Ghirlandaio, Domenico (Domenico Bigordi) (1449-94) Assets (182 in total)

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The Last Supper, 1480 (fresco)
The Last Supper, 1480 (fresco)

BAL43922: The Last Supper, 1480 (fresco), Ghirlandaio, Domenico (Domenico Bigordi) (1449-94) / Bridgeman Images

Adoration of the Shepherds, 1485 (for detail see 33456)
Adoration of the Shepherds, 1485 (for detail see 33456)

BEN85101: Adoration of the Shepherds, 1485 (for detail see 33456), Ghirlandaio, Domenico (Domenico Bigordi) (1449-94) / Bridgeman Images

An Old Man and a Boy, c.1490 (oil on panel)
An Old Man and a Boy, c.1490 (oil on panel)

XIR60964: An Old Man and a Boy, c.1490 (oil on panel), Ghirlandaio, Domenico (Domenico Bigordi) (1449-94) / Bridgeman Images

The Calling of SS. Peter and Andrew, 1481 (fresco)
The Calling of SS. Peter and Andrew, 1481 (fresco)

XIR211961: The Calling of SS. Peter and Andrew, 1481 (fresco), Ghirlandaio, Domenico (Domenico Bigordi) (1449-94) / Bridgeman Images

The Birth of St. John the Baptist (fresco) (see also 60468-70)
The Birth of St. John the Baptist (fresco) (see also 60468-70)

KAB60467: The Birth of St. John the Baptist (fresco) (see also 60468-70), Ghirlandaio, Domenico (Domenico Bigordi) (1449-94) / Bridgeman Images

The Last Supper, 1480 (fresco)
The Last Supper, 1480 (fresco)

XAL61997: The Last Supper, 1480 (fresco), Ghirlandaio, Domenico (Domenico Bigordi) (1449-94) / Bridgeman Images

The Birth of the Virgin, 1486-90 (fresco) (for detail see 124357)
The Birth of the Virgin, 1486-90 (fresco) (for detail see 124357)

XAL60456: The Birth of the Virgin, 1486-90 (fresco) (for detail see 124357), Ghirlandaio, Domenico (Domenico Bigordi) (1449-94) / Bridgeman Images

The Visitation, 1491 (tempera on panel) (detail of 192460)
The Visitation, 1491 (tempera on panel) (detail of 192460)

XIR241268: The Visitation, 1491 (tempera on panel) (detail of 192460), Ghirlandaio, Domenico (Domenico Bigordi) (1449-94) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of a Lady, c.1490 (tempera & oil on panel)
Portrait of a Lady, c.1490 (tempera & oil on panel)

XCK340003: Portrait of a Lady, c.1490 (tempera & oil on panel), Ghirlandaio, Domenico (Domenico Bigordi) (1449-94) / Bridgeman Images

Self portrait (detail from altarpiece)
Self portrait (detail from altarpiece)

BAL33450: Self portrait (detail from altarpiece), Ghirlandaio, Domenico (Domenico Bigordi) (1449-94) / Bridgeman Images

St. Jerome in his Study, 1480 (detail of 99655)
St. Jerome in his Study, 1480 (detail of 99655)

BEN44344: St. Jerome in his Study, 1480 (detail of 99655), Ghirlandaio, Domenico (Domenico Bigordi) (1449-94) / Bridgeman Images

The Adoration of the Magi, 1488 (tempera on panel) (for detail see 120935)
The Adoration of the Magi, 1488 (tempera on panel) (for detail see 120935)

BEN120249: The Adoration of the Magi, 1488 (tempera on panel) (for detail see 120935), Ghirlandaio, Domenico (Domenico Bigordi) (1449-94) / Bridgeman Images

Detail from the Last Supper
Detail from the Last Supper

BAT49986: Detail from the Last Supper, Ghirlandaio, Domenico (Domenico Bigordi) (1449-94) / Bridgeman Images

St. Francis receiving the Rule of the Order from Pope Honorius, scene from a cycle of the Life of St. Francis of Assisi, 1486 (fresco) (see also 52660 and 176888)
St. Francis receiving the Rule of the Order from Pope Honorius, scene from a cycle of the Life of St. Francis of Assisi, 1486 (fresco) (see also 52660 and 176888)

