Hillingford, Robert Alexander (1825-1904)

Creator details

Hillingford, Robert Alexander (1825-1904)

Assets (75 in total)

The Duke of Wellington at Waterloo (oil on canvas)
The Turning Point at Waterloo (oil on canvas)
Napoleon's Retreat at Waterloo (oil on canvas)
The Battle of Waterloo, 18th June 1815 (oil on canvas)
The Duchess of Richmond's Ball on the 15th June 1815 (oil on canvas)
Oudenaarde - A Cavalry Skirmish (oil on panel)
Napoleon's Peril at Brienne-le-Chateau, c.1891 (oil on canvas)
In Death There's Victory (oil on canvas)
England's Welcome to Henry V (1387-1422) after Agincourt, 1880 (oil on canvas)
Napoleon after Waterloo (oil on canvas)
The Duke of Marlborough (1650-1722) signing the Despatch at Blenheim (oil on canvas)
The Battle of Waterloo (oil on canvas)

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