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2533476 Search Results

Neptune view of Triton, its largest satellite - Artist view - Neptune view of Triton, its largest satellite - Vue d'artiste
Neptune view of Triton, its largest satellite - Artist view - Neptune view of Triton, its largest satellite - Vue d'artiste

PIX4624002: Neptune view of Triton, its largest satellite - Artist view - Neptune view of Triton, its largest satellite - Vue d'artiste, Dixon, Don (b.1951) / Bridgeman Images

Stupa of Shwemawdaw Pagoda, Bago, Myanmar (Shoemadoo, the great temple at Pegue, Burma). Adapted from Michael Symes' An Account of an Embassy in the Kingdom of Ava. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Andrea Bernieri from Giulio Ferrario's Ancient and Modern Costumes of all the Peoples of the World, Florence, Italy, 1844.
Stupa of Shwemawdaw Pagoda, Bago, Myanmar (Shoemadoo, the great temple at Pegue, Burma). Adapted from Michael Symes' An Account of an Embassy in the Kingdom of Ava. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Andrea Bernieri from Giulio Ferrario's Ancient and Modern Costumes of all the Peoples of the World, Florence, Italy, 1844.

FLO4624065: Stupa of Shwemawdaw Pagoda, Bago, Myanmar (Shoemadoo, the great temple at Pegue, Burma). Adapted from Michael Symes' An Account of an Embassy in the Kingdom of Ava. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Andrea Bernieri from Giulio Ferrario's Ancient and Modern Costumes of all the Peoples of the World, Florence, Italy, 1844. / Bridgeman Images

Neptune seen from its satellite Triton - Illustration - Neptune as seen from Triton - Illustratio
Neptune seen from its satellite Triton - Illustration - Neptune as seen from Triton - Illustratio

PIX4624077: Neptune seen from its satellite Triton - Illustration - Neptune as seen from Triton - Illustratio, Bergeron, Joe / Bridgeman Images

Costume of the chancellors, mandarins, courtiers and writers of Tonkin, Vietnam, circa 1800
Costume of the chancellors, mandarins, courtiers and writers of Tonkin, Vietnam, circa 1800

FLO4624113: Costume of the chancellors, mandarins, courtiers and writers of Tonkin, Vietnam, circa 1800 / Bridgeman Images

Worshippers making offerings to a statue of Buddha or Fo in a banyan tree, Vietnam. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Andrea Bernieri from Giulio Ferrario's Ancient and Modern Costumes of all the Peoples of the World, Florence, Italy, 1844.
Worshippers making offerings to a statue of Buddha or Fo in a banyan tree, Vietnam. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Andrea Bernieri from Giulio Ferrario's Ancient and Modern Costumes of all the Peoples of the World, Florence, Italy, 1844.

FLO4624148: Worshippers making offerings to a statue of Buddha or Fo in a banyan tree, Vietnam. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Andrea Bernieri from Giulio Ferrario's Ancient and Modern Costumes of all the Peoples of the World, Florence, Italy, 1844. / Bridgeman Images

Grantecan dome - La Palma Observatory - Grantecan dome - La Palma observatory: dome housing the Gran Telescopio Canarias of 10.4 m
Grantecan dome - La Palma Observatory - Grantecan dome - La Palma observatory: dome housing the Gran Telescopio Canarias of 10.4 m

PIX4624160: Grantecan dome - La Palma Observatory - Grantecan dome - La Palma observatory: dome housing the Gran Telescopio Canarias of 10.4 m / Bridgeman Images

Grantecan dome - La Palma Observatory - Grantecan dome - La Palma observatory: It houses a 10.4 m telescope
Grantecan dome - La Palma Observatory - Grantecan dome - La Palma observatory: It houses a 10.4 m telescope

PIX4624173: Grantecan dome - La Palma Observatory - Grantecan dome - La Palma observatory: It houses a 10.4 m telescope / Bridgeman Images

Buddhist monastery of straw huts and temple in the Kingdom of Siam, Thailand. The monks are called Talapoini or bonzi. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Andrea Bernieri from Giulio Ferrario's Ancient and Modern Costumes of all the Peoples of the World, Florence, Italy, 1844.
Buddhist monastery of straw huts and temple in the Kingdom of Siam, Thailand. The monks are called Talapoini or bonzi. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Andrea Bernieri from Giulio Ferrario's Ancient and Modern Costumes of all the Peoples of the World, Florence, Italy, 1844.

