Hart House Quartet of Toronto 1935 led by James Levey / Bridgeman Images
ID: PUT3917031
Hart House Quartet of Toronto 1935 led by James Levey
Fritz Kreisler, Austrian violinist and composer at Royal Albert Hall with London Philharmonic Orchestra and Sir Landon Ronald, 1930's / Bridgeman Images
ID: PUT3917050
Fritz Kreisler, Austrian violinist and composer at Royal Albert Hall with London Philharmonic Orchestra and Sir Landon Ronald, 1930's
Joseph Szigeti, Sir Thomas Beecham and London Philharmonic Orchestra , 1933 / Bridgeman Images
ID: PUT3917061
Joseph Szigeti, Sir Thomas Beecham and London Philharmonic Orchestra , 1933
Sir Henry Lytton, English baritone as Ko Ko in The Mikado, 1932 / Bridgeman Images
ID: PUT3917062
Sir Henry Lytton, English baritone as Ko Ko in The Mikado, 1932
Sir Thomas Beecham, English conductor, and Richard Tauber, Austrian tenor rehearsing for The Magic Flute, April 1938 / Bridgeman Images
ID: PUT3917065
Sir Thomas Beecham, English conductor, and Richard Tauber, Austrian tenor rehearsing for The Magic Flute, April 1938