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2533476 Search Results

Vision of St Augustine, detail of St Barnaba altarpiece (tempera on wood, 1487)
Vision of St Augustine, detail of St Barnaba altarpiece (tempera on wood, 1487)

LRI4602925: Vision of St Augustine, detail of St Barnaba altarpiece (tempera on wood, 1487), Botticelli, Sandro (Alessandro di Mariano di Vanni Filipepi) (1444/5-1510) / Bridgeman Images

Barbarian civilization: toiletries (comb, scissors),  5th-8th century
Barbarian civilization: toiletries (comb, scissors),  5th-8th century

LRI4646189: Barbarian civilization: toiletries (comb, scissors), 5th-8th century, Merovingian School / Bridgeman Images

Scene from Jonas's life represents swallows by a fish Detail. Mosaic of the 5th or 6th century. Cathedrale d'Aquileia, Italy
Scene from Jonas's life represents swallows by a fish Detail. Mosaic of the 5th or 6th century. Cathedrale d'Aquileia, Italy

LRI4647984: Scene from Jonas's life represents swallows by a fish Detail. Mosaic of the 5th or 6th century. Cathedrale d'Aquileia, Italy, Paleo-Christian, (5th century) / Bridgeman Images

View of the interior of the baptistery, 5th century (photography)
View of the interior of the baptistery, 5th century (photography)

LRI4655019: View of the interior of the baptistery, 5th century (photography), Paleo-Christian, (5th century) / Bridgeman Images

Birds (detail of mosaics, 5th century)
Birds (detail of mosaics, 5th century)

LRI4674007: Birds (detail of mosaics, 5th century), Byzantine, (5th century) / Bridgeman Images

The apostles (ceiling mosaic, 400-450)
The apostles (ceiling mosaic, 400-450)

LRI4674019: The apostles (ceiling mosaic, 400-450), Byzantine, (5th century) / Bridgeman Images

Funeral hands, 200-500 (gold)
Funeral hands, 200-500 (gold)

LRI4674793: Funeral hands, 200-500 (gold), Moche / Bridgeman Images

Earring with bird,  200-500 (gold)
Earring with bird,  200-500 (gold)

LRI4674807: Earring with bird, 200-500 (gold), Moche / Bridgeman Images

Life of Buddha painting in cave 2
Life of Buddha painting in cave 2

LRI4679421: Life of Buddha painting in cave 2, Indian School, (5th century) / Bridgeman Images

The miracle of the fishes and breads, mosaic 4th or 5th century
The miracle of the fishes and breads, mosaic 4th or 5th century

LRI4679574: The miracle of the fishes and breads, mosaic 4th or 5th century, Paleo-Christian, (5th century) / Bridgeman Images

Benoit receives two young Romans Maur and Placide (st Benedict receives the two novel boys Mauro and Placido) Fresco of the cloister made by Antonio Bazzi dit il Sodoma (1477 - 1549) recounting the life of Saint Benedict of Nursie (480 - 567) founder of the Order of Benedictine 1503 - 1508 Abbey of Monte Oliveto Maggiore, Florence
Benoit receives two young Romans Maur and Placide (st Benedict receives the two novel boys Mauro and Placido) Fresco of the cloister made by Antonio Bazzi dit il Sodoma (1477 - 1549) recounting the life of Saint Benedict of Nursie (480 - 567) founder of the Order of Benedictine 1503 - 1508 Abbey of Monte Oliveto Maggiore, Florence

LRI4695049: Benoit receives two young Romans Maur and Placide (st Benedict receives the two novel boys Mauro and Placido) Fresco of the cloister made by Antonio Bazzi dit il Sodoma (1477 - 1549) recounting the life of Saint Benedict of Nursie (480 - 567) founder of the Order of Benedictine 1503 - 1508 Abbey of Monte Oliveto Maggiore, Florence, Sodoma, Giovanni Antonio Bazzi (1477-1549) / Bridgeman Images