FLO4624189: Buddhist monastery of straw huts and temple in the Kingdom of Siam, Thailand. The monks are called Talapoini or bonzi. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Andrea Bernieri from Giulio Ferrario's Ancient and Modern Costumes of all the Peoples of the World, Florence, Italy, 1844. / Bridgeman Images

Royal barges at Ayutthaya, Kingdom of Siam, Thailand. Adapted from Simon de la Loubere. Handcoloured copperplate engraved by Antoni Carboni from Giulio Ferrario's Ancient and Modern Costumes of all the Peoples of the World, Florence, Italy, 1844.
Royal barges at Ayutthaya, Kingdom of Siam, Thailand. Adapted from Simon de la Loubere. Handcoloured copperplate engraved by Antoni Carboni from Giulio Ferrario's Ancient and Modern Costumes of all the Peoples of the World, Florence, Italy, 1844.

FLO4624200: Royal barges at Ayutthaya, Kingdom of Siam, Thailand. Adapted from Simon de la Loubere. Handcoloured copperplate engraved by Antoni Carboni from Giulio Ferrario's Ancient and Modern Costumes of all the Peoples of the World, Florence, Italy, 1844. / Bridgeman Images

Solar Telescope Themis - THEMIS Telescope - Teide observatory: Telescope 90 cm diameter installed on the island of Tenerife
Solar Telescope Themis - THEMIS Telescope - Teide observatory: Telescope 90 cm diameter installed on the island of Tenerife

PIX4624253: Solar Telescope Themis - THEMIS Telescope - Teide observatory: Telescope 90 cm diameter installed on the island of Tenerife / Bridgeman Images

Pluto - Hubble's Full Photomap of Pluto - The dwarf planet Pluto seen by the Hubble space telescope. These images, recomposed by computer from cliches obtained in 2002 and 2003, are not sufficiently precise to show Pluto's surface in detail but reveal color differences. This is the most detailed view to date of the entire surface of the dwarf planet Pluto, as constructed from multiple NASA Hubble Space Telescope photographs taken from 2002 to 2003. Hubble's view isn't sharp enough to see craters or mountains, if they exist on the surface, but Hubble reveals a complex - looking and variegated world with white, dark - orange, and charcoal - black terrain. The overall color is believed to be a result of ultraviolet radiation from the distant Sun breaking up methane that is present on Pluto's surface, leaving behind a dark, molasse - colored, carbon - rich residue. The center disk (180 degrees) has a mysterious bright spot that is unusually rich in carbon monoxide frost. This region will be photographed in the highest possible detail when Nasa's New Horizons probe flies by Pluto in 2015. The Hubble images are a few pixels wide. But through a technique called dithering, multiple, slightly offset pictures can be combined through computer - image processing to synthesize a higher - resolution view than could be seen in a single exposure. This series of pictures took four years and 20 computers operating continuously and simultaneously to accomplish
Pluto - Hubble's Full Photomap of Pluto - The dwarf planet Pluto seen by the Hubble space telescope. These images, recomposed by computer from cliches obtained in 2002 and 2003, are not sufficiently precise to show Pluto's surface in detail but reveal color differences. This is the most detailed view to date of the entire surface of the dwarf planet Pluto, as constructed from multiple NASA Hubble Space Telescope photographs taken from 2002 to 2003. Hubble's view isn't sharp enough to see craters or mountains, if they exist on the surface, but Hubble reveals a complex - looking and variegated world with white, dark - orange, and charcoal - black terrain. The overall color is believed to be a result of ultraviolet radiation from the distant Sun breaking up methane that is present on Pluto's surface, leaving behind a dark, molasse - colored, carbon - rich residue. The center disk (180 degrees) has a mysterious bright spot that is unusually rich in carbon monoxide frost. This region will be photographed in the highest possible detail when Nasa's New Horizons probe flies by Pluto in 2015. The Hubble images are a few pixels wide. But through a technique called dithering, multiple, slightly offset pictures can be combined through computer - image processing to synthesize a higher - resolution view than could be seen in a single exposure. This series of pictures took four years and 20 computers operating continuously and simultaneously to accomplish

