Grandjouan, Jules (1875-1968) Assets (55 in total)
Preparing to Take-Off, illustration from 'L'assiette au Beurre: L'ecole des Pigeons', 11th February 1911 (colour litho), Grandjouan, Jules (1875-1968) / Bridgeman Images
Aviation in the army, illustration from 'L'assiette au Beurre: L'ecole des pigeons', 11th February 1911 (colour litho), Grandjouan, Jules (1875-1968) / Bridgeman Images
The two species of aviators: amateurs and professionals, illustration from 'L'assiette au Beurre: L'ecole des pigeons', 11th February 1911 (colour litho), Grandjouan, Jules (1875-1968) / Bridgeman Images
A Mother Nervously Waits During Her Sons First Flying Lesson, illustration from 'L'assiette au Beurre: L'ecole des Pigeons', 11th February 1911 (colour litho), Grandjouan, Jules (1875-1968) / Bridgeman Images
A Young Pilot is Scolded by his Employer, illustration from 'L'assiette au Beurre: L'ecole des Pigeons', 11th February 1911 (colour litho), Grandjouan, Jules (1875-1968) / Bridgeman Images
Flying Above the Sea, illustration from 'L'assiette au Beurre: L'ecole des Pigeons', 11th February 1911 (colour litho), Grandjouan, Jules (1875-1968) / Bridgeman Images
Success of flying followed by a fall, illustration from 'L'assiette au Beurre: L'ecole des Pigeons', 11th February 1911 (colour litho), Grandjouan, Jules (1875-1968) / Bridgeman Images
The departure - and, there, no bailiffs, and absinthe at one sou a glass! from 'L'Assiette Au Beurre', pub. 9th May 1903 (litho), Grandjouan, Jules (1875-1968) / Bridgeman Images
Illustration from Kamerad!, a special edition of 'La Baionnette', no.18, 4 November 1915 (lithograph), Grandjouan, Jules (1875-1968) / Bridgeman Images
Illustration from 'L'assiette au Beurre: L'ecole des pigeons', 11th February 1911 (colour litho), Grandjouan, Jules (1875-1968) / Bridgeman Images
President Loubet, arriving in Russia for a state visit, bows deeply to Tsar Nicolas II, cartoon from 'L'Assiette au Beurre', 15 June, 1902 (colour litho), Grandjouan, Jules (1875-1968) / Bridgeman Images