Lepape, Georges (1887-1971)

Creator details

Lepape, Georges (1887-1971)

Assets (60 in total)

The Turban, from 'Les Choses de Paul Poiret' written by the artist, 1911 (coloured litho)
'Au clair de la lune', design by Paul Poiret, 1913
A Dress the Colour of the Moon, from the magazine 'Femina', December 1925 (colour engraving)
Plate from 'Les Choses de Paul Poiret', 1911 (pochoir print)
A vase of roses in a Persian vase, from 'L'Eventail et la Fourrure chez Paquin' by Paul Iribe, Georges Barbier and Georges Lepape, c.1920 (colour litho)
French fashion plate, 1920s (colour litho)
Gilles, heavy coat for the winter, from 'Gazette du Bon Ton' No.1, 1922
Bride, cover of the magazine 'Femina', February 1926 (colour engraving)
Creation of Paul Poiret from “The Things of Paul Poiret””, drawing by Georges Lepape (1887 - 1971). 1911
Illustration from 'Feuillets d'Art', c.1920 (colour litho)
'The Visit', dress and coat designs by Jeanne Lanvin (1867-1946) from the 'Gazette du Bon Ton', 1925 (colour litho)
Paul Poiret's trouser Outfits

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