Dermot took the horn and would have filled it, illustration from 'The High Deeds of Finn, and other Bardic Romances of Ancient Ireland' by T.W. Rolleston (colour litho), Reid, Stephen (1873-1948) / Bridgeman Images
They rode up to a stately palace, illustration from 'The High Deeds of Finn, and other Bardic Romances of Ancient Ireland' by T.W. Rolleston (colour litho), Reid, Stephen (1873-1948) / Bridgeman Images
Cuchulain follows the Shining Wheel, illustration from 'Cuchulain, The Hound of Ulster', by Eleanor Hull (1860-1935), 1904 (colour litho), Reid, Stephen (1873-1948) / Bridgeman Images
Queen Maeve meets with Cuchulain, illustration from 'Cuchulain, The Hound of Ulster', by Eleanor Hull (1860-1935), 1904 (colour litho), Reid, Stephen (1873-1948) / Bridgeman Images
Representation of Barbaresque Pirates in the Mediterranee Sea in Henry Gilbert's 'The Boy's Book of Pirates', 1920, Reid, Stephen (1873-1948) / Bridgeman Images