Furniss, Harry (1854-1925) Assets (357 in total)

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Portrait of Lewis Caroll (drawing)
Portrait of Lewis Caroll (drawing)

XLA3771109: Portrait of Lewis Caroll (drawing), Furniss, Harry (1854-1925) / Bridgeman Images

Lewis Carroll - portrait
Lewis Carroll - portrait

XLA3752590: Lewis Carroll - portrait, Furniss, Harry (1854-1925) / Bridgeman Images

Mr. Jaggers and his clients.
Mr. Jaggers and his clients.

KWE1000753: Mr. Jaggers and his clients. "Mr. Jaggers suddenly stopped, and turning on the two women with shawls, said, "Oh! Amelia, is it?" "Yes, Mr Jaggers." "But for me," he retorted, "you wouldn't be here. Say another word and Wemmick shall give you your money back" The excitable Jew had already raised the skirts of Mr. Jagger's coat to his lips several times." Illustration by Harry Furniss for the Charles Dickens novel Great Expectations, from The Testimonial Edition published 1910., Furniss, Harry (1854-1925) / Bridgeman Images

Illustration for A Christmas Carol from The Christmas Books by Charles Dickens, 1910 (engraving),
Illustration for A Christmas Carol from The Christmas Books by Charles Dickens, 1910 (engraving),

KWE1000763: Illustration for A Christmas Carol from The Christmas Books by Charles Dickens, 1910 (engraving),, Furniss, Harry (1854-1925) / Bridgeman Images

Lady Dedlock and Jo.
Lady Dedlock and Jo.

KWE1000808: Lady Dedlock and Jo. "He was put there," says Jo, holding to the bars and looking in, while Lady Dedlock shrinks into a corner. Illustration by Harry Furniss for the Charles Dickens novel Bleak House, from The Testimonial Edition, published 1910., Furniss, Harry (1854-1925) / Bridgeman Images

Trotty's Dream.
Trotty's Dream.

KWE1000764: Trotty's Dream. "Had Trotty dreamed? Or are his joys and sorrows, and the actors in them, but a dream; himself a dream; the teller of this tale a dreamer, waking but now?" Illustration by Harry Furniss for the short story The Chimes from The Christmas Books by Charles Dickens, published in The Testimonial Edition of 1910., Furniss, Harry (1854-1925) / Bridgeman Images

Fagin in the Condemned Cell.
Fagin in the Condemned Cell.

KWE1000821: Fagin in the Condemned Cell. " He sat down on a stone bench opposite the door, which served for a seat and bedstead, and casting his bloodshot eyes upon the grond, tried to collect his thoughts. " Illustration by Harry Furniss for the Charles Dickens novel Oliver Twist, from The Testimonial Edition, published 1910., Furniss, Harry (1854-1925) / Bridgeman Images

Illustration for Sylvie and Bruno by Lewis Carroll (engraving)
Illustration for Sylvie and Bruno by Lewis Carroll (engraving)

LLM2788162: Illustration for Sylvie and Bruno by Lewis Carroll (engraving), Furniss, Harry (1854-1925) / Bridgeman Images

Magwitch under sentence of death.
Magwitch under sentence of death.

KWE1000756: Magwitch under sentence of death. "A broad shaft of light came in through the great windows of the court. Rising for a moment, a distinct speck of face in this ray of light, the prisoner said, "My Lord, I have received my sentence of Death from the Almighty, but I bow to yours." Illustration by Harry Furniss for the Charles Dickens novel Great Expectations, from The Testimonial Edition published 1910., Furniss, Harry (1854-1925) / Bridgeman Images

Illustration for Sylvie and Bruno by Lewis Carroll (engraving)
Illustration for Sylvie and Bruno by Lewis Carroll (engraving)

LLM2788172: Illustration for Sylvie and Bruno by Lewis Carroll (engraving), Furniss, Harry (1854-1925) / Bridgeman Images

Lewis Carroll (litho)
Lewis Carroll (litho)

LLM2788053: Lewis Carroll (litho), Furniss, Harry (1854-1925) / Bridgeman Images

Charles Dickens's novel 'Our
Charles Dickens's novel 'Our

XLA3776777: Charles Dickens's novel 'Our, Furniss, Harry (1854-1925) / Bridgeman Images

Illustration for Sylvie and Bruno by Lewis Carroll (engraving)
Illustration for Sylvie and Bruno by Lewis Carroll (engraving)

LLM2788180: Illustration for Sylvie and Bruno by Lewis Carroll (engraving), Furniss, Harry (1854-1925) / Bridgeman Images

Provis.  Illustration by Harry Furniss for the Charles Dickens novel Great Expectations, from The Testimonial Edition published 1910.
Provis.  Illustration by Harry Furniss for the Charles Dickens novel Great Expectations, from The Testimonial Edition published 1910.

