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2533476 Search Results

Page 42. Fringilla. at lower centre in different hand Natural size Diamond Firetail Stagonopleura guttata, 1791-92 (w/c)
Page 42. Fringilla. at lower centre in different hand Natural size Diamond Firetail Stagonopleura guttata, 1791-92 (w/c)

NSW5670674: Page 42. Fringilla. at lower centre in different hand Natural size Diamond Firetail Stagonopleura guttata, 1791-92 (w/c), Unknown artist, (18th century) / Bridgeman Images

Page 44. Cuculus. above title, in different hand Natural size. at upper left corner in third hand B and at lower left Goes with A ie. f.45 Fan, Tailed Cuckoo Cacomantis pyrrhophanus, male, 1791-92 (w/c)
Page 44. Cuculus. above title, in different hand Natural size. at upper left corner in third hand B and at lower left Goes with A ie. f.45 Fan, Tailed Cuckoo Cacomantis pyrrhophanus, male, 1791-92 (w/c)

NSW5670676: Page 44. Cuculus. above title, in different hand Natural size. at upper left corner in third hand B and at lower left Goes with A ie. f.45 Fan, Tailed Cuckoo Cacomantis pyrrhophanus, male, 1791-92 (w/c), Unknown artist, (18th century) / Bridgeman Images

Page 46. Cuculus. along lower edge in different hand These birds drawn natural size. The upper two birds are Golden Bronze Cuckoos, the third is a Rufous Whistler Lamprococcyx plagosus Chrysococcyx lucidis, 1791-92 (w/c)
Page 46. Cuculus. along lower edge in different hand These birds drawn natural size. The upper two birds are Golden Bronze Cuckoos, the third is a Rufous Whistler Lamprococcyx plagosus Chrysococcyx lucidis, 1791-92 (w/c)

NSW5670678: Page 46. Cuculus. along lower edge in different hand These birds drawn natural size. The upper two birds are Golden Bronze Cuckoos, the third is a Rufous Whistler Lamprococcyx plagosus Chrysococcyx lucidis, 1791-92 (w/c), Unknown artist, (18th century) / Bridgeman Images

Page 53. Corella. Natural size Eastern Rosella Platycercus eximius, 1791-92 (w/c)
Page 53. Corella. Natural size Eastern Rosella Platycercus eximius, 1791-92 (w/c)

NSW5670688: Page 53. Corella. Natural size Eastern Rosella Platycercus eximius, 1791-92 (w/c), Unknown artist, (18th century) / Bridgeman Images

Page 56. Melephahu Cyanops. above the title in a different hand Natural size. The outer & middle toe are connected to the first joint. No feathers grow upon the part of the head which is blue (and of the finest ultramarine) Blue, faced Honeyeater Entomyzon cyanotis, 1791-92 (w/c)
Page 56. Melephahu Cyanops. above the title in a different hand Natural size. The outer & middle toe are connected to the first joint. No feathers grow upon the part of the head which is blue (and of the finest ultramarine) Blue, faced Honeyeater Entomyzon cyanotis, 1791-92 (w/c)

NSW5670692: Page 56. Melephahu Cyanops. above the title in a different hand Natural size. The outer & middle toe are connected to the first joint. No feathers grow upon the part of the head which is blue (and of the finest ultramarine) Blue, faced Honeyeater Entomyzon cyanotis, 1791-92 (w/c), Unknown artist, (18th century) / Bridgeman Images

Page 59. Natural size, the feathers of the head neck & breast are pointed Brush Wattle, Bird Anthochaera chrysoptera, 1791-92 (w/c)
Page 59. Natural size, the feathers of the head neck & breast are pointed Brush Wattle, Bird Anthochaera chrysoptera, 1791-92 (w/c)

NSW5670696: Page 59. Natural size, the feathers of the head neck & breast are pointed Brush Wattle, Bird Anthochaera chrysoptera, 1791-92 (w/c), Unknown artist, (18th century) / Bridgeman Images

Page 62. June. Natural size Noisy Miner Myzantha melanocephala, 1791-92 (w/c)
Page 62. June. Natural size Noisy Miner Myzantha melanocephala, 1791-92 (w/c)

NSW5670700: Page 62. June. Natural size Noisy Miner Myzantha melanocephala, 1791-92 (w/c), Unknown artist, (18th century) / Bridgeman Images

Page 70. Natural size. August Fuscous Honeyeater Lichenostomus fuscus, 1791-92 (w/c)
Page 70. Natural size. August Fuscous Honeyeater Lichenostomus fuscus, 1791-92 (w/c)

NSW5670710: Page 70. Natural size. August Fuscous Honeyeater Lichenostomus fuscus, 1791-92 (w/c), Unknown artist, (18th century) / Bridgeman Images

