Grandjouan, Jules (1875-1968)

Creator details

Grandjouan, Jules (1875-1968)

Assets (55 in total)

'Les Trois-Huit', cover of 'L'Assiette au Beurre' for the 1st May, 28th April 1906 (colour litho)
The Strike, front cover of 'L'Assiette au Beurre', 6th May 1905 (colour litho)
Poster promoting national railway trade union, 1910 (engraving) (b/w photo)
'Choose..You are free', caricature of the future school pupil between the Church and Marianne from 'L'Assiette au Beurre' magazine, 19th March 1904 (colour litho)
Colonisons. Cartoon depicting the French statesman Clement Armand Fallieres (1841-1931), 1903 (print)
Cover of 'La Voix du Peuple', Organ of the 'Confederation Generale du Travail', 1st May 1907 (colour litho)
May 1st: 8 hours of work, 8 hours of leisure, 8 hours of sleep - in L'Plate au Butter from 28/04/1906. By Jules Grandjouan (1875-1968).
Reverberes Lighter in Paris - 'L'Au Beurre', pub. 9th Nov. 1902 (lithograph)
Front cover of 'Les Inventaires' issue, from 'L'Assiette au Beurre', 31st March 1906 (colour litho)
It's unfortunate to be like a bird on a branch which when it falls does not know if it will recover: man lighting gas street lamp overlooking the Seine from 'L'Assiette Au Beurre', pub. 9th Nov. 1902 (litho)
it is this one, the criminal who humiliated life - excerpt from “L'Assiette au beurre””, number 292, number antichretien (anti chretien) of November 3, 1906 by Jules Grandjouan (1875-1968). The philosopher Nietzche apostrophe Jesus Christ who carries his cross - anticlericalism - blaspheme -
Early Aviator Collects Pictures of Women Admirers, illustration from 'L'assiette au Beurre: L'ecole des Pigeons', 11th February 1911 (colour litho)

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