Hillingford, Robert Alexander (1825-1904) Assets (75 in total)

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The Duke of Wellington at Waterloo (oil on canvas)
The Duke of Wellington at Waterloo (oil on canvas)

CH8197: The Duke of Wellington at Waterloo (oil on canvas), Hillingford, Robert Alexander (1825-1904) / Bridgeman Images

The Turning Point at Waterloo (oil on canvas)
The Turning Point at Waterloo (oil on canvas)

BON65284: The Turning Point at Waterloo (oil on canvas), Hillingford, Robert Alexander (1825-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Napoleon's Retreat at Waterloo (oil on canvas)
Napoleon's Retreat at Waterloo (oil on canvas)

PFA124463: Napoleon's Retreat at Waterloo (oil on canvas), Hillingford, Robert Alexander (1825-1904) / Bridgeman Images

The Battle of Waterloo, 18th June 1815 (oil on canvas)
The Battle of Waterloo, 18th June 1815 (oil on canvas)

XZL151170: The Battle of Waterloo, 18th June 1815 (oil on canvas), Hillingford, Robert Alexander (1825-1904) / Bridgeman Images

The Duchess of Richmond's Ball on the 15th June 1815 (oil on canvas)
The Duchess of Richmond's Ball on the 15th June 1815 (oil on canvas)

GWD264721: The Duchess of Richmond's Ball on the 15th June 1815 (oil on canvas), Hillingford, Robert Alexander (1825-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Oudenaarde - A Cavalry Skirmish (oil on panel)
Oudenaarde - A Cavalry Skirmish (oil on panel)

PFA124478: Oudenaarde - A Cavalry Skirmish (oil on panel), Hillingford, Robert Alexander (1825-1904) / Bridgeman Images

In Death There's Victory (oil on canvas)
In Death There's Victory (oil on canvas)

PFA124496: In Death There's Victory (oil on canvas), Hillingford, Robert Alexander (1825-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Napoleon's Peril at Brienne-le-Chateau, c.1891 (oil on canvas)
Napoleon's Peril at Brienne-le-Chateau, c.1891 (oil on canvas)

PFA131683: Napoleon's Peril at Brienne-le-Chateau, c.1891 (oil on canvas), Hillingford, Robert Alexander (1825-1904) / Bridgeman Images

England's Welcome to Henry V (1387-1422) after Agincourt, 1880 (oil on canvas)
England's Welcome to Henry V (1387-1422) after Agincourt, 1880 (oil on canvas)

CH136644: England's Welcome to Henry V (1387-1422) after Agincourt, 1880 (oil on canvas), Hillingford, Robert Alexander (1825-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Napoleon after Waterloo (oil on canvas)
Napoleon after Waterloo (oil on canvas)

PFA124464: Napoleon after Waterloo (oil on canvas), Hillingford, Robert Alexander (1825-1904) / Bridgeman Images

The Duke of Marlborough (1650-1722) signing the Despatch at Blenheim (oil on canvas)
The Duke of Marlborough (1650-1722) signing the Despatch at Blenheim (oil on canvas)

PFA124477: The Duke of Marlborough (1650-1722) signing the Despatch at Blenheim (oil on canvas), Hillingford, Robert Alexander (1825-1904) / Bridgeman Images

The Battle of Waterloo (oil on canvas)
The Battle of Waterloo (oil on canvas)

ARM123907: The Battle of Waterloo (oil on canvas), Hillingford, Robert Alexander (1825-1904) / Bridgeman Images

The Field at Waterloo (oil on canvas)
The Field at Waterloo (oil on canvas)

BAL59383: The Field at Waterloo (oil on canvas), Hillingford, Robert Alexander (1825-1904) / Bridgeman Images

The Three Caskets, from The Merchant of Venice, Act III, Scene II (oil on canvas)
The Three Caskets, from The Merchant of Venice, Act III, Scene II (oil on canvas)

CH401603: The Three Caskets, from The Merchant of Venice, Act III, Scene II (oil on canvas), Hillingford, Robert Alexander (1825-1904) / Bridgeman Images

The Duke of Wellington (1769-1852) on the Road to Quatre Bras, June 16th 1815 (oil on canvas)
The Duke of Wellington (1769-1852) on the Road to Quatre Bras, June 16th 1815 (oil on canvas)

CH139755: The Duke of Wellington (1769-1852) on the Road to Quatre Bras, June 16th 1815 (oil on canvas), Hillingford, Robert Alexander (1825-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Napoleon Arriving at an Egyptian Oasis (oil on canvas)
Napoleon Arriving at an Egyptian Oasis (oil on canvas)

PFA124460: Napoleon Arriving at an Egyptian Oasis (oil on canvas), Hillingford, Robert Alexander (1825-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Joan of Arc (oil on canvas)
Joan of Arc (oil on canvas)

CH401604: Joan of Arc (oil on canvas), Hillingford, Robert Alexander (1825-1904) / Bridgeman Images

The Fairy Dance (oil on canvas)
The Fairy Dance (oil on canvas)