Page 71. 1, 2. Meliphaga. 3., ? at lower centre in different hand Natural size. Three birds are shown: 1. White, Naped Honeyeater (Melithreptus lunatus); 2. Yellow Robin (Eopsaltria australis); 3. Eastern Spinebill (Acanathorhynchus tenuirostris), 1791-92 (w/c)
Page 71. 1, 2. Meliphaga. 3., ? at lower centre in different hand Natural size. Three birds are shown: 1. White, Naped Honeyeater (Melithreptus lunatus); 2. Yellow Robin (Eopsaltria australis); 3. Eastern Spinebill (Acanathorhynchus tenuirostris), 1791-92 (w/c)

NSW5670711: Page 71. 1, 2. Meliphaga. 3., ? at lower centre in different hand Natural size. Three birds are shown: 1. White, Naped Honeyeater (Melithreptus lunatus); 2. Yellow Robin (Eopsaltria australis); 3. Eastern Spinebill (Acanathorhynchus tenuirostris), 1791-92 (w/c), Unknown artist, (18th century) / Bridgeman Images

Page 77. Hirundo. above title in different hand March. Natural Size. at lower right in third hand The Swallow or Martin of N.S. Wales. Welcome Swallow Hirundo neoxena, 1791-92 (w/c)
Page 77. Hirundo. above title in different hand March. Natural Size. at lower right in third hand The Swallow or Martin of N.S. Wales. Welcome Swallow Hirundo neoxena, 1791-92 (w/c)

NSW5670718: Page 77. Hirundo. above title in different hand March. Natural Size. at lower right in third hand The Swallow or Martin of N.S. Wales. Welcome Swallow Hirundo neoxena, 1791-92 (w/c), Unknown artist, (18th century) / Bridgeman Images

Page 82. Bronze Wing. at lower centre in different hand Natural size Common Bronzewing Pigeon Phaps chalcoptera, 1791-92 (w/c)
Page 82. Bronze Wing. at lower centre in different hand Natural size Common Bronzewing Pigeon Phaps chalcoptera, 1791-92 (w/c)

NSW5670724: Page 82. Bronze Wing. at lower centre in different hand Natural size Common Bronzewing Pigeon Phaps chalcoptera, 1791-92 (w/c), Unknown artist, (18th century) / Bridgeman Images

Page 86. A Night Bird. Oedicnemus. along lower edge in different hand This bird measured from the tip of the bill to the extry. of the midl. toe 30 inches Southern Stone, Curlew Burhinus magnirostris, 1791-92 (w/c)
Page 86. A Night Bird. Oedicnemus. along lower edge in different hand This bird measured from the tip of the bill to the extry. of the midl. toe 30 inches Southern Stone, Curlew Burhinus magnirostris, 1791-92 (w/c)

NSW5670729: Page 86. A Night Bird. Oedicnemus. along lower edge in different hand This bird measured from the tip of the bill to the extry. of the midl. toe 30 inches Southern Stone, Curlew Burhinus magnirostris, 1791-92 (w/c), Unknown artist, (18th century) / Bridgeman Images

Page 90. Ardea. along lower edge in different hand The size of the bird the drawing was taken from, who could extend its neck four inches in length Little Bittern Ixobrychus minutus, 1791-92 (w/c)
Page 90. Ardea. along lower edge in different hand The size of the bird the drawing was taken from, who could extend its neck four inches in length Little Bittern Ixobrychus minutus, 1791-92 (w/c)

NSW5670734: Page 90. Ardea. along lower edge in different hand The size of the bird the drawing was taken from, who could extend its neck four inches in length Little Bittern Ixobrychus minutus, 1791-92 (w/c), Unknown artist, (18th century) / Bridgeman Images

Page 92. Scolopax. above title in different hand December. Natural size, iris doubtfull Japanese Snipe Gallinago hardwicki, 1791-92 (w/c)
Page 92. Scolopax. above title in different hand December. Natural size, iris doubtfull Japanese Snipe Gallinago hardwicki, 1791-92 (w/c)

NSW5670736: Page 92. Scolopax. above title in different hand December. Natural size, iris doubtfull Japanese Snipe Gallinago hardwicki, 1791-92 (w/c), Unknown artist, (18th century) / Bridgeman Images

Page 101. The Tropic Bird of? Alma do Comtre, Mastre?. From tip of the bill to the rump 18 Inches, from the rump to the end of the tail 18 inches, from the extremity of the wings 4 feet 2 inches. The whole bird is cover'd with a bloom wch. is not shown in this drawing by the rays of the sun Red, Tailed Tropicbird Phaethon rubricandus, 1791-92 (w/c)
Page 101. The Tropic Bird of? Alma do Comtre, Mastre?. From tip of the bill to the rump 18 Inches, from the rump to the end of the tail 18 inches, from the extremity of the wings 4 feet 2 inches. The whole bird is cover'd with a bloom wch. is not shown in this drawing by the rays of the sun Red, Tailed Tropicbird Phaethon rubricandus, 1791-92 (w/c)

NSW5670747: Page 101. The Tropic Bird of? Alma do Comtre, Mastre?. From tip of the bill to the rump 18 Inches, from the rump to the end of the tail 18 inches, from the extremity of the wings 4 feet 2 inches. The whole bird is cover'd with a bloom wch. is not shown in this drawing by the rays of the sun Red, Tailed Tropicbird Phaethon rubricandus, 1791-92 (w/c), Unknown artist, (18th century) / Bridgeman Images

