Ghirlandaio, Domenico (Domenico Bigordi) (1449-94) Assets (182 in total)

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The Loggia and Palazzo della Signoria, Sassetti Chapel, 1483 (fresco) (detail)
The Loggia and Palazzo della Signoria, Sassetti Chapel, 1483 (fresco) (detail)

VLS60521: The Loggia and Palazzo della Signoria, Sassetti Chapel, 1483 (fresco) (detail), Ghirlandaio, Domenico (Domenico Bigordi) (1449-94) / Bridgeman Images

A Sibyl, 1483-86 (fresco)
A Sibyl, 1483-86 (fresco)

XAL216902: A Sibyl, 1483-86 (fresco), Ghirlandaio, Domenico (Domenico Bigordi) (1449-94) / Bridgeman Images

A Sibyl, 1483-86 (fresco)
A Sibyl, 1483-86 (fresco)

XAL216905: A Sibyl, 1483-86 (fresco), Ghirlandaio, Domenico (Domenico Bigordi) (1449-94) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Man, known as the Gold - oil on canvas, 15th century
Portrait of Man, known as the Gold - oil on canvas, 15th century

LRI4353509: Portrait of Man, known as the Gold - oil on canvas, 15th century, Ghirlandaio, Domenico (Domenico Bigordi) (1449-94) / Bridgeman Images

St. Francis Receiving the Rule by Pope Honorius III, 1483-1486 (fresco)
St. Francis Receiving the Rule by Pope Honorius III, 1483-1486 (fresco)

MEP2627660: St. Francis Receiving the Rule by Pope Honorius III, 1483-1486 (fresco), Ghirlandaio, Domenico (Domenico Bigordi) (1449-94) / Bridgeman Images

The Test of Fire, 1482-1486 (fresco)
The Test of Fire, 1482-1486 (fresco)

MEP2627685: The Test of Fire, 1482-1486 (fresco), Ghirlandaio, Domenico (Domenico Bigordi) (1449-94) / Bridgeman Images

St. Francis Receiving the Rule of the Order by Pope Honorius III, 1482-1485 (fresco)
St. Francis Receiving the Rule of the Order by Pope Honorius III, 1482-1485 (fresco)

MEP2627771: St. Francis Receiving the Rule of the Order by Pope Honorius III, 1482-1485 (fresco), Ghirlandaio, Domenico (Domenico Bigordi) (1449-94) / Bridgeman Images

Room of the Lilies, 1482-1484 (fresco)
Room of the Lilies, 1482-1484 (fresco)

MEP2627550: Room of the Lilies, 1482-1484 (fresco), Ghirlandaio, Domenico (Domenico Bigordi) (1449-94) / Bridgeman Images

The Resurrection of the Boy, 1482-1486 (fresco)
The Resurrection of the Boy, 1482-1486 (fresco)

MEP2627630: The Resurrection of the Boy, 1482-1486 (fresco), Ghirlandaio, Domenico (Domenico Bigordi) (1449-94) / Bridgeman Images

Announcement of Death to St Fina, 1475 - 1475 (fresco)
Announcement of Death to St Fina, 1475 - 1475 (fresco)

ELC857580: Announcement of Death to St Fina, 1475 - 1475 (fresco), Ghirlandaio, Domenico (Domenico Bigordi) (1449-94) / Bridgeman Images

Stained-glass window with Saint Bonaventura, Saint Bernardino and Saint Ludovic, 15th century
Stained-glass window with Saint Bonaventura, Saint Bernardino and Saint Ludovic, 15th century

MEP3706104: Stained-glass window with Saint Bonaventura, Saint Bernardino and Saint Ludovic, 15th century, Ghirlandaio, Domenico (Domenico Bigordi) (1449-94) / Bridgeman Images

Madonna and Child with Angels (fresco)
Madonna and Child with Angels (fresco)

BAT58326: Madonna and Child with Angels (fresco), Ghirlandaio, Domenico (Domenico Bigordi) (1449-94) / Bridgeman Images

