Reid, Stephen (1873-1948)

Creator details

Reid, Stephen (1873-1948)

Assets (162 in total)

Erik the Red (950-1003/04) sets sail for Greenland, illustration from 'The Book of Discovery' by T.C. Bridges, published 1931 (colour litho)
Lady Julian of Norwich, illustration from 'The Mighty Army' by Winifred M. Letts, pub. 1912 (colour litho)
They ran him by hill and plane, illustration from 'The High Deeds of Finn, and other Bardic Romances of Ancient Ireland' by T.W. Rolleston (colour litho)
Rosalind and Touchstone, 1919 (oil on canvas)
Captain Cook (1728-79) presents the natives with some sheep and goats, illustration from 'The Book of Discovery' by T.C. Bridges, published 1931 (colour litho)
There dwelt the red-haired ocean-nymphs, illustration from 'The High Deeds of Finn, and other Bardic Romances of Ancient Ireland' by T.W. Rolleston (colour litho)
Saint Francis preaching to the birds, illustration from 'Helmet & Cowl: Stories of Monastic and Military Orders' W.M. Letts and M.F.S. Letts, 1913 (litho)
'The Moment of Good-luck is come', illustration from 'Cuchulain, The Hound of Ulster', by Eleanor Hull (1860-1935), 1904 (colour litho)
And that night there was feasting and joy in the lonely hut, illustration from 'The High Deeds of Finn, and other Bardic Romances of Ancient Ireland' by T.W. Rolleston (colour litho)
Montezuma II made prisoner before Hernan Cortes in 1519, 1931 (litho)
Queen Maeve and the Druid, illustration from 'Cuchulain, The Hound of Ulster', by Eleanor Hull (1860-1935), 1904 (colour litho)
The Northmen taking Possession of Iceland (litho)

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