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PLL3956632: Untitled (6), 2004-06 (litho on Fabriano Esportazione paper), Dunham, Carroll (b.1949) / Bridgeman Images
ID: PLL3956632
Untitled (6), 2004-06 (litho on Fabriano Esportazione paper)
Dunham, Carroll (b.1949)
PLL3956636: Untitled (10), 2004-06 (litho on Fabriano Esportazione paper), Dunham, Carroll (b.1949) / Bridgeman Images
ID: PLL3956636
Untitled (10), 2004-06 (litho on Fabriano Esportazione paper)
PLL3956637: Untitled (11), 2004-06 (litho on Fabriano Esportazione paper), Dunham, Carroll (b.1949) / Bridgeman Images
ID: PLL3956637
Untitled (11), 2004-06 (litho on Fabriano Esportazione paper)
PLL3956641: Untitled (Red), 1997 (monotype in gouache and water-soluble coloured pencil on Lana Gravure paper), Dunham, Carroll (b.1949) / Bridgeman Images
ID: PLL3956641
Untitled (Red), 1997 (monotype in gouache and water-soluble coloured pencil on Lana Gravure paper)
PLL3956650: Undone (H), 1994-96 (intaglio on Arches En-tout-cas paper), Dunham, Carroll (b.1949) / Bridgeman Images
ID: PLL3956650
Undone (H), 1994-96 (intaglio on Arches En-tout-cas paper)
PLL3951724: #8, 1993 (offset litho on Japico ivory paper), Dunham, Carroll (b.1949) / Bridgeman Images
ID: PLL3951724
#8, 1993 (offset litho on Japico ivory paper)
PLL3951725: #9, 1993 (offset litho on Japico ivory paper), Dunham, Carroll (b.1949) / Bridgeman Images
ID: PLL3951725
#9, 1993 (offset litho on Japico ivory paper)
PLL3951921: Somersaulting, 1961 (oil on canvas), LeWitt, Sol (1928-2007) / Bridgeman Images
ID: PLL3951921
Somersaulting, 1961 (oil on canvas)
LeWitt, Sol (1928-2007)
PLL3952471: Flash-November 22, 1963, 1968 (screenprint with Teletype text), Warhol, Andy (1928-87) / Bridgeman Images
ID: PLL3952471
Flash-November 22, 1963, 1968 (screenprint with Teletype text)
Warhol, Andy (1928-87)
PLL3952725: Sanor, 1996 (litho, screenprint, etching, aquatint, relief & engraving on paper), Stella, Frank (b.1936) / Bridgeman Images
ID: PLL3952725
Sanor, 1996 (litho, screenprint, etching, aquatint, relief & engraving on paper)
Stella, Frank (b.1936)
PLL3952765: Mr. Knots, 2003 (ink on vellum), Williams, Sue (b.1954) / Bridgeman Images
ID: PLL3952765
Mr. Knots, 2003 (ink on vellum)
Williams, Sue (b.1954)
PLL3954080: Untitled, 1988-89 (colour intaglio on Arches En-tout-cas paper), Dunham, Carroll (b.1949) / Bridgeman Images
ID: PLL3954080
Untitled, 1988-89 (colour intaglio on Arches En-tout-cas paper)
PLL3954087: Stove Pipe Hat, 2000 (wood engraving on Twinrocker handmade paper), Dunham, Carroll (b.1949) / Bridgeman Images
ID: PLL3954087
Stove Pipe Hat, 2000 (wood engraving on Twinrocker handmade paper)
PLL3954107: Atmospherics (Storm), 2001-02 (etching on Queen Anne Bible Yellow Ruscombe paper), Dunham, Carroll (b.1949) / Bridgeman Images
ID: PLL3954107
Atmospherics (Storm), 2001-02 (etching on Queen Anne Bible Yellow Ruscombe paper)
PLL3954118: Collecting Dust, 2001-02 (drypoint on kozo misumi paper), Dunham, Carroll (b.1949) / Bridgeman Images
ID: PLL3954118
Collecting Dust, 2001-02 (drypoint on kozo misumi paper)
PLL3954135: Mr. Nobody, 2001 (photoengraving on Bodleian paper), Dunham, Carroll (b.1949) / Bridgeman Images
ID: PLL3954135
Mr. Nobody, 2001 (photoengraving on Bodleian paper)
