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2533476 Search Results

Cardo, High Imperial Period (27 BC-395 AD)
Cardo, High Imperial Period (27 BC-395 AD)

GDG267057: Cardo, High Imperial Period (27 BC-395 AD), Roman Imperial Period (27 BC-476 AD) / Bridgeman Images

View of the temple of the Septimian family, High Imperial Period (27 BC-395 AD) (photo) (see also 267064 and 267065)
View of the temple of the Septimian family, High Imperial Period (27 BC-395 AD) (photo) (see also 267064 and 267065)

GDG267063: View of the temple of the Septimian family, High Imperial Period (27 BC-395 AD) (photo) (see also 267064 and 267065), Roman Imperial Period (27 BC-476 AD) / Bridgeman Images

View of the baptistery, High Imperial Period (27 BC-395 AD)
View of the baptistery, High Imperial Period (27 BC-395 AD)

GDG267068: View of the baptistery, High Imperial Period (27 BC-395 AD), Roman Imperial Period (27 BC-476 AD) / Bridgeman Images

View of the nymphaeum, High Imperial Period (27 BC-395 AD)
View of the nymphaeum, High Imperial Period (27 BC-395 AD)

GDG267071: View of the nymphaeum, High Imperial Period (27 BC-395 AD), Roman Imperial Period (27 BC-476 AD) / Bridgeman Images

Palm grove of Djanet (photo)
Palm grove of Djanet (photo)

GDG267359: Palm grove of Djanet (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Maud Morgan, 1880 (bronze)
Maud Morgan, 1880 (bronze)

TBM267523: Maud Morgan, 1880 (bronze), Warner, Olin Levi (1844-96) / Bridgeman Images

Charger with two herons catching fish on a river bank, painted by Charles Passenger (ceramic)
Charger with two herons catching fish on a river bank, painted by Charles Passenger (ceramic)

WDM267785: Charger with two herons catching fish on a river bank, painted by Charles Passenger (ceramic), Morgan, William De (1839-1917) / Bridgeman Images

Deep punch bowl, with two eagles in the centre surrounded by swallows, painted by Fred Passenger (ceramic) (see also 267790)
Deep punch bowl, with two eagles in the centre surrounded by swallows, painted by Fred Passenger (ceramic) (see also 267790)

WDM267788: Deep punch bowl, with two eagles in the centre surrounded by swallows, painted by Fred Passenger (ceramic) (see also 267790), Morgan, William De (1839-1917) / Bridgeman Images

Relief fragment, 5th-6th Dynasty, 2454-2140 BC (limestone)
Relief fragment, 5th-6th Dynasty, 2454-2140 BC (limestone)

HSC270348: Relief fragment, 5th-6th Dynasty, 2454-2140 BC (limestone), Egyptian, Old Kingdom (c.2613-2181 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Mentu-em-hat, late 25th Dynasty-early 26th Dynasty, c.660-650 BC (limestone)
Mentu-em-hat, late 25th Dynasty-early 26th Dynasty, c.660-650 BC (limestone)

HSC270349: Mentu-em-hat, late 25th Dynasty-early 26th Dynasty, c.660-650 BC (limestone), Egyptian, Late Period (715-332 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Rear view of an Ushabti figure for Hekaemsaf, Admiral of the Fleet, reign of Amasis, 570-526 BC (faience) (see 270355 for front)
Rear view of an Ushabti figure for Hekaemsaf, Admiral of the Fleet, reign of Amasis, 570-526 BC (faience) (see 270355 for front)

HSC270354: Rear view of an Ushabti figure for Hekaemsaf, Admiral of the Fleet, reign of Amasis, 570-526 BC (faience) (see 270355 for front), Egyptian 26th Dynasty (664-525 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Black figure amphora, mid-6th century BC (ceramic)
Black figure amphora, mid-6th century BC (ceramic)

HSC270378: Black figure amphora, mid-6th century BC (ceramic), Greek school, (6th century BC) / Bridgeman Images

Statuette of a woman, Hellenistic period, c.3rd century BC (terracotta)
Statuette of a woman, Hellenistic period, c.3rd century BC (terracotta)

HSC270382: Statuette of a woman, Hellenistic period, c.3rd century BC (terracotta), Greek / Bridgeman Images

Attic red figure bell krater, c.440 BC (terracotta) (see 270384 for detail)
Attic red figure bell krater, c.440 BC (terracotta) (see 270384 for detail)

HSC270383: Attic red figure bell krater, c.440 BC (terracotta) (see 270384 for detail), Greek school, (5th century BC) / Bridgeman Images

Head of a woman, Hellenistic period, 3rd-1st century BC (polychrome terracotta) (see also 270386)
Head of a woman, Hellenistic period, 3rd-1st century BC (polychrome terracotta) (see also 270386)

HSC270385: Head of a woman, Hellenistic period, 3rd-1st century BC (polychrome terracotta) (see also 270386), Greek / Bridgeman Images

Lid of a box, Hellenistic (parcel gilt silver) (see also 270391)
Lid of a box, Hellenistic (parcel gilt silver) (see also 270391)

HSC270390: Lid of a box, Hellenistic (parcel gilt silver) (see also 270391), Greek school, (2nd century BC) / Bridgeman Images

Fragment (mosaic)
Fragment (mosaic)

