en pied du Comte de Lasalle, general de division, receiving the surrender of the garrison of Stettin, 1808 (oil on canvas)
Prussia Campaign: 'Portrait en pied du Comte de Lasalle, general de division, receiving the surrender of the garrison of Stettin, 1808 (oil on canvas)

JLJ4577424: Prussia Campaign: 'Portrait en pied du Comte de Lasalle, general de division, receiving the surrender of the garrison of Stettin, 1808 (oil on canvas), Gros, Baron Antoine Jean (1771-1835) / Bridgeman Images

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