Uccello, Paolo (1397-1475)

Creator details

Uccello, Paolo (1397-1475)

Assets (109 in total)

St. George and the Dragon, c.1470 (oil on canvas)
The Battle of San Romano, c.1438-40 (tempera on poplar)
St. George and the Dragon, c.1439-40 (tempera on panel) (for detail see 85552)
The Battle of San Romano in 1432, c.1456 (oil on panel)
The Battle of San Romano in 1432, c.1455 (tempera on panel) (see also 162335)
The Triumph of Julius Caesar (100-44 BC) (tempera on panel)
Perspective study of a chalice, 1430-40 (pen & ink on paper)
The Flood and the Subsidence of the Waters, 1447-48 (fresco transferred to canvas) (see also 123194 and 123195)
A Young Lady of Fashion (oil on panel)
The Battle of San Romano in 1432: The Unseating of Bernardino della Carda, 1435-55 (tempera on panel)
Predella of the Profanation of the Host: The Jewish Pawnbroker Roasting the Consecrated Host in the Fire Which Streams with Blood Arousing the Attention of the Bailiffs who Batter Down the Door, c.1468 (tempera on panel) (detail)
The Birth of the Virgin, from the cycle of the Lives of the Virgin and St. Stephen, from the Cappella dell'Assunta (Chapel of the Assumption) 1433-34 (fresco)

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