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2533437 Search Results

Brooklime, Veronica beccabunga
Brooklime, Veronica beccabunga

FLO5855877: Brooklime, Veronica beccabunga / Bridgeman Images

Night and day, Melampyrum nemorosum
Night and day, Melampyrum nemorosum

FLO5855883: Night and day, Melampyrum nemorosum / Bridgeman Images

Yellow rattle or cockscomb, Rhinanthus minor, Rhinanthus major
Yellow rattle or cockscomb, Rhinanthus minor, Rhinanthus major

FLO5855884: Yellow rattle or cockscomb, Rhinanthus minor, Rhinanthus major / Bridgeman Images

Lousewort, Pedicularis sylvatica, and marsh lousewort, Pedicularis palustris
Lousewort, Pedicularis sylvatica, and marsh lousewort, Pedicularis palustris

FLO5855885: Lousewort, Pedicularis sylvatica, and marsh lousewort, Pedicularis palustris / Bridgeman Images

Lapland lousewort, Pedicularis lapponica
Lapland lousewort, Pedicularis lapponica

FLO5855886: Lapland lousewort, Pedicularis lapponica / Bridgeman Images

Toothwort, Lathraea squamaria
Toothwort, Lathraea squamaria

FLO5855887: Toothwort, Lathraea squamaria / Bridgeman Images

Hoary plantain, Plantago media
Hoary plantain, Plantago media

FLO5855890: Hoary plantain, Plantago media / Bridgeman Images

Water violet or featherfoil, Hottonia palustris
Water violet or featherfoil, Hottonia palustris

FLO5855901: Water violet or featherfoil, Hottonia palustris / Bridgeman Images

Lingonberry or cowberry, Vaccinium vitis-idaea
Lingonberry or cowberry, Vaccinium vitis-idaea

FLO5855906: Lingonberry or cowberry, Vaccinium vitis-idaea / Bridgeman Images

Bog rosemary, Andromeda polifolia
Bog rosemary, Andromeda polifolia

FLO5855910: Bog rosemary, Andromeda polifolia / Bridgeman Images

Diapensia lapponica
Diapensia lapponica

FLO5855917: Diapensia lapponica / Bridgeman Images

Buttercup, Ranunculus acris
Buttercup, Ranunculus acris

FLO5855918: Buttercup, Ranunculus acris / Bridgeman Images

St Anthony's turnip or bulbous buttercup, Ranunculus bulbosus
St Anthony's turnip or bulbous buttercup, Ranunculus bulbosus

FLO5855919: St Anthony's turnip or bulbous buttercup, Ranunculus bulbosus / Bridgeman Images

Creeping spearwort, Ranunculus flammula
Creeping spearwort, Ranunculus flammula

FLO5855923: Creeping spearwort, Ranunculus flammula / Bridgeman Images

Barberry, Berberis vulgaris
Barberry, Berberis vulgaris

FLO5855937: Barberry, Berberis vulgaris / Bridgeman Images

Fumitory, Fumaria officinalis
Fumitory, Fumaria officinalis

FLO5855944: Fumitory, Fumaria officinalis / Bridgeman Images

Yellow watercress, Nasturtium palustre
Yellow watercress, Nasturtium palustre

FLO5855954: Yellow watercress, Nasturtium palustre / Bridgeman Images

Naked-stalked candytuff, Teesdalia nudicaulis
Naked-stalked candytuff, Teesdalia nudicaulis

FLO5855965: Naked-stalked candytuff, Teesdalia nudicaulis / Bridgeman Images

Annual honesty, Lunaria annua
Annual honesty, Lunaria annua

FLO5855967: Annual honesty, Lunaria annua / Bridgeman Images

Wood cranesbill, Geranium sylvaticum
Wood cranesbill, Geranium sylvaticum

FLO5855970: Wood cranesbill, Geranium sylvaticum / Bridgeman Images

Dog violet, Viola riviniana, and heath dog-violet, Viola canina
Dog violet, Viola riviniana, and heath dog-violet, Viola canina

FLO5855978: Dog violet, Viola riviniana, and heath dog-violet, Viola canina / Bridgeman Images

Round-leaved sundew, Drosera rotundiflora
Round-leaved sundew, Drosera rotundiflora