KWE1000755: Provis. Illustration by Harry Furniss for the Charles Dickens novel Great Expectations, from The Testimonial Edition published 1910., Furniss, Harry (1854-1925) / Bridgeman Images

Illustration for A Christmas Carol from The Christmas Books by Charles Dickens, 1910 (engraving)
Illustration for A Christmas Carol from The Christmas Books by Charles Dickens, 1910 (engraving)

KWE1000761: Illustration for A Christmas Carol from The Christmas Books by Charles Dickens, 1910 (engraving), Furniss, Harry (1854-1925) / Bridgeman Images

Illustration for A Christmas Carol from The Christmas Books by Charles Dickens, 1910 (engraving),
Illustration for A Christmas Carol from The Christmas Books by Charles Dickens, 1910 (engraving),

KWE1000762: Illustration for A Christmas Carol from The Christmas Books by Charles Dickens, 1910 (engraving),, Furniss, Harry (1854-1925) / Bridgeman Images

Charles Dickens (litho)
Charles Dickens (litho)

LLM2788030: Charles Dickens (litho), Furniss, Harry (1854-1925) / Bridgeman Images

Estella and Pip.
Estella and Pip.

KWE1000757: Estella and Pip. "I saw no shadow of another parting from her.", Furniss, Harry (1854-1925) / Bridgeman Images

Illustration for A Christmas Carol from The Christmas Books by Charles Dickens, 1910 (engraving)
Illustration for A Christmas Carol from The Christmas Books by Charles Dickens, 1910 (engraving)

KWE1000760: Illustration for A Christmas Carol from The Christmas Books by Charles Dickens, 1910 (engraving), Furniss, Harry (1854-1925) / Bridgeman Images

Illustration for Charles Dickens' Novel A Tale of two cities, 1910 (engraving)
Illustration for Charles Dickens' Novel A Tale of two cities, 1910 (engraving)

KWE1000791: Illustration for Charles Dickens' Novel A Tale of two cities, 1910 (engraving), Furniss, Harry (1854-1925) / Bridgeman Images

Illustration for Charles Dickens' Novel A Tale of two cities, 1910 (engraving)
Illustration for Charles Dickens' Novel A Tale of two cities, 1910 (engraving)

KWE1000793: Illustration for Charles Dickens' Novel A Tale of two cities, 1910 (engraving), Furniss, Harry (1854-1925) / Bridgeman Images

Mr Dick with his kite, from 'David Copperfield', by Charles Dickens, 1910 (engraving)
Mr Dick with his kite, from 'David Copperfield', by Charles Dickens, 1910 (engraving)

DHM6349025: Mr Dick with his kite, from 'David Copperfield', by Charles Dickens, 1910 (engraving), Furniss, Harry (1854-1925) / Bridgeman Images

The Dancing Academy.
The Dancing Academy.

KWE1000842: The Dancing Academy. "Mr. Cooper, my daughter, sir, Miss Billsmethi,sir, who I hope will have the pleasure of dancing many a quadrille, minuet, gavotte, country dance, fandango, double hornpipe and farinagholkajingo with you, sir." Illustration by Harry Furniss for Sketches by Boz by Charles Dickens, from The Testimonial Edition, published 1910., Furniss, Harry (1854-1925) / Bridgeman Images

Pip's struggle with the escaped convict.
Pip's struggle with the escaped convict.

KWE1000750: Pip's struggle with the escaped convict. ", Furniss, Harry (1854-1925) / Bridgeman Images

Dolge Orlick.  Illustration by Harry Furniss for the Charles Dickens novel Great Expectations, from The Testimonial Edition published 1910.
Dolge Orlick.  Illustration by Harry Furniss for the Charles Dickens novel Great Expectations, from The Testimonial Edition published 1910.