HSC270398: Fragment (mosaic), Roman / Bridgeman Images

Helmet attachment, late 2nd-early 3rd century AD (bronze)
Helmet attachment, late 2nd-early 3rd century AD (bronze)

HSC270500: Helmet attachment, late 2nd-early 3rd century AD (bronze), Roman / Bridgeman Images

Fibula of an Eagle, Romano-British, 2nd-3rd century AD (bronze with enamel inlays)
Fibula of an Eagle, Romano-British, 2nd-3rd century AD (bronze with enamel inlays)

HSC270507: Fibula of an Eagle, Romano-British, 2nd-3rd century AD (bronze with enamel inlays), Roman / Bridgeman Images

Duck weight, c.2nd millennium BC (bronze) (see also 270526)
Duck weight, c.2nd millennium BC (bronze) (see also 270526)

HSC270525: Duck weight, c.2nd millennium BC (bronze) (see also 270526), Mesopotamian / Bridgeman Images

Model of the head of a woman, 2nd or 3rd century AD (plaster) (see also 270972-974)
Model of the head of a woman, 2nd or 3rd century AD (plaster) (see also 270972-974)

PFR270971: Model of the head of a woman, 2nd or 3rd century AD (plaster) (see also 270972-974), Egyptian, Roman Period (c.30 BC - AD 337) / Bridgeman Images

Side view of head of a woman, 2nd or 3rd century AD (plaster) (see also 270971-972, 270974)
Side view of head of a woman, 2nd or 3rd century AD (plaster) (see also 270971-972, 270974)

PFR270973: Side view of head of a woman, 2nd or 3rd century AD (plaster) (see also 270971-972, 270974), Egyptian, Roman Period (c.30 BC - AD 337) / Bridgeman Images

Carved bowl, Qianlong period (1736-95) (coloured glass) (see also 272125)
Carved bowl, Qianlong period (1736-95) (coloured glass) (see also 272125)

HSC272124: Carved bowl, Qianlong period (1736-95) (coloured glass) (see also 272125), Chinese School (18th century) / Bridgeman Images

Mandala (cloisonne enamel) (see also 272151)
Mandala (cloisonne enamel) (see also 272151)

HSC272150: Mandala (cloisonne enamel) (see also 272151), Chinese School, Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) / Bridgeman Images

Articulated Figure of a Boy, Kangxi period (1662-1722) (ivory) (see also 272188)
Articulated Figure of a Boy, Kangxi period (1662-1722) (ivory) (see also 272188)

HSC272187: Articulated Figure of a Boy, Kangxi period (1662-1722) (ivory) (see also 272188), Chinese School, Qing Dynasty (1644-1912) / Bridgeman Images

Cabinet - back view, 1898 (mahogany & white holly)
Cabinet - back view, 1898 (mahogany & white holly)

CHE272468: Cabinet - back view, 1898 (mahogany & white holly), Ashbee, Charles Robert (1863-1942) / Bridgeman Images

Teapot, from Boston, Massachusetts, 1740-60 (pewter & wood)
Teapot, from Boston, Massachusetts, 1740-60 (pewter & wood)

HNE273744: Teapot, from Boston, Massachusetts, 1740-60 (pewter & wood), American School, (18th century) / Bridgeman Images

Ramsay's discharge tubes for the noble gases (glass)
Ramsay's discharge tubes for the noble gases (glass)

UCL273800: Ramsay's discharge tubes for the noble gases (glass), English School / Bridgeman Images

Telephone cable, c.1917
Telephone cable, c.1917

UCL273801: Telephone cable, c.1917, English School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

Comb from Samoa or Tonga, hair pin from the Malay Peninsula, comb from Samoa, comb from the Malay Peninsula and comb from the Solomon Islands
Comb from Samoa or Tonga, hair pin from the Malay Peninsula, comb from Samoa, comb from the Malay Peninsula and comb from the Solomon Islands

UCL273803: Comb from Samoa or Tonga, hair pin from the Malay Peninsula, comb from Samoa, comb from the Malay Peninsula and comb from the Solomon Islands, Oceanic / Bridgeman Images

Nautilus in spirit
Nautilus in spirit

UCL273889: Nautilus in spirit / Bridgeman Images

Hand-carved model of a Chinese emperor's pleasure barge, c.1900 (ivory)
Hand-carved model of a Chinese emperor's pleasure barge, c.1900 (ivory)

VMM276783: Hand-carved model of a Chinese emperor's pleasure barge, c.1900 (ivory), Chinese School, Qing Dynasty (1644-1912) / Bridgeman Images

Tripod Jar, c.800 (clay) (see also 278902-278904)
Tripod Jar, c.800 (clay) (see also 278902-278904)

TBM278901: Tripod Jar, c.800 (clay) (see also 278902-278904), Teotihuacan / Bridgeman Images

Carpet from the M'zab valley, detail (wool)
Carpet from the M'zab valley, detail (wool)

GDG279537: Carpet from the M'zab valley, detail (wool), Algerian School / Bridgeman Images

Carpet from the M'zab valley, detail (wool)
Carpet from the M'zab valley, detail (wool)

GDG279539: Carpet from the M'zab valley, detail (wool), Algerian School / Bridgeman Images

Colonnade (photo)
Colonnade (photo)

GDG279584: Colonnade (photo), Roman / Bridgeman Images

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