Giambologna (Giovanni da Bologna), (1529-1608)

Creator details

Giambologna (Giovanni da Bologna), (1529-1608)

Assets (105 in total)

The Rape of the Sabine Woman, 1574-82 (marble) (see also 359414)
Venus Stepping Out of Her Bath, 1573 (marble)
Statue of Mercury, c.1564 (bronze)
Mercury, c.1576 (bronze)
Hercules and the Hydra (bronze)
Mercury, c.1800-30 (bronze)
Equestrian Statue of Cosimo I, Grand Duke of Tuscany (1541-87) 1587-93 (bronze) (see also 97650)
The Rape of the Sabine, c.1583 (marble) (see also 31448)
Mercury, 1564 (bronze)
Astronomy, represented by a nude female figure, c.1573 (gilt bronze)
Hercules and the Centaur Eurytion (bronze)
Equestrian Statue of Grand Duke Ferdinand, detail of the horse and rider, 1608 (bronze) (detail of 97646)

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