O'Gorman, Juan (1905-82) Assets (32 in total)

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Mural depicting the Grito de Dolores (fresco)
Mural depicting the Grito de Dolores (fresco)

JPC310088: Mural depicting the Grito de Dolores (fresco), O'Gorman, Juan (1905-82) / Bridgeman Images

Independence of Mexico: Miguel Hidalgo (1753-1811), nicknamed the Fox, Spanish priest, martyr and heros of Mexico, leading the crowd of insurgencies to the revolt against the Spanish government
Independence of Mexico: Miguel Hidalgo (1753-1811), nicknamed the Fox, Spanish priest, martyr and heros of Mexico, leading the crowd of insurgencies to the revolt against the Spanish government

LRI4668481: Independence of Mexico: Miguel Hidalgo (1753-1811), nicknamed the Fox, Spanish priest, martyr and heros of Mexico, leading the crowd of insurgencies to the revolt against the Spanish government, O'Gorman, Juan (1905-82) / Bridgeman Images

Porfiristic Feudalism, 1973 (mural) (detail)
Porfiristic Feudalism, 1973 (mural) (detail)

MEX97403: Porfiristic Feudalism, 1973 (mural) (detail), O'Gorman, Juan (1905-82) / Bridgeman Images

Retable of the Revolution, 1969 (mural)
Retable of the Revolution, 1969 (mural)

MEX97415: Retable of the Revolution, 1969 (mural), O'Gorman, Juan (1905-82) / Bridgeman Images

Independence of Mexico: the Mexican government and in the center the first president of Mexico Guadalupe Victoria (1786-1843) in 1824
Independence of Mexico: the Mexican government and in the center the first president of Mexico Guadalupe Victoria (1786-1843) in 1824

LRI4668512: Independence of Mexico: the Mexican government and in the center the first president of Mexico Guadalupe Victoria (1786-1843) in 1824, O'Gorman, Juan (1905-82) / Bridgeman Images

Mural of Mexican Independence in the Sala de la Independencia, 1961 (mural painting)
Mural of Mexican Independence in the Sala de la Independencia, 1961 (mural painting)

MEX97413: Mural of Mexican Independence in the Sala de la Independencia, 1961 (mural painting), O'Gorman, Juan (1905-82) / Bridgeman Images

The Myths; Los Mitos, 1944 (tempera on panel)
The Myths; Los Mitos, 1944 (tempera on panel)

CH824842: The Myths; Los Mitos, 1944 (tempera on panel), O'Gorman, Juan (1905-82) / Bridgeman Images

View of Mexico City. A worker on a construction site. Detail. 1949 (painting)
View of Mexico City. A worker on a construction site. Detail. 1949 (painting)

LRI4668499: View of Mexico City. A worker on a construction site. Detail. 1949 (painting), O'Gorman, Juan (1905-82) / Bridgeman Images

Imaginary Flowers, 1944 (tempera on masonite)
Imaginary Flowers, 1944 (tempera on masonite)

CH987828: Imaginary Flowers, 1944 (tempera on masonite), O'Gorman, Juan (1905-82) / Bridgeman Images

Consummatum Est, 1942 (tempera on masonite)
Consummatum Est, 1942 (tempera on masonite)

CH987975: Consummatum Est, 1942 (tempera on masonite), O'Gorman, Juan (1905-82) / Bridgeman Images

Retable of the Revolution, 1969 (mural) (detail)
Retable of the Revolution, 1969 (mural) (detail)

MEX97424: Retable of the Revolution, 1969 (mural) (detail), O'Gorman, Juan (1905-82) / Bridgeman Images

Retable of the Revolution, 1969 (mural)
Retable of the Revolution, 1969 (mural)

MEX97417: Retable of the Revolution, 1969 (mural), O'Gorman, Juan (1905-82) / Bridgeman Images

External view of the library with mosaics (20th century)
External view of the library with mosaics (20th century)

LRI4680125: External view of the library with mosaics (20th century), O'Gorman, Juan (1905-82) / Bridgeman Images

View of Mexico City In the foreground, two hands hold the map of the city from the monument to the Revolution, one can see the panorama in the background, 1942 (painting)
View of Mexico City In the foreground, two hands hold the map of the city from the monument to the Revolution, one can see the panorama in the background, 1942 (painting)

IBE5390904: View of Mexico City In the foreground, two hands hold the map of the city from the monument to the Revolution, one can see the panorama in the background, 1942 (painting), O'Gorman, Juan (1905-82) / Bridgeman Images

The Mine; Los Mitos, 1944 (tempera on panel)
The Mine; Los Mitos, 1944 (tempera on panel)

CH824648: The Mine; Los Mitos, 1944 (tempera on panel), O'Gorman, Juan (1905-82) / Bridgeman Images

Ruins of the Tower of Babel; Ruinas de la Torre de Babel, 1981 (tempera on wood)
Ruins of the Tower of Babel; Ruinas de la Torre de Babel, 1981 (tempera on wood)

CH1769542: Ruins of the Tower of Babel; Ruinas de la Torre de Babel, 1981 (tempera on wood), O'Gorman, Juan (1905-82) / Bridgeman Images

View of Mexico City. In the foreground, two hands hold the map of the city from the monument to the Revolution, one can see the panorama in the background, 1949 (painting)
View of Mexico City. In the foreground, two hands hold the map of the city from the monument to the Revolution, one can see the panorama in the background, 1949 (painting)

