KWE1000841: The Four Sisters. "Where on earth the husband came from, by what feelings the poor man could have been actuated, or by what process of reasoning the four Miss Willises succeeded in persuading themselves that it was possible for a man to marry one of them, whithout marrying all, are questions too profound for us to resolve." Illustration by Harry Furniss for Sketches by Boz by Charles Dickens, from The Testimonial Edition, published 1910., Furniss, Harry (1854-1925) / Bridgeman Images
KWE1000773: Mr. Riah and Miss Wren at the Six Jolly Fellowship Porters. "Stop a bit," interposed Miss Wren. "I'll give the lady my card." She produced it from her pocket after struggling with the gigantic doorkey which had kept it down. Miss Abbey, with manifest tokens of astonishment, read the diminutive document." Illustration by Harry Furniss for the Charles Dickens novel Our Mutual Friend, from The Testimonial Edition, published 1910., Furniss, Harry (1854-1925) / Bridgeman Images