CW180357: The Fairy Dance (oil on canvas), Hillingford, Robert Alexander (1825-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Princess Elizabeth (1533-1603) at the Tower (oil on canvas)
Princess Elizabeth (1533-1603) at the Tower (oil on canvas)

PFA124494: Princess Elizabeth (1533-1603) at the Tower (oil on canvas), Hillingford, Robert Alexander (1825-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Fire at the Austrian Embassy (oil on canvas)
Fire at the Austrian Embassy (oil on canvas)

PFA124467: Fire at the Austrian Embassy (oil on canvas), Hillingford, Robert Alexander (1825-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Wellington at Waterloo (colour litho)
Wellington at Waterloo (colour litho)

NAM1268536: Wellington at Waterloo (colour litho), Hillingford, Robert Alexander (1825-1904) / Bridgeman Images

The Attack on the Redan, Sebastopol, c.1899 (oil on canvas)
The Attack on the Redan, Sebastopol, c.1899 (oil on canvas)

CH133747: The Attack on the Redan, Sebastopol, c.1899 (oil on canvas), Hillingford, Robert Alexander (1825-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Wellington in Spain (oil on panel) (pair of 124470)
Wellington in Spain (oil on panel) (pair of 124470)

PFA124469: Wellington in Spain (oil on panel) (pair of 124470), Hillingford, Robert Alexander (1825-1904) / Bridgeman Images

The Buccaneer's Story (oil on canvas)
The Buccaneer's Story (oil on canvas)

PFA124483: The Buccaneer's Story (oil on canvas), Hillingford, Robert Alexander (1825-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Joan Of Arc, 19th century (oil on canvas)
Joan Of Arc, 19th century (oil on canvas)

FIA5407614: Joan Of Arc, 19th century (oil on canvas), Hillingford, Robert Alexander (1825-1904) / Bridgeman Images

During the Wandering of Charles Edward Stuart (oil on canvas)
During the Wandering of Charles Edward Stuart (oil on canvas)

CH7205004: During the Wandering of Charles Edward Stuart (oil on canvas), Hillingford, Robert Alexander (1825-1904) / Bridgeman Images

An Incident in the Peninsular War - Napoleon Entering a City (oil on canvas)
An Incident in the Peninsular War - Napoleon Entering a City (oil on canvas)

PFA124468: An Incident in the Peninsular War - Napoleon Entering a City (oil on canvas), Hillingford, Robert Alexander (1825-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Napoleon and his Troops (oil on panel) (pair of 124466)
Napoleon and his Troops (oil on panel) (pair of 124466)

PFA124465: Napoleon and his Troops (oil on panel) (pair of 124466), Hillingford, Robert Alexander (1825-1904) / Bridgeman Images

The Last Stand of the Imperial Guards at Waterloo, General Hill calling on upon the Enemy to Surrender, 18 June 1815, 1896 (colour litho)
The Last Stand of the Imperial Guards at Waterloo, General Hill calling on upon the Enemy to Surrender, 18 June 1815, 1896 (colour litho)

NAM1268537: The Last Stand of the Imperial Guards at Waterloo, General Hill calling on upon the Enemy to Surrender, 18 June 1815, 1896 (colour litho), Hillingford, Robert Alexander (1825-1904) / Bridgeman Images

The Yule Log (oil on canvas)
The Yule Log (oil on canvas)

HEV408379: The Yule Log (oil on canvas), Hillingford, Robert Alexander (1825-1904) / Bridgeman Images

The Garrison of the Village Had At Last Surrendered to Lord Oaksey (oil on canvas)
The Garrison of the Village Had At Last Surrendered to Lord Oaksey (oil on canvas)

PFA124475: The Garrison of the Village Had At Last Surrendered to Lord Oaksey (oil on canvas), Hillingford, Robert Alexander (1825-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Death of Captain Grenville, Captain of the Revenge, 1899 (oil on canvas)
Death of Captain Grenville, Captain of the Revenge, 1899 (oil on canvas)

VIB1764456: Death of Captain Grenville, Captain of the Revenge, 1899 (oil on canvas), Hillingford, Robert Alexander (1825-1904) / Bridgeman Images

The Spoils of War (oil on canvas)
The Spoils of War (oil on canvas)

PFA124462: The Spoils of War (oil on canvas), Hillingford, Robert Alexander (1825-1904) / Bridgeman Images

The Escort
The Escort

NOO56980: The Escort, Hillingford, Robert Alexander (1825-1904) / Bridgeman Images

The Last Days of Sir Philip Sidney (1554-86), 1882 (oil on canvas)
The Last Days of Sir Philip Sidney (1554-86), 1882 (oil on canvas)

PFA124497: The Last Days of Sir Philip Sidney (1554-86), 1882 (oil on canvas), Hillingford, Robert Alexander (1825-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Othello Relating His Adventures to Desdemona, 1869 (oil on canvas)
Othello Relating His Adventures to Desdemona, 1869 (oil on canvas)

BAL8990: Othello Relating His Adventures to Desdemona, 1869 (oil on canvas), Hillingford, Robert Alexander (1825-1904) / Bridgeman Images

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