PIX4624313: Pluto - Hubble's Full Photomap of Pluto - The dwarf planet Pluto seen by the Hubble space telescope. These images, recomposed by computer from cliches obtained in 2002 and 2003, are not sufficiently precise to show Pluto's surface in detail but reveal color differences. This is the most detailed view to date of the entire surface of the dwarf planet Pluto, as constructed from multiple NASA Hubble Space Telescope photographs taken from 2002 to 2003. Hubble's view isn't sharp enough to see craters or mountains, if they exist on the surface, but Hubble reveals a complex - looking and variegated world with white, dark - orange, and charcoal - black terrain. The overall color is believed to be a result of ultraviolet radiation from the distant Sun breaking up methane that is present on Pluto's surface, leaving behind a dark, molasse - colored, carbon - rich residue. The center disk (180 degrees) has a mysterious bright spot that is unusually rich in carbon monoxide frost. This region will be photographed in the highest possible detail when Nasa's New Horizons probe flies by Pluto in 2015. The Hubble images are a few pixels wide. But through a technique called dithering, multiple, slightly offset pictures can be combined through computer - image processing to synthesize a higher - resolution view than could be seen in a single exposure. This series of pictures took four years and 20 computers operating continuously and simultaneously to accomplish / Bridgeman Images

Australian aborigine in turban, Cour-rou-bari-gal, and Tasmanian aborigines Bara-Orou with tattooed shoulder and Group-Aagara in animal-skin cloak. The Tasmanian people were exterminated by the British colonists. Handcoloured copperplate engraved by Andrea Bernieri after Nicolas Martin Petro from Giulio Ferrario's Ancient and Modern Costumes of all the Peoples of the World, Florence, Italy, 1844.
Australian aborigine in turban, Cour-rou-bari-gal, and Tasmanian aborigines Bara-Orou with tattooed shoulder and Group-Aagara in animal-skin cloak. The Tasmanian people were exterminated by the British colonists. Handcoloured copperplate engraved by Andrea Bernieri after Nicolas Martin Petro from Giulio Ferrario's Ancient and Modern Costumes of all the Peoples of the World, Florence, Italy, 1844.

FLO4624315: Australian aborigine in turban, Cour-rou-bari-gal, and Tasmanian aborigines Bara-Orou with tattooed shoulder and Group-Aagara in animal-skin cloak. The Tasmanian people were exterminated by the British colonists. Handcoloured copperplate engraved by Andrea Bernieri after Nicolas Martin Petro from Giulio Ferrario's Ancient and Modern Costumes of all the Peoples of the World, Florence, Italy, 1844. / Bridgeman Images

New Pluto satellites seen by the Hubble Space Telescope - View of Pluto, its Charon satellite and two new satellites obtained by the Hubble Space Telescope on 15 February 2006; These satellites, S/2005 P 1 and S/2005 P 2, are approximately 64,000 and 48,000 km of Pluto. Since August 2006, Pluto is now called 134340 Pluto and is no longer considered a planet but designed as a dwarf planet.
New Pluto satellites seen by the Hubble Space Telescope - View of Pluto, its Charon satellite and two new satellites obtained by the Hubble Space Telescope on 15 February 2006; These satellites, S/2005 P 1 and S/2005 P 2, are approximately 64,000 and 48,000 km of Pluto. Since August 2006, Pluto is now called 134340 Pluto and is no longer considered a planet but designed as a dwarf planet.

PIX4624318: New Pluto satellites seen by the Hubble Space Telescope - View of Pluto, its Charon satellite and two new satellites obtained by the Hubble Space Telescope on 15 February 2006; These satellites, S/2005 P 1 and S/2005 P 2, are approximately 64,000 and 48,000 km of Pluto. Since August 2006, Pluto is now called 134340 Pluto and is no longer considered a planet but designed as a dwarf planet. / Bridgeman Images

Solar stain and granulation. Image obtained by the solar telescope of Sacramento Peak-USA - False color picture of a sunspot taken with the National Solar Observatory's Vacuum Tower Telescope at the Sacramento Peak Observatory.: Surface du Soleil - Sunspot
Solar stain and granulation. Image obtained by the solar telescope of Sacramento Peak-USA - False color picture of a sunspot taken with the National Solar Observatory's Vacuum Tower Telescope at the Sacramento Peak Observatory.: Surface du Soleil - Sunspot