How Florent tries to poison Benoit (How Fiorenzo tries to poison st Benedict) - Wall fresco made by Antonio Bazzi dit il Sodoma (1477 - 1549) recounting the life of Saint Benedict (480 - 567) founder of the Benedictine Order 1503 - 1508 Abbey of Monte Oliveto Maggiore, Florence
How Florent tries to poison Benoit (How Fiorenzo tries to poison st Benedict) - Wall fresco made by Antonio Bazzi dit il Sodoma (1477 - 1549) recounting the life of Saint Benedict (480 - 567) founder of the Benedictine Order 1503 - 1508 Abbey of Monte Oliveto Maggiore, Florence

LRI4695161: How Florent tries to poison Benoit (How Fiorenzo tries to poison st Benedict) - Wall fresco made by Antonio Bazzi dit il Sodoma (1477 - 1549) recounting the life of Saint Benedict (480 - 567) founder of the Benedictine Order 1503 - 1508 Abbey of Monte Oliveto Maggiore, Florence, Sodoma, Giovanni Antonio Bazzi (1477-1549) / Bridgeman Images

Benedict sends Maurus in France and Placid in Sicily (Benedict sends Maurus in France and Placid in Sicily) Fresco of the cloister made by Luca Signorelli recounting the life of Saint Benedict of Nursie (480 - 567) founder of the Order of Benedictine 1497-1498 Abbey of Monte Oliveto Maggiore, Florence
Benedict sends Maurus in France and Placid in Sicily (Benedict sends Maurus in France and Placid in Sicily) Fresco of the cloister made by Luca Signorelli recounting the life of Saint Benedict of Nursie (480 - 567) founder of the Order of Benedictine 1497-1498 Abbey of Monte Oliveto Maggiore, Florence

LRI4695175: Benedict sends Maurus in France and Placid in Sicily (Benedict sends Maurus in France and Placid in Sicily) Fresco of the cloister made by Luca Signorelli recounting the life of Saint Benedict of Nursie (480 - 567) founder of the Order of Benedictine 1497-1498 Abbey of Monte Oliveto Maggiore, Florence, Signorelli, Luca (c.1450-1523) / Bridgeman Images

How Benedict predicts the destruction of Monte Cassino (St Benedict predicts the destruction of Monte Cassino) Detail - fresco of the cloister made by Antonio Bazzi dit il Sodoma (1477 - 1549) recounting the life of Saint Benedict of Nursie (480 - 567) founder of the Order of Benedictine 1503 - 1508 Abbey of Monte Oliveto Maggiore, Florence
How Benedict predicts the destruction of Monte Cassino (St Benedict predicts the destruction of Monte Cassino) Detail - fresco of the cloister made by Antonio Bazzi dit il Sodoma (1477 - 1549) recounting the life of Saint Benedict of Nursie (480 - 567) founder of the Order of Benedictine 1503 - 1508 Abbey of Monte Oliveto Maggiore, Florence

LRI4695222: How Benedict predicts the destruction of Monte Cassino (St Benedict predicts the destruction of Monte Cassino) Detail - fresco of the cloister made by Antonio Bazzi dit il Sodoma (1477 - 1549) recounting the life of Saint Benedict of Nursie (480 - 567) founder of the Order of Benedictine 1503 - 1508 Abbey of Monte Oliveto Maggiore, Florence, Sodoma, Giovanni Antonio Bazzi (1477-1549) / Bridgeman Images

Pious image:San Glicerio (engraving)
Pious image:San Glicerio (engraving)

LRI4728883: Pious image:San Glicerio (engraving), Anonymous / Bridgeman Images

Pious image: Saint Vigil, bishop of Trento (Chromolithography)
Pious image: Saint Vigil, bishop of Trento (Chromolithography)

LRI4731216: Pious image: Saint Vigil, bishop of Trento (Chromolithography) / Bridgeman Images

Ruins of the Christian necropolis in the valley of the Temples, 4th to 5th century (photography)
Ruins of the Christian necropolis in the valley of the Temples, 4th to 5th century (photography)

