Gros, Baron Antoine Jean (1771-1835)

Creator details

Gros, Baron Antoine Jean (1771-1835)

Assets (72 in total)

Napoleon I (1769-1821) on the Bridge of Arcole, 19th century (oil on canvas)
General Bonaparte (1769-1821) on the Bridge at Arcole, 17th November 1796 (oil on canvas)
Napoleon on the Battle Field of Eylau, 9th February 1807, 1808 (oil on canvas)
The Battle of the Pyramids, 21st July 1798 (oil on canvas)
Campaign (Expedition) of Egypt (1798-1801), 1798 (oil on canvas)
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) First Consul, 1802 (oil on canvas)
Equestrian Portrait of Joachim Murat (1767-1815) 1812 (oil on canvas)
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) First Consul, Reviewing his Troops after the Battle of Marengo, 1802-03 (oil on canvas)
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) visiting the plague stricken of Jaffa, 11th March 1799, 1804 (oil on canvas)
Josephine Tasher de la Pagerie (1763-1814) Empress of the French, gazing at a bust of her son Eugene de Beauharnais (1781-1824) at Malmaison, 1808 (oil on canvas)
Meeting between Napoleon I (1769-1821) and Francis II (1768-1835) after the Battle of Austerlitz, 4th December 1805 (oil on canvas)
Hortense Eugenie de Beauharnais (1783-1837), Queen of Holland, with her son Charles Louis Napoleon Bonaparte (1808-73), the future Napoleon III (oil on canvas)

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