KWE1000752: Dolge Orlick. Illustration by Harry Furniss for the Charles Dickens novel Great Expectations, from The Testimonial Edition published 1910., Furniss, Harry (1854-1925) / Bridgeman Images

Illustration for Charles Dickens' The Old Curiosity Shop, 1910 (engraving)
Illustration for Charles Dickens' The Old Curiosity Shop, 1910 (engraving)

KWE1000779: Illustration for Charles Dickens' The Old Curiosity Shop, 1910 (engraving), Furniss, Harry (1854-1925) / Bridgeman Images

Illustration for Charles Dickens' novel Barnaby Rudge, 1910 (engraving)
Illustration for Charles Dickens' novel Barnaby Rudge, 1910 (engraving)

KWE1000799: Illustration for Charles Dickens' novel Barnaby Rudge, 1910 (engraving), Furniss, Harry (1854-1925) / Bridgeman Images

David Copperfield.  Illustration by Harry Furniss for the Charles Dickens novel David Copperfield, from The Testimonial Edition, published 1910.
David Copperfield.  Illustration by Harry Furniss for the Charles Dickens novel David Copperfield, from The Testimonial Edition, published 1910.

KWE1000810: David Copperfield. Illustration by Harry Furniss for the Charles Dickens novel David Copperfield, from The Testimonial Edition, published 1910., Furniss, Harry (1854-1925) / Bridgeman Images

Mr. Micawber Takes David Home.
Mr. Micawber Takes David Home.

KWE1000811: Mr. Micawber Takes David Home. " We walked to our house together, Mr. Micawber impressing the names of streets, and the shapes of corner houses upon me, as we went along." Illustration by Harry Furniss for the Charles Dickens novel David Copperfield, from The Testimonial Edition, published 1910., Furniss, Harry (1854-1925) / Bridgeman Images

Martha the Wanderer.  Illustration by Harry Furniss for the Charles Dickens novel David Copperfield, from The Testimonial Edition, published 1910.
Martha the Wanderer.  Illustration by Harry Furniss for the Charles Dickens novel David Copperfield, from The Testimonial Edition, published 1910.

KWE1000814: Martha the Wanderer. Illustration by Harry Furniss for the Charles Dickens novel David Copperfield, from The Testimonial Edition, published 1910., Furniss, Harry (1854-1925) / Bridgeman Images

The Pageant of English History.  Frontispiece by Harry Furniss for the Charles Dickens book A Child's History of England, from The Testimonial Edition, published 1910.
The Pageant of English History.  Frontispiece by Harry Furniss for the Charles Dickens book A Child's History of England, from The Testimonial Edition, published 1910.

KWE1000822: The Pageant of English History. Frontispiece by Harry Furniss for the Charles Dickens book A Child's History of England, from The Testimonial Edition, published 1910., Furniss, Harry (1854-1925) / Bridgeman Images

The Duel After the Ball.
The Duel After the Ball.

KWE1000826: The Duel After the Ball. " Mr. Winkle's eyes being closed, prevented his observing the very extraordinary and unaccountable demeanour of Doctor Slammer. That gentleman stared, rubbed his eyes, and, finally, shouted " Stop, stop! that's not the man!". Illustration by Harry Furniss for the Charles Dickens novel The Pickwick Papers, from The Testimonial Edition, published 1910., Furniss, Harry (1854-1925) / Bridgeman Images

Stiggins.  Illustration by Harry Furniss for the Charles Dickens novel The Pickwick Papers, from The Testimonial Edition, published 1910.
Stiggins.  Illustration by Harry Furniss for the Charles Dickens novel The Pickwick Papers, from The Testimonial Edition, published 1910.

KWE1000827: Stiggins. Illustration by Harry Furniss for the Charles Dickens novel The Pickwick Papers, from The Testimonial Edition, published 1910., Furniss, Harry (1854-1925) / Bridgeman Images

Sketches at Galway, illustration from 'The Illustrated London News', 1880 (engraving)
Sketches at Galway, illustration from 'The Illustrated London News', 1880 (engraving)

XJF476211: Sketches at Galway, illustration from 'The Illustrated London News', 1880 (engraving), Furniss, Harry (1854-1925) / Bridgeman Images

Mr Charles Stewart Parnell (colour litho)
Mr Charles Stewart Parnell (colour litho)

LLJ612419: Mr Charles Stewart Parnell (colour litho), Furniss, Harry (1854-1925) / Bridgeman Images

Illustration for Sylvie and Bruno by Lewis Carroll (engraving)
Illustration for Sylvie and Bruno by Lewis Carroll (engraving)

LLM2788156: Illustration for Sylvie and Bruno by Lewis Carroll (engraving), Furniss, Harry (1854-1925) / Bridgeman Images

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