PIX4626765: Solar stain and granulation. Image obtained by the solar telescope of Sacramento Peak-USA - False color picture of a sunspot taken with the National Solar Observatory's Vacuum Tower Telescope at the Sacramento Peak Observatory.: Surface du Soleil - Sunspot / Bridgeman Images

Azalea hybrid, Beaute d'Europe, Rhodondendron indicum. Handcoloured lithograph from Louis van Houtte and Charles Lemaire's Flowers of the Gardens and Hothouses of Europe, Flore des Serres et des Jardins de l'Europe, Ghent, Belgium, 1856.
Azalea hybrid, Beaute d'Europe, Rhodondendron indicum. Handcoloured lithograph from Louis van Houtte and Charles Lemaire's Flowers of the Gardens and Hothouses of Europe, Flore des Serres et des Jardins de l'Europe, Ghent, Belgium, 1856.

FLO4626772: Azalea hybrid, Beaute d'Europe, Rhodondendron indicum. Handcoloured lithograph from Louis van Houtte and Charles Lemaire's Flowers of the Gardens and Hothouses of Europe, Flore des Serres et des Jardins de l'Europe, Ghent, Belgium, 1856. / Bridgeman Images

Clematis lanuginosa (China). Handcoloured lithograph from Louis van Houtte and Charles Lemaire's Flowers of the Gardens and Hothouses of Europe, Flore des Serres et des Jardins de l'Europe, Ghent, Belgium, 1856.
Clematis lanuginosa (China). Handcoloured lithograph from Louis van Houtte and Charles Lemaire's Flowers of the Gardens and Hothouses of Europe, Flore des Serres et des Jardins de l'Europe, Ghent, Belgium, 1856.

FLO4626799: Clematis lanuginosa (China). Handcoloured lithograph from Louis van Houtte and Charles Lemaire's Flowers of the Gardens and Hothouses of Europe, Flore des Serres et des Jardins de l'Europe, Ghent, Belgium, 1856. / Bridgeman Images

Columbine serpentine, Aquilegia eximia. Handcoloured lithograph from Louis van Houtte and Charles Lemaire's Flowers of the Gardens and Hothouses of Europe, Flore des Serres et des Jardins de l'Europe, Ghent, Belgium, 1857.
Columbine serpentine, Aquilegia eximia. Handcoloured lithograph from Louis van Houtte and Charles Lemaire's Flowers of the Gardens and Hothouses of Europe, Flore des Serres et des Jardins de l'Europe, Ghent, Belgium, 1857.

FLO4626879: Columbine serpentine, Aquilegia eximia. Handcoloured lithograph from Louis van Houtte and Charles Lemaire's Flowers of the Gardens and Hothouses of Europe, Flore des Serres et des Jardins de l'Europe, Ghent, Belgium, 1857. / Bridgeman Images

Pink begonia, Begonia rosacea. Handcoloured lithograph from Louis van Houtte and Charles Lemaire's Flowers of the Gardens and Hothouses of Europe, Flore des Serres et des Jardins de l'Europe, Ghent, Belgium, 1857.
Pink begonia, Begonia rosacea. Handcoloured lithograph from Louis van Houtte and Charles Lemaire's Flowers of the Gardens and Hothouses of Europe, Flore des Serres et des Jardins de l'Europe, Ghent, Belgium, 1857.

FLO4626904: Pink begonia, Begonia rosacea. Handcoloured lithograph from Louis van Houtte and Charles Lemaire's Flowers of the Gardens and Hothouses of Europe, Flore des Serres et des Jardins de l'Europe, Ghent, Belgium, 1857. / Bridgeman Images

Solar protuberance seen in ultraviolet by SOHO on 25 - 10 - 2002 - A protuberance, a plasma cloud, escapes from the Sun
Solar protuberance seen in ultraviolet by SOHO on 25 - 10 - 2002 - A protuberance, a plasma cloud, escapes from the Sun

