O'Gorman, Juan (1905-82)

Creator details

O'Gorman, Juan (1905-82)
Mexican architect, painter and muralist.

Assets (32 in total)

Mural depicting the Grito de Dolores (fresco)
Independence of Mexico: Miguel Hidalgo (1753-1811), nicknamed the Fox, Spanish priest, martyr and heros of Mexico, leading the crowd of insurgencies to the revolt against the Spanish government
Porfiristic Feudalism, 1973 (mural) (detail)
Retable of the Revolution, 1969 (mural)
Independence of Mexico: the Mexican government and in the center the first president of Mexico Guadalupe Victoria (1786-1843) in 1824
Mural of Mexican Independence in the Sala de la Independencia, 1961 (mural painting)
The Myths; Los Mitos, 1944 (tempera on panel)
View of Mexico City. A worker on a construction site. Detail. 1949 (painting)
Imaginary Flowers, 1944 (tempera on masonite)
Consummatum Est, 1942 (tempera on masonite)
Retable of the Revolution, 1969 (mural) (detail)
Retable of the Revolution, 1969 (mural)

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