LRI4668507: View of Mexico City. In the foreground, two hands hold the map of the city from the monument to the Revolution, one can see the panorama in the background, 1949 (painting), O'Gorman, Juan (1905-82) / Bridgeman Images

Detail from the mural of Mexican Independence, in the Sala de la Independencia, 1961 (mural painting) (detail) (see 97413)w
Detail from the mural of Mexican Independence, in the Sala de la Independencia, 1961 (mural painting) (detail) (see 97413)w

MEX97418: Detail from the mural of Mexican Independence, in the Sala de la Independencia, 1961 (mural painting) (detail) (see 97413)w, O'Gorman, Juan (1905-82) / Bridgeman Images

Retable of the Mexican Revolution, 1969 (mural)
Retable of the Mexican Revolution, 1969 (mural)

MEX97423: Retable of the Mexican Revolution, 1969 (mural), O'Gorman, Juan (1905-82) / Bridgeman Images

Necrophiliac Landscape; Paisaje Necrofilico, c. 1981 (tempera on masonite)
Necrophiliac Landscape; Paisaje Necrofilico, c. 1981 (tempera on masonite)

CH652208: Necrophiliac Landscape; Paisaje Necrofilico, c. 1981 (tempera on masonite), O'Gorman, Juan (1905-82) / Bridgeman Images

The Process of Transformation of Matter into Energy, 1966 (oil and tempera on panel)
The Process of Transformation of Matter into Energy, 1966 (oil and tempera on panel)

CH1769667: The Process of Transformation of Matter into Energy, 1966 (oil and tempera on panel), O'Gorman, Juan (1905-82) / Bridgeman Images

Reunion, 1948 (gouache and ink on paper)
Reunion, 1948 (gouache and ink on paper)

CH1769392: Reunion, 1948 (gouache and ink on paper), O'Gorman, Juan (1905-82) / Bridgeman Images

Detail from the Mural of Mexican Independence, 1961 (mural painting)
Detail from the Mural of Mexican Independence, 1961 (mural painting)

MEX97420: Detail from the Mural of Mexican Independence, 1961 (mural painting), O'Gorman, Juan (1905-82) / Bridgeman Images

The Conquest of the Air by Man; La Conquista del Aire por el Hombre, 1937 (pencil on paper laid down on linen)
The Conquest of the Air by Man; La Conquista del Aire por el Hombre, 1937 (pencil on paper laid down on linen)

CH824819: The Conquest of the Air by Man; La Conquista del Aire por el Hombre, 1937 (pencil on paper laid down on linen), O'Gorman, Juan (1905-82) / Bridgeman Images

Buddies; Los Compadres,  (gouache and watercolour on paper laid down on board)
Buddies; Los Compadres,  (gouache and watercolour on paper laid down on board)

CH824871: Buddies; Los Compadres, (gouache and watercolour on paper laid down on board), O'Gorman, Juan (1905-82) / Bridgeman Images

Land of Liberty; Tierra y Libertad,  (tempera on panel)
Land of Liberty; Tierra y Libertad,  (tempera on panel)

CH824675: Land of Liberty; Tierra y Libertad, (tempera on panel), O'Gorman, Juan (1905-82) / Bridgeman Images

Self-portrait, 1950 (painting)
Self-portrait, 1950 (painting)

LRI4668495: Self-portrait, 1950 (painting), O'Gorman, Juan (1905-82) / Bridgeman Images

Plan of a Monument for the Birth of Venus; Proyecto de Monumento al Nacimiento de Venus, 1976 (tempera on panel)
Plan of a Monument for the Birth of Venus; Proyecto de Monumento al Nacimiento de Venus, 1976 (tempera on panel)

CH824896: Plan of a Monument for the Birth of Venus; Proyecto de Monumento al Nacimiento de Venus, 1976 (tempera on panel), O'Gorman, Juan (1905-82) / Bridgeman Images

Self-portrait; Autorretrato,  (charcoal and pencil on paper)
Self-portrait; Autorretrato,  (charcoal and pencil on paper)

CH824615: Self-portrait; Autorretrato, (charcoal and pencil on paper), O'Gorman, Juan (1905-82) / Bridgeman Images

Bather, 1989 (bronze with brown patina)
Bather, 1989 (bronze with brown patina)

CH987608: Bather, 1989 (bronze with brown patina), O'Gorman, Juan (1905-82) / Bridgeman Images

Proyecto para el Mural Huelga de Homestead, 1939 (pencil on paper on canvas)
Proyecto para el Mural Huelga de Homestead, 1939 (pencil on paper on canvas)

CH987766: Proyecto para el Mural Huelga de Homestead, 1939 (pencil on paper on canvas), O'Gorman, Juan (1905-82) / Bridgeman Images

Geometric trace for Portrait of Mrs. Beeson Lindau, 1964 (charcoal and crayon on heavy paper)
Geometric trace for Portrait of Mrs. Beeson Lindau, 1964 (charcoal and crayon on heavy paper)

CH987890: Geometric trace for Portrait of Mrs. Beeson Lindau, 1964 (charcoal and crayon on heavy paper), O'Gorman, Juan (1905-82) / Bridgeman Images

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