PIX4626906: Solar protuberance seen in ultraviolet by SOHO on 25 - 10 - 2002 - A protuberance, a plasma cloud, escapes from the Sun / Bridgeman Images

Geranium cultivar, Countess of Bective, Pelargonium zonale. Handcoloured lithograph from Louis van Houtte and Charles Lemaire's Flowers of the Gardens and Hothouses of Europe, Flore des Serres et des Jardins de l'Europe, Ghent, Belgium, 1857.
Geranium cultivar, Countess of Bective, Pelargonium zonale. Handcoloured lithograph from Louis van Houtte and Charles Lemaire's Flowers of the Gardens and Hothouses of Europe, Flore des Serres et des Jardins de l'Europe, Ghent, Belgium, 1857.

FLO4626915: Geranium cultivar, Countess of Bective, Pelargonium zonale. Handcoloured lithograph from Louis van Houtte and Charles Lemaire's Flowers of the Gardens and Hothouses of Europe, Flore des Serres et des Jardins de l'Europe, Ghent, Belgium, 1857. / Bridgeman Images

Le Soleil 12/04/2003 seen by SOHO - Le Soleil 12/04/2003 seen by SOHO - Le Soleil 12/04/2003 seen by SOHO in the band centree on 284 A, the ray emailed by the ion Fe X
Le Soleil 12/04/2003 seen by SOHO - Le Soleil 12/04/2003 seen by SOHO - Le Soleil 12/04/2003 seen by SOHO in the band centree on 284 A, the ray emailed by the ion Fe X

PIX4626948: Le Soleil 12/04/2003 seen by SOHO - Le Soleil 12/04/2003 seen by SOHO - Le Soleil 12/04/2003 seen by SOHO in the band centree on 284 A, the ray emailed by the ion Fe X / Bridgeman Images

The Sun seen in ultraviolet by SOHO 01 - 07 - 2002 - A protuberance, a plasma cloud, escapes from the Sun. White regions are the hottest and most active areas
The Sun seen in ultraviolet by SOHO 01 - 07 - 2002 - A protuberance, a plasma cloud, escapes from the Sun. White regions are the hottest and most active areas

PIX4626965: The Sun seen in ultraviolet by SOHO 01 - 07 - 2002 - A protuberance, a plasma cloud, escapes from the Sun. White regions are the hottest and most active areas / Bridgeman Images

The Sun seen by SOHO - composite - 05 - 1998 - Composite of images obtained in three different wavelengths of ultraviolet. Fake colors
The Sun seen by SOHO - composite - 05 - 1998 - Composite of images obtained in three different wavelengths of ultraviolet. Fake colors

PIX4626985: The Sun seen by SOHO - composite - 05 - 1998 - Composite of images obtained in three different wavelengths of ultraviolet. Fake colors / Bridgeman Images

Mexican hat plant, Ratibida columnifera f. pulcherrima (Obeliscaria pulcherrima). Handcoloured lithograph from Louis van Houtte and Charles Lemaire's Flowers of the Gardens and Hothouses of Europe, Flore des Serres et des Jardins de l'Europe, Ghent, Belgium, 1857.
Mexican hat plant, Ratibida columnifera f. pulcherrima (Obeliscaria pulcherrima). Handcoloured lithograph from Louis van Houtte and Charles Lemaire's Flowers of the Gardens and Hothouses of Europe, Flore des Serres et des Jardins de l'Europe, Ghent, Belgium, 1857.

FLO4626988: Mexican hat plant, Ratibida columnifera f. pulcherrima (Obeliscaria pulcherrima). Handcoloured lithograph from Louis van Houtte and Charles Lemaire's Flowers of the Gardens and Hothouses of Europe, Flore des Serres et des Jardins de l'Europe, Ghent, Belgium, 1857. / Bridgeman Images

Solar activity seen by SOHO from 1996 to 2000 - The Sun seen by SOHO over 4 years illustrating the solar cycle. In 1996, the Sun was close to its calmest period, in 2000, the Sun approached its maximum activity.
Solar activity seen by SOHO from 1996 to 2000 - The Sun seen by SOHO over 4 years illustrating the solar cycle. In 1996, the Sun was close to its calmest period, in 2000, the Sun approached its maximum activity.