Central Wall of the Cycle of the Life of St. Francis, c.1483 (fresco) (detail) (see 137591)
Central Wall of the Cycle of the Life of St. Francis, c.1483 (fresco) (detail) (see 137591)

BAT52661: Central Wall of the Cycle of the Life of St. Francis, c.1483 (fresco) (detail) (see 137591), Ghirlandaio, Domenico (Domenico Bigordi) (1449-94) / Bridgeman Images

St. Francis Renouncing his Worldy Goods and the Stigmatization, from the Life of St. Francis Cycle, 1480-85 (left wall) (fresco)
St. Francis Renouncing his Worldy Goods and the Stigmatization, from the Life of St. Francis Cycle, 1480-85 (left wall) (fresco)

BAT52663: St. Francis Renouncing his Worldy Goods and the Stigmatization, from the Life of St. Francis Cycle, 1480-85 (left wall) (fresco), Ghirlandaio, Domenico (Domenico Bigordi) (1449-94) / Bridgeman Images

The Last Supper
The Last Supper

BAT5469303: The Last Supper, Ghirlandaio, Domenico (Domenico Bigordi) (1449-94) / Bridgeman Images

Face of an old man - Head of an old man, c.1490 (watercolour)
Face of an old man - Head of an old man, c.1490 (watercolour)

FIA5399101: Face of an old man - Head of an old man, c.1490 (watercolour), Ghirlandaio, Domenico (Domenico Bigordi) (1449-94) / Bridgeman Images

The Funeral of Saint Fina - Fresco, 1475
The Funeral of Saint Fina - Fresco, 1475

LRI4578299: The Funeral of Saint Fina - Fresco, 1475, Ghirlandaio, Domenico (Domenico Bigordi) (1449-94) / Bridgeman Images

Holy Conversation. The Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ surrounded by St. Peter, St. Paul, St. Sebastian and Pope St. Clement  (painting, 15th century)
Holy Conversation. The Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ surrounded by St. Peter, St. Paul, St. Sebastian and Pope St. Clement  (painting, 15th century)

LRI4572378: Holy Conversation. The Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ surrounded by St. Peter, St. Paul, St. Sebastian and Pope St. Clement (painting, 15th century), Ghirlandaio, Domenico (Domenico Bigordi) (1449-94) / Bridgeman Images

Receiving the Ring, from the Marriage of the Virgin (fresco) (detail)
Receiving the Ring, from the Marriage of the Virgin (fresco) (detail)

KAB60471: Receiving the Ring, from the Marriage of the Virgin (fresco) (detail), Ghirlandaio, Domenico (Domenico Bigordi) (1449-94) / Bridgeman Images

Florentine Onlookers, from the Cycle of St. Francis, Sassetti Chapel, 1483 (fresco) (detail) (see also 60523)
Florentine Onlookers, from the Cycle of St. Francis, Sassetti Chapel, 1483 (fresco) (detail) (see also 60523)

VLS60524: Florentine Onlookers, from the Cycle of St. Francis, Sassetti Chapel, 1483 (fresco) (detail) (see also 60523), Ghirlandaio, Domenico (Domenico Bigordi) (1449-94) / Bridgeman Images

St. Francis Receiving the Stigmata, 1482-1486 (fresco)
St. Francis Receiving the Stigmata, 1482-1486 (fresco)

MEP2627648: St. Francis Receiving the Stigmata, 1482-1486 (fresco), Ghirlandaio, Domenico (Domenico Bigordi) (1449-94) / Bridgeman Images

Vault of the Sassetti Chapel, 1482-1486 (fresco)
Vault of the Sassetti Chapel, 1482-1486 (fresco)

MEP2627706: Vault of the Sassetti Chapel, 1482-1486 (fresco), Ghirlandaio, Domenico (Domenico Bigordi) (1449-94) / Bridgeman Images

St. Francis Receiving the Rule by Pope Onorio III, 1483-1486 (fresco)
St. Francis Receiving the Rule by Pope Onorio III, 1483-1486 (fresco)

MEP2627765: St. Francis Receiving the Rule by Pope Onorio III, 1483-1486 (fresco), Ghirlandaio, Domenico (Domenico Bigordi) (1449-94) / Bridgeman Images

