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MPX5124632: They just smile as baby steps out into space. It needs strong nerves to stand by and watch a baby, perched on a first floor window sill step out into space. But nobody in the Gunn home at Holly Hill, Hampstead London takes any notice when Simon 2 does it. It happens every day. The family built the wire cage as there is no garden in the house where Simon can play. 10th February 1948 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images
MPX5124677: Judy Garland performing for one of the last times at the "Talk of the Town" in London. A poor performance saw Judy struggling through her signature song, "Over the Rainbow," and the audience pelted her with bread sticks and cigarette butts. Six months later she was dead from an accidental overdose. 16th January 1969 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images