PIX4627004: Solar activity seen by SOHO from 1996 to 2000 - The Sun seen by SOHO over 4 years illustrating the solar cycle. In 1996, the Sun was close to its calmest period, in 2000, the Sun approached its maximum activity. / Bridgeman Images

Captain Garden's streptocarpus, Streptocarpus gardenii. Natal, South Africa. Handcoloured lithograph from Louis van Houtte and Charles Lemaire's Flowers of the Gardens and Hothouses of Europe, Flore des Serres et des Jardins de l'Europe, Ghent, Belgium, 1857.
Captain Garden's streptocarpus, Streptocarpus gardenii. Natal, South Africa. Handcoloured lithograph from Louis van Houtte and Charles Lemaire's Flowers of the Gardens and Hothouses of Europe, Flore des Serres et des Jardins de l'Europe, Ghent, Belgium, 1857.

FLO4627007: Captain Garden's streptocarpus, Streptocarpus gardenii. Natal, South Africa. Handcoloured lithograph from Louis van Houtte and Charles Lemaire's Flowers of the Gardens and Hothouses of Europe, Flore des Serres et des Jardins de l'Europe, Ghent, Belgium, 1857. / Bridgeman Images

Morning star lily, Lilium concolor. Handcoloured lithograph from Louis van Houtte and Charles Lemaire's Flowers of the Gardens and Hothouses of Europe, Flore des Serres et des Jardins de l'Europe, Ghent, Belgium, 1857.
Morning star lily, Lilium concolor. Handcoloured lithograph from Louis van Houtte and Charles Lemaire's Flowers of the Gardens and Hothouses of Europe, Flore des Serres et des Jardins de l'Europe, Ghent, Belgium, 1857.

FLO4627031: Morning star lily, Lilium concolor. Handcoloured lithograph from Louis van Houtte and Charles Lemaire's Flowers of the Gardens and Hothouses of Europe, Flore des Serres et des Jardins de l'Europe, Ghent, Belgium, 1857. / Bridgeman Images

Amazon lily, Eucharis amazonica. Handcoloured lithograph from Louis van Houtte and Charles Lemaire's Flowers of the Gardens and Hothouses of Europe, Flore des Serres et des Jardins de l'Europe, Ghent, Belgium, 1857.
Amazon lily, Eucharis amazonica. Handcoloured lithograph from Louis van Houtte and Charles Lemaire's Flowers of the Gardens and Hothouses of Europe, Flore des Serres et des Jardins de l'Europe, Ghent, Belgium, 1857.

FLO4627051: Amazon lily, Eucharis amazonica. Handcoloured lithograph from Louis van Houtte and Charles Lemaire's Flowers of the Gardens and Hothouses of Europe, Flore des Serres et des Jardins de l'Europe, Ghent, Belgium, 1857. / Bridgeman Images

Double Hative Tulip, Tulipa Gesneriana, 19th century (engraving)
Double Hative Tulip, Tulipa Gesneriana, 19th century (engraving)

FLO4627070: Double Hative Tulip, Tulipa Gesneriana, 19th century (engraving) / Bridgeman Images

Soft-leaved primrose, Primula mollis. Handcoloured lithograph from Louis van Houtte and Charles Lemaire's Flowers of the Gardens and Hothouses of Europe, Flore des Serres et des Jardins de l'Europe, Ghent, Belgium, 1857.
Soft-leaved primrose, Primula mollis. Handcoloured lithograph from Louis van Houtte and Charles Lemaire's Flowers of the Gardens and Hothouses of Europe, Flore des Serres et des Jardins de l'Europe, Ghent, Belgium, 1857.

FLO4627099: Soft-leaved primrose, Primula mollis. Handcoloured lithograph from Louis van Houtte and Charles Lemaire's Flowers of the Gardens and Hothouses of Europe, Flore des Serres et des Jardins de l'Europe, Ghent, Belgium, 1857. / Bridgeman Images

The Moon passes in front of the Sun - 25 - 02 - 2007 - Transit of the Moon in front of the Sun observed by STEREO - B satellite on 25 February 2007. The Sun is seen in different wavelengths of the ultraviolet
The Moon passes in front of the Sun - 25 - 02 - 2007 - Transit of the Moon in front of the Sun observed by STEREO - B satellite on 25 February 2007. The Sun is seen in different wavelengths of the ultraviolet

