JEB4885931: 3 Portraits-charge (portrait charge): Francois Pierre Guillaume Guizot (1787-1874), French historian and politician, Charles Jean-Baptiste (Jean Baptiste) Jacquot dit Eugene de Mirecourt (1812-1880), French journalist and writer, and Pierre-Joseph Proudhon (Pierre Joseph Proudhon, 1809-1865), French journalist and anarchist, Nadar, (Gaspard Felix Tournachon) (1820-1910) / Bridgeman Images
JEB4885369: The ossuaries of the catacombs of Paris. Peter bearing a quote from Chapter 1 of the Gospel of Saint Luke (Deposuit potentes de sede et exaltavit humiles. In French: He overthrew the big ones and raised the little ones), 1862 (albumine print), Nadar, (Gaspard Felix Tournachon) (1820-1910) / Bridgeman Images
JEB4885848: 6 Charge Portraits: Pierre Jean de Beranger (1780-1857) French songwriter, Alexandre Dumas fils (1824-1895), Louis Adrien Huart (1813-1865) French journalist, writer and theatre director, Gerard de Nerval (1808-1855), French writer, Charles Matharel de Fiennes (1814-1890), journalist, and Auguste Maquet (1813-1888), writer french. Cartoon by Gaspard Felix Tournachon dit Felix Nadar (1820-1910)., Nadar, (Gaspard Felix Tournachon) (1820-1910) / Bridgeman Images