ELD4869588: Speech by Aristophane: representation of the androgynous human being as a sphere with two faces, four hands, four legs and two sexes (Aristophanes dialogue: the androgynous creature) Illustration by Georges Lepape (1887-1971) for “The banquet” by the Greek philosopher Plato (428-348 BC) (Symposium by Plato) 1953 Private collection, Lepape, Georges (1887-1971) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4869564: Speech by Socrates (Diotima): representation of Eros ne de la union de Penia la beggar et de Poros” (Socrates (Diotima) dialogue: representation of Love son of Poverty and Resource) Illustration by Georges Lepape (1887-1971) for “The banquet” by the Greek philosopher Plato (428-348 BC) (Symposium by Plato) 1953 Private collection, Lepape, Georges (1887-1971) / Bridgeman Images