PIX4627109: The Moon passes in front of the Sun - 25 - 02 - 2007 - Transit of the Moon in front of the Sun observed by STEREO - B satellite on 25 February 2007. The Sun is seen in different wavelengths of the ultraviolet / Bridgeman Images

Evening primrose, Oenothera acaulis. Handcoloured lithograph from Louis van Houtte and Charles Lemaire's Flowers of the Gardens and Hothouses of Europe, Flore des Serres et des Jardins de l'Europe, Ghent, Belgium, 1857.
Evening primrose, Oenothera acaulis. Handcoloured lithograph from Louis van Houtte and Charles Lemaire's Flowers of the Gardens and Hothouses of Europe, Flore des Serres et des Jardins de l'Europe, Ghent, Belgium, 1857.

FLO4627133: Evening primrose, Oenothera acaulis. Handcoloured lithograph from Louis van Houtte and Charles Lemaire's Flowers of the Gardens and Hothouses of Europe, Flore des Serres et des Jardins de l'Europe, Ghent, Belgium, 1857. / Bridgeman Images

Brooke's rhododendron, Rhododendron javanicum ssp. brookeanum (Rhododendron brookeanum). Handcoloured lithograph from Louis van Houtte and Charles Lemaire's Flowers of the Gardens and Hothouses of Europe, Flore des Serres et des Jardins de l'Europe, Ghent, Belgium, 1857.
Brooke's rhododendron, Rhododendron javanicum ssp. brookeanum (Rhododendron brookeanum). Handcoloured lithograph from Louis van Houtte and Charles Lemaire's Flowers of the Gardens and Hothouses of Europe, Flore des Serres et des Jardins de l'Europe, Ghent, Belgium, 1857.

FLO4627137: Brooke's rhododendron, Rhododendron javanicum ssp. brookeanum (Rhododendron brookeanum). Handcoloured lithograph from Louis van Houtte and Charles Lemaire's Flowers of the Gardens and Hothouses of Europe, Flore des Serres et des Jardins de l'Europe, Ghent, Belgium, 1857. / Bridgeman Images

Total Eclipse of Sun - 11 - 08 - 1999 - Shadow of the Moon - 12:13 Photo of the shadow of the Moon taken by astronaut Jean - Pierre Haignere from the Mir station when he was vertical of the central massif and the black spot crossed the Channel
Total Eclipse of Sun - 11 - 08 - 1999 - Shadow of the Moon - 12:13 Photo of the shadow of the Moon taken by astronaut Jean - Pierre Haignere from the Mir station when he was vertical of the central massif and the black spot crossed the Channel

PIX4627505: Total Eclipse of Sun - 11 - 08 - 1999 - Shadow of the Moon - 12:13 Photo of the shadow of the Moon taken by astronaut Jean - Pierre Haignere from the Mir station when he was vertical of the central massif and the black spot crossed the Channel / Bridgeman Images

Lance dracaena orchid, Dracaena aubryana. Handcoloured lithograph from Louis van Houtte and Charles Lemaire's Flowers of the Gardens and Hothouses of Europe, Flore des Serres et des Jardins de l'Europe, Ghent, Belgium, 1862-65.
Lance dracaena orchid, Dracaena aubryana. Handcoloured lithograph from Louis van Houtte and Charles Lemaire's Flowers of the Gardens and Hothouses of Europe, Flore des Serres et des Jardins de l'Europe, Ghent, Belgium, 1862-65.

FLO4627537: Lance dracaena orchid, Dracaena aubryana. Handcoloured lithograph from Louis van Houtte and Charles Lemaire's Flowers of the Gardens and Hothouses of Europe, Flore des Serres et des Jardins de l'Europe, Ghent, Belgium, 1862-65. / Bridgeman Images

Total Eclipse of Sun - 11 - 08 - 1999 - Composite of 22 images to show details in the crown and on the Mon
Total Eclipse of Sun - 11 - 08 - 1999 - Composite of 22 images to show details in the crown and on the Mon

PIX4627543: Total Eclipse of Sun - 11 - 08 - 1999 - Composite of 22 images to show details in the crown and on the Mon / Bridgeman Images

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