BEN85235: St. Francis receiving the Rule of the Order from Pope Honorius, scene from a cycle of the Life of St. Francis of Assisi, 1486 (fresco) (see also 52660 and 176888), Ghirlandaio, Domenico (Domenico Bigordi) (1449-94) / Bridgeman Images

The Visitation, 1491 (tempera on panel)
The Visitation, 1491 (tempera on panel)

XIR192460: The Visitation, 1491 (tempera on panel), Ghirlandaio, Domenico (Domenico Bigordi) (1449-94) / Bridgeman Images

The Nativity (tempera and oil on panel) (post cleaning)
The Nativity (tempera and oil on panel) (post cleaning)

FIT166499: The Nativity (tempera and oil on panel) (post cleaning), Ghirlandaio, Domenico (Domenico Bigordi) (1449-94) / Bridgeman Images

St. Michael and the Angels at War with the Devil (tempera on wood panel)
St. Michael and the Angels at War with the Devil (tempera on wood panel)

DTR398576: St. Michael and the Angels at War with the Devil (tempera on wood panel), Ghirlandaio, Domenico (Domenico Bigordi) (1449-94) / Bridgeman Images

Adoration of the Shepherds Painting by Domenico Ghirlandaio (1449-1494) 1483-1485 Sun. 167x167 cm Capella Sassetti, Santa Trinita, Florence
Adoration of the Shepherds Painting by Domenico Ghirlandaio (1449-1494) 1483-1485 Sun. 167x167 cm Capella Sassetti, Santa Trinita, Florence

LRI4696748: Adoration of the Shepherds Painting by Domenico Ghirlandaio (1449-1494) 1483-1485 Sun. 167x167 cm Capella Sassetti, Santa Trinita, Florence, Ghirlandaio, Domenico (Domenico Bigordi) (1449-94) / Bridgeman Images

An Old Man and a Boy, c.1490 (oil on panel)
An Old Man and a Boy, c.1490 (oil on panel)

YOU3745744: An Old Man and a Boy, c.1490 (oil on panel), Ghirlandaio, Domenico (Domenico Bigordi) (1449-94) / Bridgeman Images

Visitation: Virgin Mary visits Elisabeth, between Marie Jacobie and Marie Salome, witnesses of the Crucifixion and Resurrection (oil on canvas)
Visitation: Virgin Mary visits Elisabeth, between Marie Jacobie and Marie Salome, witnesses of the Crucifixion and Resurrection (oil on canvas)

JLJ4584543: Visitation: Virgin Mary visits Elisabeth, between Marie Jacobie and Marie Salome, witnesses of the Crucifixion and Resurrection (oil on canvas), Ghirlandaio, Domenico (Domenico Bigordi) (1449-94) / Bridgeman Images

St. Jerome in his Study, 1480 (fresco) (see 44344 for detail)
St. Jerome in his Study, 1480 (fresco) (see 44344 for detail)

BAT99655: St. Jerome in his Study, 1480 (fresco) (see 44344 for detail), Ghirlandaio, Domenico (Domenico Bigordi) (1449-94) / Bridgeman Images

The Visitation (fresco) (for detail see 124356)
The Visitation (fresco) (for detail see 124356)

BEN60461: The Visitation (fresco) (for detail see 124356), Ghirlandaio, Domenico (Domenico Bigordi) (1449-94) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Giovanna Tornabuoni, c.1485-88 (tempera on panel)
Portrait of Giovanna Tornabuoni, c.1485-88 (tempera on panel)

TFJ194589: Portrait of Giovanna Tornabuoni, c.1485-88 (tempera on panel), Ghirlandaio, Domenico (Domenico Bigordi) (1449-94) / Bridgeman Images

The Last Supper (fresco) (detail of 43922)
The Last Supper (fresco) (detail of 43922)

BAL259745: The Last Supper (fresco) (detail of 43922), Ghirlandaio, Domenico (Domenico Bigordi) (1449-94) / Bridgeman Images

Men Looking over a Wall, from the Visitation (fresco) (detail of 60461)
Men Looking over a Wall, from the Visitation (fresco) (detail of 60461)

KAB60463: Men Looking over a Wall, from the Visitation (fresco) (detail of 60461), Ghirlandaio, Domenico (Domenico Bigordi) (1449-94) / Bridgeman Images

