PCT4274460: Carnac menhir alignments. Drawing by Victor Hugo grave by Meaulle. Extract from the text of Hugo (En voyage en Bretagne, 11 August 1834): “” My dear friend, you cannot figure yourself as Celtic monuments are strange and sinister. In Karnac, I had almost a moment of despair. These prodigious stones were almost all thrown down by the foolish peasants who make them walls and huts. All the dolmens, an exception with a cross, are on the ground. Only the Peulvens (standing stones) remain... The Karnac Peulvens have an immense effect. They are countless and sheltered in long avenues. The entire monument, with its erased cromlechs and its destroyed dolmens, covered a plain of more than two leagues. Now we see nothing but ruin. It was a unique thing that is no longer. Stupid country! stupid people! stupid government!”, Meaulle, Fortune Louis (1844-1901) / Bridgeman Images
PCT4271600: Notre Dame de Paris (Notre-Dame) in 1482: west facade and parvis. Engraving by F. Meaulle, based on a drawing by Viollet le Duc (Viollet-le-Duc) illustrating the eponymous novel by Victor Hugo, edition Ollendorff beginning 20th century. At the bottom left, in a white dress, the Bohemian Esmeralda with her goat is distinguished. Extract from the text: “Three important things are missing today on this facade: first, the level of eleven steps that once raised it above the ground; then, the lower series of statues that occupied the niches of the three portals and the upper series of twenty-eight oldest kings of France which filled the gallery on the first floor...”, Meaulle, Fortune Louis (1844-1901) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4136920: A woman in a shirt and night cap, with a face full of fear, sad eyes and a hand raised, stands up barefoot in front of the window of her house, through which one sees the mats of the boats. Inside, a clock, a bird cage and little furniture. Illustration by Bernard Borione (1865-20th century), for Le noye de Guy de Maupassant (1850-1893). Engraving by Fortune Meaulle (1844-1901), 1890 in “” La vie populaire””. Private Collection, Meaulle, Fortune Louis (1844-1901) / Bridgeman Images