LRI4621581: Saints James and Ansano praying. Painting by Paolo di Dono dit Paolo Uccello (1397-1475), 1435-1440. Predelle of Quarata. Tempera on wood. Dim: 20x178cm. Florence, Museo Arcivescovile di Cestello. - Saints James and Ansano (Quarate Predella), by Paolo di Dono detto a.k.a. Paolo Uccello, (1397-1475). Tempera on wood, 20x178 cm, 1435-40. Museo Arcivescovile di Cestello, Florence, Italy, Uccello, Paolo (1397-1475) / Bridgeman Images
KAB87069: The Birth of the Virgin, detail of a servant girl from the fresco cycle The Lives of the Virgin and St. Stephen, from the Cappella dell' Assunta (Chapel of the Assumption) 1433-34 (fresco) (detail of 87079) (see 87067, 87027, 87075, 87079, 87109, 87110), Uccello, Paolo (1397-1475) / Bridgeman Images
LSE4103701: The counter attack of Micheletto da Cotignola (The Battle of San Romano). Second episode illustrating the counterattack of Micheletto da Cotignola. Painting by Paolo di Dono dit Paolo Uccello (1397-1475), 1455-1458. Tempera on wood. Louvre Museum, Uccello, Paolo (1397-1475) / Bridgeman Images