Fountain of the Ocean with Neptune statue in the Isolotto, Boboli Gardens,, Giambologna (Giovanni da Bologna), (1529-1608) / Bridgeman Images
Mercury (Mercurius), by Jean de Boulogne known as Giambologna, c. 1578, 16th Century, bronze, lacquer, gold patina, 58,4 cm, Giambologna (Giovanni da Bologna), (1529-1608) / Bridgeman Images
St. Anthony Absolving the Seignory, relief from the Salviati chapel (bronze), Giambologna (Giovanni da Bologna), (1529-1608) / Bridgeman Images
Madonna of humility. Painting by Giovanni Da Bologna (active second half of the 14th century) tempera on poplar, circa 1395. Italian art, 14th century, trecento. Staatsgalerie, Stuttgart (Germany)., Giambologna (Giovanni da Bologna), (1529-1608) / Bridgeman Images
Fountain of the Ocean with Neptune statue in the Isolotto, Boboli Gardens,, Giambologna (Giovanni da Bologna), (1529-1608) / Bridgeman Images
Equestrian Statue of Grand Duke Ferdinand, 1608 (bronze) (for details see 97647-8), Giambologna (Giovanni da Bologna), (1529-1608) / Bridgeman Images
Equestrian Statue of Grand Duke Ferdinand I (c.1123-90) lateral view of horse and rider (bronze), Giambologna (Giovanni da Bologna), (1529-1608) / Bridgeman Images