F.5 Small cuckoo. New Zealand, 1772-75 (w/c)
F.5 Small cuckoo. New Zealand, 1772-75 (w/c)

NSW5670761: F.5 Small cuckoo. New Zealand, 1772-75 (w/c), Smith, Isaac (1753-1831) / Bridgeman Images

F.6 Crow. New Caledonia, 1772-75 (w/c)
F.6 Crow. New Caledonia, 1772-75 (w/c)

NSW5670762: F.6 Crow. New Caledonia, 1772-75 (w/c), Smith, Isaac (1753-1831) / Bridgeman Images

F.7 Small plover. New Zealand, 1772-75 (w/c)
F.7 Small plover. New Zealand, 1772-75 (w/c)

NSW5670764: F.7 Small plover. New Zealand, 1772-75 (w/c), Smith, Isaac (1753-1831) / Bridgeman Images

F.8 Small plover. New Zealand, 1772-75 (w/c)
F.8 Small plover. New Zealand, 1772-75 (w/c)

NSW5670765: F.8 Small plover. New Zealand, 1772-75 (w/c), Smith, Isaac (1753-1831) / Bridgeman Images

F.46 'Shag of New Zealand that make their nest in trees', 1772-75 (w/c)
F.46 'Shag of New Zealand that make their nest in trees', 1772-75 (w/c)

NSW5670824: F.46 'Shag of New Zealand that make their nest in trees', 1772-75 (w/c), Smith, Isaac (1753-1831) / Bridgeman Images

Page 52.  Unidentified plant (w/c)
Page 52.  Unidentified plant (w/c)

NSW5671090: Page 52. Unidentified plant (w/c), Unknown artist, (18th century) / Bridgeman Images

Page 57. Unidentified plant (w/c)
Page 57. Unidentified plant (w/c)

NSW5671095: Page 57. Unidentified plant (w/c), Unknown artist, (18th century) / Bridgeman Images

Page 59. Pilospermum mapon (w/c)
Page 59. Pilospermum mapon (w/c)

NSW5671097: Page 59. Pilospermum mapon (w/c), Unknown artist, (18th century) / Bridgeman Images

Page 60. Unidentified plant (w/c)
Page 60. Unidentified plant (w/c)

NSW5671098: Page 60. Unidentified plant (w/c), Unknown artist, (18th century) / Bridgeman Images

Page 62. Unidentified plant (w/c)
Page 62. Unidentified plant (w/c)

NSW5671101: Page 62. Unidentified plant (w/c), Unknown artist, (18th century) / Bridgeman Images

Page 65. Unidentified plant (w/c)
Page 65. Unidentified plant (w/c)

NSW5671104: Page 65. Unidentified plant (w/c), Unknown artist, (18th century) / Bridgeman Images

Page 66. Viola aphylla / Wild Violet (w/c)
Page 66. Viola aphylla / Wild Violet (w/c)

NSW5671105: Page 66. Viola aphylla / Wild Violet (w/c), Unknown artist, (18th century) / Bridgeman Images

Page 69.  Unidentified plant (w/c)
Page 69.  Unidentified plant (w/c)

NSW5671108: Page 69. Unidentified plant (w/c), Unknown artist, (18th century) / Bridgeman Images

Page 70.  Unidentified plant (w/c)
Page 70.  Unidentified plant (w/c)

NSW5671109: Page 70. Unidentified plant (w/c), Unknown artist, (18th century) / Bridgeman Images

Page 78a. Solanum stelligerum / Star Nightshade (w/c)
Page 78a. Solanum stelligerum / Star Nightshade (w/c)

NSW5671118: Page 78a. Solanum stelligerum / Star Nightshade (w/c), Unknown artist, (18th century) / Bridgeman Images

Page 87. Unidentified plant (w/c)
Page 87. Unidentified plant (w/c)

NSW5671127: Page 87. Unidentified plant (w/c), Unknown artist, (18th century) / Bridgeman Images

Page 89. No inscription. Unidentified plant (w/c)
Page 89. No inscription. Unidentified plant (w/c)

NSW5671129: Page 89. No inscription. Unidentified plant (w/c), Unknown artist, (18th century) / Bridgeman Images

Page 92. Unidentified plant (w/c)
Page 92. Unidentified plant (w/c)

NSW5671132: Page 92. Unidentified plant (w/c), Unknown artist, (18th century) / Bridgeman Images

Page 99. Unidentified plant (w/c)
Page 99. Unidentified plant (w/c)

NSW5671139: Page 99. Unidentified plant (w/c), Unknown artist, (18th century) / Bridgeman Images

Page 108. Lily (w/c)
Page 108. Lily (w/c)

NSW5671148: Page 108. Lily (w/c), Unknown artist, (18th century) / Bridgeman Images

Page 109. No inscription. Unidentified plant (w/c)
Page 109. No inscription. Unidentified plant (w/c)

NSW5671149: Page 109. No inscription. Unidentified plant (w/c), Unknown artist, (18th century) / Bridgeman Images

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