LRI4731647: Ruins of the Christian necropolis in the valley of the Temples, 4th to 5th century (photography), Paleo-Christian, (5th century) / Bridgeman Images

Griffon with two warriors, from Saranath. Gupta Dynasty (320-600 AD) (sculpture)
Griffon with two warriors, from Saranath. Gupta Dynasty (320-600 AD) (sculpture)

LRI4731730: Griffon with two warriors, from Saranath. Gupta Dynasty (320-600 AD) (sculpture), Indian School, (4th century) / Bridgeman Images

View of the St. Martin's Cathedral, built between the 10th and 12th centuries (photography)
View of the St. Martin's Cathedral, built between the 10th and 12th centuries (photography)

LRI4653192: View of the St. Martin's Cathedral, built between the 10th and 12th centuries (photography), Romanesque, (12th century) / Bridgeman Images

View of the cathedral of Durham, 1093 (photography)
View of the cathedral of Durham, 1093 (photography)

LRI4654346: View of the cathedral of Durham, 1093 (photography), English School, (11th century) / Bridgeman Images

View of the Holy Trinity Cathedral, 1096-1145 (photography)
View of the Holy Trinity Cathedral, 1096-1145 (photography)

LRI4654625: View of the Holy Trinity Cathedral, 1096-1145 (photography), Romanesque, (12th century) / Bridgeman Images

View of the castle of Pembroke, 1083 (photography)
View of the castle of Pembroke, 1083 (photography)

LRI4654634: View of the castle of Pembroke, 1083 (photography), English School, (11th century) / Bridgeman Images

View of the abbey of Saint-Savin-sur-Gartempe, 11th century (photography)
View of the abbey of Saint-Savin-sur-Gartempe, 11th century (photography)

LRI4655204: View of the abbey of Saint-Savin-sur-Gartempe, 11th century (photography), Romanesque, (12th century) / Bridgeman Images

View of the monument to Memmius
View of the monument to Memmius

LRI4657099: View of the monument to Memmius, Roman, (1st century AD) / Bridgeman Images

View of the theatre.
View of the theatre.

LRI4657106: View of the theatre., Greek Roman School, (500 BC - 400) / Bridgeman Images

A craftsman working ivory. Miniature from the hunting trade “” The Cynegetics”” by Oppian (Oppian or Oppianus) from Syria (3rd century AD) dedicated to Caracalla. 11th century Venice. Biblioteca Marciana
A craftsman working ivory. Miniature from the hunting trade “” The Cynegetics”” by Oppian (Oppian or Oppianus) from Syria (3rd century AD) dedicated to Caracalla. 11th century Venice. Biblioteca Marciana

LRI4665662: A craftsman working ivory. Miniature from the hunting trade “” The Cynegetics”” by Oppian (Oppian or Oppianus) from Syria (3rd century AD) dedicated to Caracalla. 11th century Venice. Biblioteca Marciana, Unknown Artist, (11th century) / Bridgeman Images

Lombard Prince Adalgis (died 788) Miniature from “” Codex Legum Longobardorum”” (or Langobardorum) describing the laws of the Lombard kingdom established by King Rothari, 11th century Bibliotheque of Benedectin Abbey, Cava dei Tirreni, Salerno
Lombard Prince Adalgis (died 788) Miniature from “” Codex Legum Longobardorum”” (or Langobardorum) describing the laws of the Lombard kingdom established by King Rothari, 11th century Bibliotheque of Benedectin Abbey, Cava dei Tirreni, Salerno

LRI4666451: Lombard Prince Adalgis (died 788) Miniature from “” Codex Legum Longobardorum”” (or Langobardorum) describing the laws of the Lombard kingdom established by King Rothari, 11th century Bibliotheque of Benedectin Abbey, Cava dei Tirreni, Salerno, Italian School, (11th century) / Bridgeman Images

St Peter and St Paul (Ivory diptych element, 11th century)
St Peter and St Paul (Ivory diptych element, 11th century)