PLL3954142: Mr. Nobody, 2001 (photoengraving on Bodleian paper), Dunham, Carroll (b.1949) / Bridgeman Images
ID: PLL3954142
PLL3954151: Mr. Nobody, 2001 (photoengraving on Bodleian paper), Dunham, Carroll (b.1949) / Bridgeman Images
ID: PLL3954151
PLL3954167: Mr. Nobody, 2001 (photoengraving on Bodleian paper), Dunham, Carroll (b.1949) / Bridgeman Images
ID: PLL3954167
PLL3954170: Mr. Nobody, 2001 (photoengraving on Bodleian paper), Dunham, Carroll (b.1949) / Bridgeman Images
ID: PLL3954170
PLL3954176: Mr. Nobody, 2001 (photoengraving on Bodleian paper), Dunham, Carroll (b.1949) / Bridgeman Images
ID: PLL3954176
PLL3949651: Bent Black (A), 1940 (oil on masonite), Albers, Josef (1888-1976) / Bridgeman Images
ID: PLL3949651
Bent Black (A), 1940 (oil on masonite)
Albers, Josef (1888-1976)
PLL3949663: Bulfinch Hall, 1946 (wood engraving), Nason, Thomas Willoughby (1889-1971) / Bridgeman Images
ID: PLL3949663
Bulfinch Hall, 1946 (wood engraving)
Nason, Thomas Willoughby (1889-1971)
PLL3949670: Carnival, 1942 (oil on canvas), Quirt, Walter Wellington (1902-68) / Bridgeman Images
ID: PLL3949670
Carnival, 1942 (oil on canvas)
Quirt, Walter Wellington (1902-68)
PLL3951728: #12, 1993 (offset litho on Japico ivory paper), Dunham, Carroll (b.1949) / Bridgeman Images
ID: PLL3951728
#12, 1993 (offset litho on Japico ivory paper)
PLL3951729: #13, 1993 (offset litho on Japico ivory paper), Dunham, Carroll (b.1949) / Bridgeman Images
ID: PLL3951729
#13, 1993 (offset litho on Japico ivory paper)
PLL3951757: Light Through Color, 1948 (w/c on paper), Hofmann, Hans (1880-1966) / Bridgeman Images
ID: PLL3951757
Light Through Color, 1948 (w/c on paper)
Hofmann, Hans (1880-1966)
PLL3951767: After a Flash Flood, Rancho Mirage, California, neg. 1979, print 1989 (chromogenic print), Sternfeld, Joel (b.1944) / Bridgeman Images
ID: PLL3951767
After a Flash Flood, Rancho Mirage, California, neg. 1979, print 1989 (chromogenic print)
Sternfeld, Joel (b.1944)
PLL3951768: Wharf Objects, 1948 (opaque watercolour on paper), Crawford, Ralston (1906-78) / Bridgeman Images
ID: PLL3951768
Wharf Objects, 1948 (opaque watercolour on paper)
Crawford, Ralston (1906-78)
PLL3952362: Screen 4, 1986 (wooden accordion screen, 3 gelatin silver prints mounted on panels, vinyl letters), Simpson, Lorna (b.1960) / Bridgeman Images
ID: PLL3952362
Screen 4, 1986 (wooden accordion screen, 3 gelatin silver prints mounted on panels, vinyl letters)
Simpson, Lorna (b.1960)
PLL3952400: Patio, 1998 (C photograph), Palacio, Oscar (b.1970) / Bridgeman Images
ID: PLL3952400
Patio, 1998 (C photograph)
Palacio, Oscar (b.1970)
PLL3952415: Flash-November 22, 1963 (cover), 1968 (screenprint), Warhol, Andy (1928-87) / Bridgeman Images
ID: PLL3952415
Flash-November 22, 1963 (cover), 1968 (screenprint)
PLL3952429: Flash-November 22, 1963, 1968 (screenprint with Teletype text), Warhol, Andy (1928-87) / Bridgeman Images
ID: PLL3952429
PLL3952436: Flash-November 22, 1963, 1968 (screenprint with Teletype text), Warhol, Andy (1928-87) / Bridgeman Images
ID: PLL3952436
PLL3952477: Flash-November 22, 1963, 1968 (screenprint with Teletype text), Warhol, Andy (1928-87) / Bridgeman Images
ID: PLL3952477
PLL3952482: Flash-November 22, 1963, 1968 (screenprint with Teletype text), Warhol, Andy (1928-87) / Bridgeman Images
ID: PLL3952482