The Tiburtine Sibyl Announcing to Augustus the Birth of the Redeemer, 1482-1486 (fresco)
The Tiburtine Sibyl Announcing to Augustus the Birth of the Redeemer, 1482-1486 (fresco)

MEP2627768: The Tiburtine Sibyl Announcing to Augustus the Birth of the Redeemer, 1482-1486 (fresco), Ghirlandaio, Domenico (Domenico Bigordi) (1449-94) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Francesco Sassetti, 1483-1486 (fresco)
Portrait of Francesco Sassetti, 1483-1486 (fresco)

MEP2627833: Portrait of Francesco Sassetti, 1483-1486 (fresco), Ghirlandaio, Domenico (Domenico Bigordi) (1449-94) / Bridgeman Images

Stained-glass window with Saint Francis, Saint Biagio and Saint Anthony, 15th century
Stained-glass window with Saint Francis, Saint Biagio and Saint Anthony, 15th century

MEP3706105: Stained-glass window with Saint Francis, Saint Biagio and Saint Anthony, 15th century, Ghirlandaio, Domenico (Domenico Bigordi) (1449-94) / Bridgeman Images

Marzocco, 1482-1484 (fresco)
Marzocco, 1482-1484 (fresco)

MEP2627553: Marzocco, 1482-1484 (fresco), Ghirlandaio, Domenico (Domenico Bigordi) (1449-94) / Bridgeman Images

Saint Zenobius and Saints Eugene and Crescentius, 1482-1484 (fresco)
Saint Zenobius and Saints Eugene and Crescentius, 1482-1484 (fresco)

MEP2627554: Saint Zenobius and Saints Eugene and Crescentius, 1482-1484 (fresco), Ghirlandaio, Domenico (Domenico Bigordi) (1449-94) / Bridgeman Images

Marriage of the Virgin (engraving)
Marriage of the Virgin (engraving)

XAL885939: Marriage of the Virgin (engraving) , Ghirlandaio, Domenico (Domenico Bigordi) (1449-94) / Bridgeman Images

The blessing Savior in the clouds
The blessing Savior in the clouds

PRX3124970: The blessing Savior in the clouds, Ghirlandaio, Domenico (Domenico Bigordi) (1449-94) / Bridgeman Images

Two garment studies
Two garment studies

PRX3124792: Two garment studies, Ghirlandaio, Domenico (Domenico Bigordi) (1449-94) / Bridgeman Images

Adoration of the Magi, detail, 1487 (oil on panel)
Adoration of the Magi, detail, 1487 (oil on panel)

XIR897961: Adoration of the Magi, detail, 1487 (oil on panel), Ghirlandaio, Domenico (Domenico Bigordi) (1449-94) / Bridgeman Images

Adoration of the Magi (fresco)
Adoration of the Magi (fresco)

VLS875226: Adoration of the Magi (fresco), Ghirlandaio, Domenico (Domenico Bigordi) (1449-94) / Bridgeman Images

Representation of Saint Thomas Aquinas (Stained glass, 1492)
Representation of Saint Thomas Aquinas (Stained glass, 1492)

LRI4583281: Representation of Saint Thomas Aquinas (Stained glass, 1492), Ghirlandaio, Domenico (Domenico Bigordi) (1449-94) / Bridgeman Images

The Trial by Fire and the Death of St. Francis, from Life of St. Francis Cycle, 1480-85 (fresco)
The Trial by Fire and the Death of St. Francis, from Life of St. Francis Cycle, 1480-85 (fresco)

BAT52664: The Trial by Fire and the Death of St. Francis, from Life of St. Francis Cycle, 1480-85 (fresco), Ghirlandaio, Domenico (Domenico Bigordi) (1449-94) / Bridgeman Images

The Last Supper. Detail. (Fresco, 1480)
The Last Supper. Detail. (Fresco, 1480)

LRI4572405: The Last Supper. Detail. (Fresco, 1480), Ghirlandaio, Domenico (Domenico Bigordi) (1449-94) / Bridgeman Images

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