LRI4671023: St Peter and St Paul (Ivory diptych element, 11th century), Byzantine, (11th Century) / Bridgeman Images

Carolingian art: holy women at the sepulcher - (Holy women at the sepulcher) Ivory relief, 11th century Florence, Museo Nazionale del Bargello
Carolingian art: holy women at the sepulcher - (Holy women at the sepulcher) Ivory relief, 11th century Florence, Museo Nazionale del Bargello

LRI4671243: Carolingian art: holy women at the sepulcher - (Holy women at the sepulcher) Ivory relief, 11th century Florence, Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Carolingian School / Bridgeman Images

Imperial Dalmatic Knowed as Charlemagne Dalmatic, 11th Century, Salle de la cattedra, Museo del Tesoro della Basilica di San Pietro in Vaticano, Rome Italy
Imperial Dalmatic Knowed as Charlemagne Dalmatic, 11th Century, Salle de la cattedra, Museo del Tesoro della Basilica di San Pietro in Vaticano, Rome Italy

LRI4671824: Imperial Dalmatic Knowed as Charlemagne Dalmatic, 11th Century, Salle de la cattedra, Museo del Tesoro della Basilica di San Pietro in Vaticano, Rome Italy, Unknown Artist, (11th century) / Bridgeman Images

Evangelical Page (Golden Bible) of Emperor Henry III says black (1017-1056) represents kneeling with his wife Agnes d'Aquitaine (Agnes de Poitou ou de Poitiers, 1020/1030-1077) at the feet of the virgin - (Page of a Book of gospels of Henry III, Holy Roman Emperor, represented with his wife Agnes of Poitou worshipping the virgin) Manuscript from 13th century San Lorenzo del Escorial, Real Monasterio de San Lorenzo de el Escorial Library
Evangelical Page (Golden Bible) of Emperor Henry III says black (1017-1056) represents kneeling with his wife Agnes d'Aquitaine (Agnes de Poitou ou de Poitiers, 1020/1030-1077) at the feet of the virgin - (Page of a Book of gospels of Henry III, Holy Roman Emperor, represented with his wife Agnes of Poitou worshipping the virgin) Manuscript from 13th century San Lorenzo del Escorial, Real Monasterio de San Lorenzo de el Escorial Library

LRI4671843: Evangelical Page (Golden Bible) of Emperor Henry III says black (1017-1056) represents kneeling with his wife Agnes d'Aquitaine (Agnes de Poitou ou de Poitiers, 1020/1030-1077) at the feet of the virgin - (Page of a Book of gospels of Henry III, Holy Roman Emperor, represented with his wife Agnes of Poitou worshipping the virgin) Manuscript from 13th century San Lorenzo del Escorial, Real Monasterio de San Lorenzo de el Escorial Library, Unknown Artist, (13th century) / Bridgeman Images

Character with axe and horn. Miniature in Lectionaire de la cathedrale de Reims, 11th century. French art. Municipal Library of Reims
Character with axe and horn. Miniature in Lectionaire de la cathedrale de Reims, 11th century. French art. Municipal Library of Reims

LRI4673543: Character with axe and horn. Miniature in Lectionaire de la cathedrale de Reims, 11th century. French art. Municipal Library of Reims, French School, (11th century) / Bridgeman Images

Ceramic plate with a lute player, 11th century
Ceramic plate with a lute player, 11th century

LRI4673571: Ceramic plate with a lute player, 11th century, Islamic School, (11th century) / Bridgeman Images

Golden pectoral, 7th-15th century
Golden pectoral, 7th-15th century

LRI4674590: Golden pectoral, 7th-15th century, Pre-Columbian / Bridgeman Images

Gold crown, 9th-11th century
Gold crown, 9th-11th century

LRI4674638: Gold crown, 9th-11th century, Chimu Culture / Bridgeman Images

Gold and turquoise earring, 10th-15th century
Gold and turquoise earring, 10th-15th century

LRI4674671: Gold and turquoise earring, 10th-15th century, Chimu Culture / Bridgeman Images

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