FLO5855983: Round-leaved sundew, Drosera rotundiflora / Bridgeman Images

Lesser marshwort, Apium inundatum
Lesser marshwort, Apium inundatum

FLO5856013: Lesser marshwort, Apium inundatum / Bridgeman Images

Japanese hedge parsley, Torilis japonica
Japanese hedge parsley, Torilis japonica

FLO5856020: Japanese hedge parsley, Torilis japonica / Bridgeman Images

European rowan or mountain-ash, Sorbus aucuparia
European rowan or mountain-ash, Sorbus aucuparia

FLO5856038: European rowan or mountain-ash, Sorbus aucuparia / Bridgeman Images

Dropwort, Spiraea filipendula
Dropwort, Spiraea filipendula

FLO5856043: Dropwort, Spiraea filipendula / Bridgeman Images

Red-leaved rose, Rosa glauca Vill.
Red-leaved rose, Rosa glauca Vill.

FLO5856044: Red-leaved rose, Rosa glauca Vill. / Bridgeman Images

Lady's mantle, Alchemilla vulgaris
Lady's mantle, Alchemilla vulgaris

FLO5856051: Lady's mantle, Alchemilla vulgaris / Bridgeman Images

Money for the Vietnam War. President Lyndon Johnson signs the special  billion appropriation to fight the war in Vietnam. May 7, 1965
Money for the Vietnam War. President Lyndon Johnson signs the special  billion appropriation to fight the war in Vietnam. May 7, 1965

EVB2923307: Money for the Vietnam War. President Lyndon Johnson signs the special billion appropriation to fight the war in Vietnam. May 7, 1965 / Bridgeman Images

President Lyndon Johnson meets with his Cabinet. A chart lists the status of Congressional legislation, May 16, 1967
President Lyndon Johnson meets with his Cabinet. A chart lists the status of Congressional legislation, May 16, 1967

EVB2923314: President Lyndon Johnson meets with his Cabinet. A chart lists the status of Congressional legislation, May 16, 1967 / Bridgeman Images

Heads of State at the funeral of Conrad Adenauer, 1967
Heads of State at the funeral of Conrad Adenauer, 1967

EVB2923315: Heads of State at the funeral of Conrad Adenauer, 1967 / Bridgeman Images

Former President Lyndon Johnson resumed smoking after he left the presidency. He quit his 60 cigarette per day habit after his 1955 heart attack. Photo shows him smoking a cigar on April 1, 1972, a few days before he was hospitalized for chest pains
Former President Lyndon Johnson resumed smoking after he left the presidency. He quit his 60 cigarette per day habit after his 1955 heart attack. Photo shows him smoking a cigar on April 1, 1972, a few days before he was hospitalized for chest pains

EVB2923316: Former President Lyndon Johnson resumed smoking after he left the presidency. He quit his 60 cigarette per day habit after his 1955 heart attack. Photo shows him smoking a cigar on April 1, 1972, a few days before he was hospitalized for chest pains / Bridgeman Images

President Lyndon Johnson meeting with George Romney. LBJ met with the HUD Secretary-designate George Romney to ease the transition to the Richard Nixon Administration. Jan. 7, 1969
President Lyndon Johnson meeting with George Romney. LBJ met with the HUD Secretary-designate George Romney to ease the transition to the Richard Nixon Administration. Jan. 7, 1969

EVB2923319: President Lyndon Johnson meeting with George Romney. LBJ met with the HUD Secretary-designate George Romney to ease the transition to the Richard Nixon Administration. Jan. 7, 1969 / Bridgeman Images

President Lyndon Johnson and wife Lady Bird during a White House ceremony. 1964
President Lyndon Johnson and wife Lady Bird during a White House ceremony. 1964

EVB2923322: President Lyndon Johnson and wife Lady Bird during a White House ceremony. 1964 / Bridgeman Images

President Lyndon Johnson signing the 1964 Civil Rights bill. July 2, 1964
President Lyndon Johnson signing the 1964 Civil Rights bill. July 2, 1964

EVB2923324: President Lyndon Johnson signing the 1964 Civil Rights bill. July 2, 1964 / Bridgeman Images

President Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson sitting on a fence at the LBJ Ranch. They were proud Texans and celebrated Texas clothing, food, and lifestyle. 1964
President Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson sitting on a fence at the LBJ Ranch. They were proud Texans and celebrated Texas clothing, food, and lifestyle. 1964

EVB2923327: President Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson sitting on a fence at the LBJ Ranch. They were proud Texans and celebrated Texas clothing, food, and lifestyle. 1964 / Bridgeman Images

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