Madonna and Child, c. 1470- 75 (tempera on panel)
Madonna and Child, c. 1470- 75 (tempera on panel)

XOS741931: Madonna and Child, c. 1470- 75 (tempera on panel), Ghirlandaio, Domenico (Domenico Bigordi) (1449-94) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of a young woman - 1485
Portrait of a young woman - 1485

IBE5383414: Portrait of a young woman - 1485, Ghirlandaio, Domenico (Domenico Bigordi) (1449-94) / Bridgeman Images

Woman carrying Fruit, from the Birth of St. John the Baptist (fresco) (detail of 60467)
Woman carrying Fruit, from the Birth of St. John the Baptist (fresco) (detail of 60467)

KAB60470: Woman carrying Fruit, from the Birth of St. John the Baptist (fresco) (detail of 60467), Ghirlandaio, Domenico (Domenico Bigordi) (1449-94) / Bridgeman Images

The Death of St. Francis, scene from a cycle of the Life of St. Francis of Assisi, 1486 (fresco)
The Death of St. Francis, scene from a cycle of the Life of St. Francis of Assisi, 1486 (fresco)

BEN85239: The Death of St. Francis, scene from a cycle of the Life of St. Francis of Assisi, 1486 (fresco), Ghirlandaio, Domenico (Domenico Bigordi) (1449-94) / Bridgeman Images

Florentine Ladies, from the Birth of St. John the Baptist (fresco) (detail of 60467)
Florentine Ladies, from the Birth of St. John the Baptist (fresco) (detail of 60467)

KAB60469: Florentine Ladies, from the Birth of St. John the Baptist (fresco) (detail of 60467), Ghirlandaio, Domenico (Domenico Bigordi) (1449-94) / Bridgeman Images

Madonna and Child enthroned with SS. Dionysius, Aeropagita, Domenic, Clement and Thomas Aquinas, 1483 (oil on panel)
Madonna and Child enthroned with SS. Dionysius, Aeropagita, Domenic, Clement and Thomas Aquinas, 1483 (oil on panel)

BAT31585: Madonna and Child enthroned with SS. Dionysius, Aeropagita, Domenic, Clement and Thomas Aquinas, 1483 (oil on panel), Ghirlandaio, Domenico (Domenico Bigordi) (1449-94) / Bridgeman Images

Florentine Onlookers, from the Cycle of St. Francis, Sassetti Chapel, 1483 (fresco) (detail) (see also 60524)
Florentine Onlookers, from the Cycle of St. Francis, Sassetti Chapel, 1483 (fresco) (detail) (see also 60524)

VLS60523: Florentine Onlookers, from the Cycle of St. Francis, Sassetti Chapel, 1483 (fresco) (detail) (see also 60524), Ghirlandaio, Domenico (Domenico Bigordi) (1449-94) / Bridgeman Images

A Sibyl, 1483-86 (fresco)
A Sibyl, 1483-86 (fresco)

XAL216903: A Sibyl, 1483-86 (fresco), Ghirlandaio, Domenico (Domenico Bigordi) (1449-94) / Bridgeman Images

Lorenzo de' Medici, Sassetti and his Son with Antonio Pucci, from the Sassetti Chapel, 1483 (fresco) (detail)
Lorenzo de' Medici, Sassetti and his Son with Antonio Pucci, from the Sassetti Chapel, 1483 (fresco) (detail)

VLS60522: Lorenzo de' Medici, Sassetti and his Son with Antonio Pucci, from the Sassetti Chapel, 1483 (fresco) (detail), Ghirlandaio, Domenico (Domenico Bigordi) (1449-94) / Bridgeman Images

Adoration of the Shepherds, 1483-1486 (tempera on board)
Adoration of the Shepherds, 1483-1486 (tempera on board)

MEP2627681: Adoration of the Shepherds, 1483-1486 (tempera on board), Ghirlandaio, Domenico (Domenico Bigordi) (1449-94) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of an old man and a young boy, 15th century (oil on canvas)
Portrait of an old man and a young boy, 15th century (oil on canvas)

JLJ4653560: Portrait of an old man and a young boy, 15th century (oil on canvas), Ghirlandaio, Domenico (Domenico Bigordi) (1449-94) / Bridgeman Images

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